I saw that one and laughed because he had a huge crew out there building his secret location. It was an interesting idea but IMO it was a fail. They were trapped in a tree.
There's another one called... Extreme Bunkers or something. Saw it on Netflix. This one woman lived near a nuclear reactor on Long Island I think? Anyway she could apparently see it from her window. Her concern was something like Fukashima, so she had a 70k bunker built.... 300 miles away. Her idea was that if there was a meltdown at the plant, she'd jump in her truck and drive there. 300 miles, and the first fifty involved a ferry and getting through NYC with a few million others all trying to escape the reactor breach. Maybe I'm just a negative person but I envision her glowing in the dark before she ever makes it out of Manhattan.
Do not see her making it over a few blocks before the rest of the animals drag her out of her BOV. Always wondered why those who supposedly know better still stay in those cess pools.
They stay because they really do not want to move elsewhere. It is all Lip Service, but not a serious Lifestyle for them. They will be the first to be over-run by the Starving Hordes, and bludgeoned to death for their Preps, because they live in the Kommie State of Cummo, where it is against the Law, to protect yourself, with a FireArm. They will call 911, and scream into the phone, "Help, they broke down the door, and I am afraid" and IF the Operator answers, He/She will say, "We are really backed up right now. Maybe we can get someone there in an few hours." Oh well.... "Life is tough, and then you.... wait for it.... DIE."
Watched the "cloud atlas" and there was a phrase through out that comes to mind, "The meek are meat and the strong will eat"... That will be their fate..
Bah, I didn't get any notifications of all these new posts...anyways, I think we will probably go for the doublewide reefer if anything
The nice thing about the Refers is, That the Refer Unit unbolts as the whole End, and comes out. Then you can build a Wall, with a Door and some Windows, as a Unit, and then Bolt it back in the Same Hole. Then you leaver the Big doors on the other end, As Is. Come Spring Cleaning time, you just open them up, and sweep out the Winters Trash, all at once. It also makes it very easy to get BIG things, into and out of the Home, like Pianos, Couches Beds and stuff, that just doesn't fit thru a 30" wide doorway. ..... YMMV....
What is a Nat Geo? New econo green car? Never mind, I'll go look the clown u. I guess it'll be Good for a laugh on a cold day.
" It also makes it very easy to get BIG things, into and out of the Home, like Pianos" Recoiless rifle, half track etc.
This Conex is on Loan, from the Barge Line, and I use it as a Garage for two Honda 4X4s and my Rhino. They take it back, when the first Barge arrives, each spring..... Notice the Extension Cord strung thru the Front Door from the window.... That plugs into the Trickle Charger, I installed in the Rhino, to keep the Battery HOT.....
Well , see how well I am about watching the TV? I don't think I get that channel, and it seems I am not missing a thing.
Yeah we were given a couch but it had to stay in outbuilding here cause it would not fit through our door. I think what we would do is get 2 of the 40's, and put 'em next to each other, and one would be mom's living quarters, and one for mine. I think that would be plenty of space. If we did 4 of the 20's it would be one as a living room/kitchen, 1 as craft room/library, and then the other 2 as bedroom/bathroom combos.
I had to destroy one of the sheds on my land last year: it wasn't worth fixing because carpenter ants ate the supports. A metal container sounds like a good option: what do they cost? William Warren
Price varies widely depending on condition. Right now, there's an ample supply in CONUS, imports are way ahead of exports. To that extent, prices are below what they would be if ins and outs matched. Here's one site that has them. You'll have to call for pricing. Over the last couple years, I've seen them as low as $2000 plus shipping to your location. Steel Shipping Containers & Storage Containers for Sale
Hardest part would be getting it from the road, to where I would need it. That would be all log rollers and come-alongs for about a quarter mile.( Both up and down slopes of course.) Costs will prevent this for awhile.