Ah, isn't the Internet, just full of good BS...... I used to blame this kind of stuff on "Talking Heads".... Now it seems that "Talking Fingers" are just as BAD, or Worse.......
I don't know. There was some obvious spin on the story, and the Marine Corps now denies considering such a change, but a story on Military.com suggests that the Service Uniform Board did indeed propose such an initiative. Marines Consider Change to Unisex Daly Covers Oct 24, 2013 EXCERPTS: The Marine Corps is considering a uniform change that would mean one dress hat for both male and female Marines. The service's uniform board sent out a survey recently to sergeants major across the Corps seeking feedback from active duty and Reserve Marines on uniform issues such as a proposal to "adopt universal, unisex dress and service caps -- either the current male frame cap with modifications or the Dan Daly cap, which had previously been identified as the replacement cap for the female 'bucket' cover," according to announcement on the Marine Corps website. Changes to uniforms -- dress or duty -- are normally greeted with resistance no matter the service. The Internet is buzzing with critics saying the Dan Daly cover is 'too girly' or 'too French-looking' for Marines. ...... The proposed uniform change has created quite a stir. Interestingly, most of the criticism isn't coming from Marines who stand to be affected by the uniform change, but instead from conservative news organizations that blame President Obama for personally masterminding the initiative. Notably, the report by the New York Post does not attribute a source connecting the president to the uniform regulation. ..... Marines have until Oct. 25 to respond to the survey before the Marine Corps Uniform Board takes up the issue Oct. 29, according the service's website. "Marines are asked to vote using the 'Individual Marine Voting Worksheet' provided electronically to designated command representatives," said Mary Boyt, Marine Corps Uniform Board representative at Marine Corps Systems Command. "Marines who did not receive a survey but would like to participate should contact their sergeants major before the deadline." Marines Consider Change to Unisex Daly Covers | Military.com
Well now.. That is one more HUGE over riding worry that is off my plate.. Wait.. I know theres a conspiracy in there..
I was very suspicious of the whole affair . . . but, with the Kenyan in office, who knows; and, given the link to Military.com . . . . I'm glad to know this is b.s.
Aall services should have everyone wearing the same male style hats. Save some $$ for a change. Male style hats fit just as well on female heads .
In dollars and cents, it makes sense. There are intangible concerns though. Uniforms, particularly Marine uniforms, are steeped in tradition. It is those traditions that help to make the Soldier or Marine. Every Marine NCO and can tell you why he wears that red stripe down his leg, and why those dress blue uniforms have that ungodly uncomfortable collar. Every Marine officer is intimately aware of what the quatrefoil design on the top of his cover means, and what the significance is of the Mameluke sword he wears. A Marine will die before he knowingly brings dishonor upon that uniform. An Army, or Corps of Marines, is just a trained, armed mob, without traditions. Tradition and history, and the honor they require, will make a Soldier or Marine keep fighting, when any reasonable person would have long ago quit. To say a hat is just a hat is like saying that the American flag is just a piece of cloth. Maybe it is, but it is a hat, and a piece of cloth, that people will die, and kill, to honor and protect. Therein lies its true value.
Back in the early 90's, the local thug's around Ft Bragg had an initiation game. The goal for a initiate to enter their little thug gang had to get a beret off of a paratrooper..... They were in for one hell of a fight as we would never give up our beret's.... There were a lot of beatings both ways and a couple of soldiers were shot. As @tulianr said so eloquently, it is not just a hat....
There was an "Incident" over by "HillTop" near JBLewis/McCord a few years back. Some Bangers were diss'ing some of the Off-Base wives and girlfriends, of the Rangers stationed at the Base. They were taught the "Error of their Ways" one night. The Ambulance Service was very busy hauling Bangers to the local Hospital, and the cops were mostly just driving around locating the Broken and Bruised bodies that needed transport. They NEVER saw any of the Perpetrators, or found weapons at the scenes. The next day there was a MAJOR Command Meeting on base, where the Base Commander, read the troops, the Riot Act, and then told them there was a pallet of Beer, at the Base PX, donated by the local Police Chief, and the Thurston County sheriff. Hilltop was VERY quiet for many months after that.... ......
Some lessons are learned the hard way.. Especially by those that believe in their own bravado... Talk is cheep! Actions tell a much more complete tale of the individual ...
I am not saying that it is just a hat. i think the females should be able to wear the same hats as their male counterparts. I am NOT saying all services should have the same hat. Everyone in a specific service should be able to wear the same style hat. Not talking about getting rid of special head gear like specialized berets... Just talking about the basic head gear.
It is like you NEVER hear about a bunch of Bangers causing trouble in or around Virginia Beach, VA, or San Diego, CA.... Did you ever wonder why? Rhetorical Question.....
same reason you never hear of someone doing a mass shooting in a police station......they shoot back, bigger guns, and more of them.
Marine Corps Ends ‘Girlie’ Cover Controversy by Mike Hoffman on October 29, 2013 It started with an erroneous report by the New York Post and then story spun out of control as editors of national and international news outlets didn’t do any fact checking and ran with the story: President Obama was ordering all Marines to wear “girlie” Dan Daly covers. Too bad none of it was true. Well, the Marine Corps was considering having Marines wear the Dan Daly covers, but the commander-in-chief had nothing to do with it. The story spread so quickly that the Marine Corps felt the obligation to post this statement out front on its official website: “No change in Male Cover: The President in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover. We are looking for a new cover for our female Marines for one overriding reason: the former manufacturer went out of business. The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover.” “The surveys often contain photo illustrations that portray what a uniform article might look like when worn by a Marine,” Col. Todd S. Desgrosseilliers, Marine Corps Uniform Board president, said. “This is a very standard practice. While there was never any desire or intent to change the male Marine dress cover, the feedback we have received to maintain this iconic cover has been heard, loud and clear. ” Marine Corps Times broke the story on Oct. 21 when reporter James Sanborn first wrote about the survey issued to Marines by Marine Corps Systems Command that asked “whether the Corps should adopt universal unisex dress and service caps — either the current male frame cap with modifications or the Dan Daly cap, which had previously been identified as the replacement cap for the female ‘bucket’ cover.” The New York Post then took the leap in saying the initiative was the president’s even though there was no attribution in the article. Next thing you know, Sanborn’s article is popping up on the Colbert Report. The Dan Daly design is named after Marine Sgt. Major Daniel Joseph Daly, a two-time Medal of Honor recipient for heroism during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion in China and then for his actions against Haitian insurgents in 1915. It’s a shame that “girlie” and Daly are sharing the same sentence. Daly also received the Navy Cross for heroism during the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I. During that battle, Daily is reported to have yelled the famous quote — “Come on, you sons of bitches, do you want to live forever?” to the men in his company prior to charging German positions. So that’s that for the Marine cover controversy. Now, the world waits for Obama to weigh in on the waist measurement for the Air Force PT test or the Navy’s blueberry camouflage pattern. Marine Corps Ends ‘Girlie’ Cover Controversy | Kit Up! Read more: Marine Corps Ends ‘Girlie’ Cover Controversy | Kit Up! Kit Up!
" Navy’s blueberry camouflage pattern." What a piece of crap. MAN OVERBOARD!! In a blue camo set of BDUs. Original uniform was used to stay afloat, not hide in the water. YMMV
There is that disconcerting moment that every young serviceman encounters; when he realizes that most of the people higher up in his chain of command are idiots. Floating around on that blue sea, in a blue camouflaged uniform, would be that moment.
Marines Decide on Men's Caps for Everyone Nov 16, 2013 Stars and Stripes| by Jennifer Hlad The Commandant of the Marine Corps on Friday approved a recommendation from the service's uniform board to adopt the men's dress and service cap for all Marines. Female Marines currently wear a different style of cover than male Marines with their dress and service uniforms. The manufacturer of the women's covers is going out of business, Marines said, so the uniform board sent out a survey to determine whether Marines preferred to adopt the male cover as the universal cover or to change the cover for all Marines to a style similar to that worn in the early 1900s. But widespread outrage and negative reaction to the "Dan Daly" cover, along with incorrect media reports asserting that President Obama was pushing the new style of caps, led the board to withdraw the survey. Still, 91 percent of Marines who participated in the survey favored adopting the current male cover as the universal cover, said Col. Todd S. Desgrosseilliers, president of the Marine Corps Uniform Board. Female Marines who marched in the ceremonies at Marine Barracks Washington this summer wore the male-style cover throughout the parade season as part of a testing phase, but the Corps will continue doing research to improve the comfort and fit of the cover, officials said. Though Marines said the decision to change the female cap was driven primarily by the fact that the manufacturer would no longer be able to produce them, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus had asked the Navy and Marine Corps to consider unisex covers. "The secretary believes that when you look at a group of sailors and Marines, you should see a group of sailors and Marines, indistinguishable by uniform," said Cmdr. Tamara Lawrence, a spokeswoman for Mabus. Marines Decide on Men's Caps for Everyone | Military.com