If I read the map correctly, Japan has normal back ground radiation at the spill site. Gotta wonder about that.
Or that the whole area, Northern Pacific Rim, is not being reported! And where are the open ocean reports?
There are so many conflicting reports out there that it makes it difficult to tell what really is going to happen..... Aquatic Fukushima Radiation Plume to Reach West Coast in 2014 : Environment : Nature World News
There is nothing to see here, nothing to fear. Continue on in your normal routines citizens...don't make us tell you again.
Thought they already proved that, with global warming?? Like I told someone, recently. When I was operating nuke plants in the Navy (many, many moons ago), we learned, "dilution is the solution". Even with the recent report of "300 tonnes" of contaminated cooling water flowing into the ocean per day (approximately 75000 gallons), you have to realize that you're putting that water into an ocean that contains, literally, hundreds of TRILLIONS of gallons of water. The negative effect, if any, is going to be localized to the coastal area right by the plant. To put it in perspective, this would be like you trying to pay off the USA's national debt of seventeen trillion dollars by gifting the IRS with an extra 300 dollars per month. While the effort will be appreciated, its overall effect on the debt will be nil.
The other thing to consider is that ALL these Isotopes are HEAVY, when compared to Sea Water, and much of it will SINK to the bottom, within the local Coastal Zone. Ground Fish will ingest some of those, but again, this is something that can be tested for, and dealt with in Japan. ...... YMMV.....