Sovereign Citizen Movement

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yard Dart, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Theres a lot of people around that have not forgotten what went on in those hills.. Do not believe that the fud's will be able to operate like that again.. As such, the .fud's have lost all legitimacy in peoples eyes and if they where to go after someone, they would not be met so kindly ..
    Mountainman likes this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Well, One interesting point that came out of the Investigation, After the Fact, was that NOW there are very specific "Rules of Engagement" that are laid out in POLICY Statements.
  3. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    No more targeting unarmed mommies holding their baby in their arm's? People do not trust the .fed any more than a california transplant.. Well, maybe the cali transplant a bit more.. They are willing to wait to see if they make it a couple winters...
    Brokor likes this.
  4. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    I heard it said, but I can't remember where, If you cannot defeat your enemy in a stand up fight, infiltrate and take him down from the inside, or cause a massive amount of damage to the system, several already did it, one of them they want to hang by the neck until dead.He's still running.
    If you want to stay in power, just pass laws that make it Illegal to protest, or box people in with so many laws that they have to break one sooner or later, or set it up so it looks like they did and railroad them with appointed officials. It takes place all the time when they need or want your land.
    It's disgusting to sit back and watch our system to go into the gutter. Presidential orders are now Dictatorial decree
    The Government Wants to Hijack Your 401(k)Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From
    Did Obama sign a martial law executive order? — RT USA or Obama signs anti-protest Trespass Bill — RT USA
    I was recently beat up here a little, someone called me a fearmonger, your Damn Right I'm afraid of whats happening in our country!
    Theirs talk about even making it so that 401k's will only be able to invest in Bonds, sure they candy coat it or write it in a way yu can't understand it, KINDA LIKE OBAMACARE, whether it passes or not we'll have to wait and see, however given all the crazy crap we've seen already, that everyone said, NO WAY THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN HERE!! has happened.
    Keep in mind that the National Enquirer broke the John Edwards story, sometimes what you read in the tabloids is true!
    A 12 hour heads up could make the difference in getting where you need to be or stuck where your at!
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    Mountainman and Yard Dart like this.
  5. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    That is why all members of a group are considered suspect.. They may a plant that is there to push members into preforming an illigal action that could be hanous enough to cause all public opinion to turn against that group..
    Imagine a church group that has been a bit to vocal.. A member is able to convince another member, that may be mentaly marginal to preform animal sacrifices.. Now the entire group is demonized through the actions of two...
    Gopherman likes this.
  6. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Yeah, you see it all the time in forums too, people will make statement and a mole comes in and tries to shame them out of posting or better yet run them off the site completely. Intimidation tactics, the sad part of it is , It Works for them. They've intimidated Americans into fear of resistance in any form, that may lead to governmental intrusion into their finances or personal dealings, We saw it during the last 2 elections. The biggest problem is, it will only get worse!
  7. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    Outside of the 500 to 600 professional liars and hypocrites in DC, Mark Potok got rich from his lies and lawsuits. The MSM continues to give him and his group a pass on credibility. It sickens me how the Pentagon and the WH listen to his trash, implement policies based on his lies. He is one of the key creators of us being domestic terrorists. When the list of names are completed and the ropes are distributed he and his ilk should be remembered.
  8. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    If you had an interest in survivalism or had been a Veteran and / or took any interest in millitias, you where labeled a terroists back in the 90's by the likes of the Southern Poverty Law Center and ACLU... So this really is nothing new..
  9. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Back in about '95 or so there was a large Militia unit around the Dallas area. They had an undercover ATF agent that infiltrated them and was trying to get them to do something illegal. We called them bomb chuckers. They would come to meetings and spout off about how we needed to bomb someplace or kill somebody or convert all our weapons to FA etc. Anything they could get you to agree with on tape then use that as an excuse to bust all the members. They usually wound up tossed out the front door on their keesters. But the leader of this group was a licensed private eye and he did a little background on this guy and found out he was ATF. So at the next meeting they recorded him trying to urge the members to blow something up etc. When they had enough evidence they made a citizens arrest, handcuffed him and took him down to the local ATF office and turned him in, never letting on that they knew he was an agent. The ATF agents in the office didn't know what to do, they thanked the guys for their efforts and took the guy saying they would see to it that justice was done. He was never seen in the DFW area again. He is probably assigned to some backwater office somewhere.[own2]
  10. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Today those tapes would find their way on to the internet along with photo's, Better yet, cell phone video's.. An ATF or FBI agents photo's published may put an end to any further under cover activities.
  11. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Man, your as bad as me! Up and around at this time of the morning.
    I don't know what anybody else thinks but personally I think Snowden did a great service for America! He should have just thought it through a little better on releasing the info!
    personally I wish he would have turned loose of the UFO doc. Then we could spend the next ten years in the Tin Foil lounge looking at Alturian Blue Babes!!biglaff
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014
    Mountainman likes this.
  12. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Snowden gave up the girlfriend so he needs all the pic's in that file for his own late night massages..
  13. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    I was going to say that I thought the Southern Poverty Law Center was a bunch of crap, but I got beaten to the punch on that. Oh well. Paying attention to the verbiage in the OP, it seems they're putting anyone who breaks the law is all grouped together in the 'sovereign citizen movement'. The people who would occupy foreclosed homes, weren't they like part of the Occupy Wall Street people? Which had really nothing to do with protesting the government per se, just capitalism. Though I think they were just all spoiled brats who were protesting just to be punks. And tax evaders...Al Capone would fit in that category. Will post more on it later, but mom wants her computer back and I need to keep my Playstation 2 company.
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It wasn't to Alaska, as our ATF Resident Agent is a Lady and has been for a long while...... She actually came all the way out here to "Inspect" my BoundBook, and Operation.... Cost the ATF $1000US for the Bush Plane Charter.... She has NEVER come Back, in 25 years, since....
    Minuteman likes this.
  15. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    BT, The word got around then.. ;)
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