Dates from well before that, like 1902. It's available on line.
I just ran across a newer hard copy.. However to have a copy on the hard drive may be handy for sharing..
If installing skids, be sure and taper the ends so they do not hang up. Those boxes are, relative to size, pretty light weight, a 36hp or more diesel tractor will move most any thing if you have time and a chain saw. I've used mine to help do a lot of things for neighbors that they said they could not afford hired out or was too much to do. 'Course, I'm free labor for those witlling to help me when I need help. Tractors are much better than trucks in the woods.
That type of lift would bring in a Helio type BV-105 to 107 sizing . About eight grand an hour with a minimum length of time in the four hr range, then there's the can , it's purpose is the sit on rail /truck/interlock sitting on ships & is lifted with special lifting fixtures mounted on dock cranes to fork lifts . All passed for their area & conditions of work, Cans don't fly so ,,the airlift company wouldn't even consider it. In the Helio Logging trade , there is NO-ONE on the ground where the sticks are being pulled from , flown over to dropped . If a chip light comes up , first thing is to lighten load , Bombs away , when trees drop out of the air !!! & set down safely where you won't get a tree up the butt, hard in a full Forrest . Years ago , we stepped a mast on a sail boat with a bell jet-ranger II. That would land us in the poo stew today. JFYI Sloth
I know a couple people that used to fly.. Course they had been flying in MUCH more interesting conditions...
Dont ,,, AME is Me , Rotary & A to C licence on some. I fly to feel & then Repair or tune in. I have flown them with the main Taxi Driver in a ferry flight , but my thing is Engineering . I was only trying to let folks know the costs .. & know some of the Regs.
Got the 2nd season from library on Thursday. It seems they're trying to make it like a sitcom more now than anything else, like the couple in the very first episode, where the wife isn't too happy to find out the husband just spent 40K on food storage(and when she asks him what he plans to do with it if nothing happens, and he has no clue), or when she finds out he spent 500K on a helicopter. However I really like the NYC ep where the Krav Maga instructor is working with the gal who is worried about hurricanes, because the instructor doesn't pull any punches(pun somewhat intended) about what it really means to defend yourself(aka the mental/emotional issues). He also said something I've heard my mother say more than once over the years, which is that when you pull out a weapon, you better be using it as soon as you do or you're gone.
Was not commenting on anyones knowledge or abilities.. Of course some tell tales of some of the silly antics that folks have done in the distant past... And then theres the stories from the nam vets... Point is , I do not profess any professional nor technical knowledge..
I just noticed that whoever checked out season 2 before me didn't put them back in the right order, so I was watching Disc 2 first, then Disc 3. Oh well. So that couple I mentioned in the first episode, it was the first episode on disc 2. Bah. But Disc 3 was almost painful, with that guy who was trying to find a wife for his underground missile silo bunker(and of course of his 3 choices he wanted the prima donna type, not the other 2 who had useful skills in a SHTF scenarios), or the Hawaii guy who apparently after his episode lost his girlfriend. I'd have broken up with him too, I ain't drinkin nobody's urine, especially someone who believes that they'll be ok wherever they go without supplies, because they are connected to the universe.
I don't know if I'll be able to stomach watching the rest of doomsday preppers season 2. It's becoming more painful. Just watched a couple, he's from here in the States, she was basically a mail-order(online) kind of wife-to-be from Colombia. I don't watch this for dating bloopers/wedding mishaps, I watch it to know how NOT to prep. Well I suppose not being able to keep it in your pants is a good way to not prep...
Well if you survived that episode it can not get much worse....that guy was a wacko and if she did stick around, she would probably cut his throat some night due to his B.S. The only worse episode I can recall was the 16 year old kid... he was a mess with no supplies and they rated him a lot better than many true preppers.... funny stuff indeed.
For "Long Term Prep'en" Historically it has been regarded that more children, equals more hands to do the work. Just look at the historical evidence, and you will find this this is FACT... It is only in the last 10 decades where this has slowly been changing, and that it is due mostly to mechanization of food production... .....