Looking for info on building a house

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by d42, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. goinpostal

    goinpostal Monkey+++

    If you chainshell stuccoed the outside of the containers with a7"layer of pumicecrete.It's the equivalent of R-30 insulation,it's fireproof,and deadens sounds,and vibrations(commonly used in airport structures).
    Pumicecrete is lava rock/pumice stone,mixed with just enough Portland cement added to make it stick.
    Chainshell is the use of wire fencing to reinforce the pumicecrete(commonly "used chainlink").
    Many Crete plants carry the pumice stone for drain field rock.It can also be found by the bag at most box store garden sections as landscape rock.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I think the R value is much less, it falls in a range somewhere between 0.8 and 1.5 per inch. After all it is a stone and as such conducts heat or cold.
  3. goinpostal

    goinpostal Monkey+++

    The R-value of pumicecrete can vary greatly depending on its purpose.
    When used structurally it has more density from using more Portland cement in the mix,thus a lower R-value.
    When used as a coating like stucco,where structural integrity is not much of an issue. Pumicecrete's R-value is way higher than the stats you posted.
    This is because only enough Portland cement is used to make it stick/bond together.
    Monolithic domes use approx.4"of high density polyurea foam with an R-v of 60.It takes approx.14" of pumicecrete to equal that R-value.
    So half of that(7") should equal R-30.
    This is what pumice stone looks like:


    Its full of tiny air bubbles that are what gives it its insulative value.The good stuff actually floats on water.
    Here's some examples of pumicecrete in practice:

    flyingconcrete.com - Google Search

    I'll start another thread for those interested,so as not to hijack this one.Gotta roll out now to get my load.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2013
  4. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Might you have your source for the R value you suggest? In this the ASTM C518 standard would apply.
  5. Gopherman

    Gopherman Sometimes I Wish I Could Go Back to Sleep

    Its better to build into a hillside or underground. Constant year round temp. avg. 55* year round.
    this makes it easier to heat in the winter and you don't sweat to death in the summer.
    Quonset huts in a half circle configuration are ideal for this application and there cheap, Dig out a hillside (keep dirt close) install rough out plumbing for waste water, sink- toilet, Pour foundation, install Quonset hut, tar the roof, don't forget to install 2 x 12"pvc pipes for fresh air, then put the dirt back on top.
    Finishing out the inside is a matter of how creative you are. When your finished with it there really no reason you should be able to even tell its a Quonset hut.
    If you want I have some rough schematic plans I have drawn up, I would be happy to share them with you.
    It'll cost about 8,000 once your done with everything, But you'll save a fortune on
    Heating and cooling. Wood gasification stoves are easy to build and if you set them up right you can heat your home and water, as well as cook on them. See Youtube vids. for Ideas.
    Rocket stoves work very well too, Youtube is a great source of info. Some really smart cats on there, (some really dumb ones too) but I have learned so much over the last year by actually building some of the stoves I found there, they work great.
    Good Luck
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
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