Great work Bear as always they should make some great tools. And thank you for being the Iron Monkey here at SM you are a valued member and part of what makes this place great.
Thanks for the awesome kind words... and for the "Iron Monkey"... there are so many reflections that point right back to all of you.... Guess that's why this place is so awesome! OK... guess Monkey's have a problem reading previous posts... so this is what's going to happen.... ALL of you in this post as of this coming Sunday are included in the giveaway drawing.... and yes I will figure out a way to randomly number each of you according to your first post in this thread.... INCLUDING THOSE THAT HAVE EITHER ACQUIRED OR WON SOMETHING FROM ME IN THE PAST :0) (Unless of course you say "You suck and I don't want to see much less own or use anything you've handmade" :0) So maybe I'll make two groups... heck... I'll figure it out :0) Then... you see that little black handled shorty version in the pics... It's the only black handled one... I'm adding that to this "Happy Holidays Giveaway"... The person drawn who doesn't own anything from that old grouchy bear in Hawaii.... get's to pick first... either a long brown... or the short black... the second person etc.... you get what I mean... So there you go... Let's get into the "Spirit" of the Season early here... you know... Merry Monkeys :0) PS... do something nice for someone... that's a good thing :0) Bear
Put all the names on this thread in my favorite baseball hat and had my Daughter draw 4 names!... (Yes... 4... I was feeling particularly Thankful and Jolly :0) No arguments or silly chivalry to let someone else have your Holiday Season gift from "Iron Bear" :0) OK here are the winners in order of my Daughters drawing from my hat... @kellory @Brokor @BTPost & @HK_User Congratulations!... All of you will be getting a large one with a brown handle... Hope you like them and that they serve you well! Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Santa Bear has arrived!!!! :0) Now go do something nice for someone or give a loved one an unexpected hug :0) Bear PS... I'm an old fart with a failing memory... so would the winners please send me their addresses just in case I forgot :0)
Bear you are one helluva Iron Monkey and Santa Monkey. Congrats to all the lucky recipients of this Santa blessing!!!! YD
I am humbled, and please. I give thanks to both you and your daughter (since she picked me ) and would be honored to accept whichever prize you select. (Though I do want it maker marked for bragging rights)