Did anyone take note of the line stating "implementation of 22/agenda 21 by member nations" ??? U.S. are not a member nation.. The biodeversity treaty was rejected by congress and the gun control treaty as well...
Anyone with a lovely patch like those on their person would make a lovely target... Just made a check to make sure that this is all in the correct forum section... Gun control measures are required to ensure further advancement of the Biodeversity treaty, of which agenda 21 is a small part of.. Rest assured, agenda 21 is currently being implemented in communities nation wide...
Gun control....registration of all persons firearm's and then confiscation= That is their agenda!! The result is every man, woman and child being a servant to the government...... this is just a reminder to all in the world that think their government can be fixed by just waiting for the next vote to take place..... better be prepared for more than that....food for thought.
Firearms confiscation is only a small part of their agenda... And it is a false flag waving in the air saying look at me, as they slip more onerouse crap by us.. Each day, every day, they are working in communities to implament a treaty that is designed to place us all in camps that had been small communities..
I guess you could say that firearms confiscation is phase 1...... phase 2 would be much worse if you do not play ball.
Biodeversity treaty was taken up in congress in 1992(?) or there abouts, and was rejected due to the out cry from the populace when a map came to light.. A map that showed just how the country will be divided and how all the people would be placed into small reserves...
They have their manual ready to go.... just waiting to hit implementation phase.. Restricted U.S. Army Internment and Resettlement Operations Manual | Public Intelligence
I do not believe they will even bother with that.. When you have each county in the country that is rewriting their land use codes to restrict how lands can be used and thus forcing people into the cities.. NY is considering public housing that is 300 to 600 sq ft per unit.. California is subsidizing multi family housing units that are located along transportation routes and penalizing new developments in the suburban areas..
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Folks...... If they are dumb enough to stay in those places, they are "To Stupid to Live".... and deserve what they get.... courtesy of Chuckie (CommiSar) Schummer... And MoonBeam Brown