U.S. sues company over miner's religious objection to handscan - Yahoo News Coming soon to an employer near you.....
The man does have his 1st amendment rights to believe how he wishes. That being said- leave if you don't want to hear it- The mark of the beast is not a literal mark, it is a spiritual one. The mark on the forehead meaning you believe the crap Satan is handing you, and the mark on the hand means you go along with it to get along. Satan doesn't care if you believe him, just as long as you do what he tricked you into doing. On the other hand, the Lord requires you to have BOTH (head AND hand) sealed for him. You must believe him, and do what he says. It's a spiritual mark, given to you by your decisions in life. Any questions, PM me so I don't eat up the bandwidth, or annoy those who don't wish to believe (head OR hand).
"and the mark on the hand means you go along with it to get along. Satan doesn't care if you believe him, just as long as you do what he tricked you into doing. " And to go along, just to get along......that is to comply, all though you object. I will not be tracked like a pedophile. or an errant package. i have already drawn the line with my employer, when I found they were using a tracking program to track our company phones when we were on active GPS. We were not even told. I told him he has the right to track his truck and phone, if that is what he requires, but I will not be the one using them! I refuse to be tracked as if I was under house arrest, and I turned the GPS feature OFF! I WILL NOT comply. I have a handheld GPS that is receive only, it reports to no one. It guides me if I need GPS. I have been head-hunted several times by competing companies, and the boss knows it has cost him a raise each time to keep me. He knows , if he tries that stunt again, I will be working elsewhere, before the week is out. This isn't even about religion, but personal liberty. I will not be marked. Habeas Corpus.
Many early Christians believed that the Hebraic numerical representation of the name of Emperor Nero was in fact "The Mark of the Beast" identified in the book of Revelation. Since that time, dozens upon dozens of emerging technologies and practices have been condemned as "The Mark of the Beast," including Social Security Numbers, and bar codes and merchandising SKUs. Some Seventh Day Adventists believe that a future requirement to worship only on Sunday will be "The Mark of the Beast." I think it's pretty obvious that "The Mark of the Beast" can be interpreted in many different ways. It's indicative of the inherent problems of attempting to apply a two-thousand year old text, written by and for another culture, to today's world; without exercising much common sense. This is more a matter of personal freedom, than a religious issue, in my opinion; but since I've been tracked by computer logins, badge scans, fingerprint scans, and voice recognition software, in my past employment, I consider a hand scan pretty benign. Much ado about nothing, IMHO.
I think it's great. We need to push this into overdrive and really make biometrics standard for all purchases, too. In fact, I would like to see people work as a single class, at slave wages, long hours, ruled over by a decadent, inbred elite. I want to see it get so bad that the entire world never forgets the level of depravity and despotism we faced. Long from now, in the remnants of the ashes we will call the past, the children of the world may never know the horrors of our time. One thing is for certain --it can only get worse before anything gets better.
"This is more a matter of personal freedom, than a religious issue, in my opinion; but since I've been tracked by computer logins, badge scans, fingerprint scans, and voice recognition software, in my past employment, I consider a hand scan pretty benign. Much ado about nothing, IMHO." All off these ID's require your participation. The hand-scan does not. It is a direct assault on the 5th amendment and my Right to remain silent. if I refuse to give them answers of where I have been, or who I have talked with, or for any other reason I refuse to answer, they can take the answer by scanning me without my consent. It is being forced to take something into my own body to betray me. By scanning where these implants go, and which ones meet and in what numbers, and for how long....this is more of a an attack on liberty than tracking phone meta-data.
Lies. You worship authority and fear anyone in a uniform. I don't see what the fuss is all aboot... "They're" only doing it to protect the children...
The phrase I hate the most to hear from ANY .Gov of any level is "its For The Children" as its been used to takes away right, money, & freedom. An thats just in the last decade or so!!
You mean the same way we never forgot the lessons learned from fallen empires of the past? Oh, wait...
Maybe I missed something, but I didn't see anything about implants in the above story, excepting the reference to some Christians believing that the Mark of the Beast will be implanted/imprinted in the forehead or the hand. I think what they are talking about in this story is a simple biometric hand scan. Some doctors are now using them to log in patients, rather than the paper sign-in log. You just place your hand on the screen, it scans your handprint, and the computer pulls up your medical record. In my opinion, the tracking capabilities used against cell phones, and OnStar equipped cars, and the myriad CCTV cameras about town, are way more intrusive than a hand scanner.
The hand scanner I am referring to is a chip imPlanted in the web of your hand between the thumb and fingers. I watched the first one being installed in the first sheeple. It allowed for instant access to all medical data. How long before it unlocks all stored data on you? Scan you at all traffic stops? Who needs papers? I can time doors to the approach of a robotic mail cart, as it runs through a building with RF chips and sensors, and know PRECISELY where in it's rounds it is at any time. Don't try to tell me these are only detectable for a couple of feet (that's bad enough) I know better, I install and use these systems for controlled access locations. Often times we have to decrease the range of sensors to operate properly. I can build a loop detector that will detect the buckle of your belt! When all it needs to do is detect a car! There goes your guy fawlks masks, one concealed recording scanner in a crowd, and everyone is known and recorded. (So much for peaceable assembly without repercussions. ) At least as a war captive it is just "name, rank, and serial number?" How does "grey man" work, when every traffic can, and surveillance/ metal detector knows who you are as you approach? You want Big Brother? You could not have a better invitation. Only real question is how long will it take, before there is a repeater built in for upload to the drones?
I'm with you Kellory on the implants. That's the beginning of the end. It's bad enough to have chips implanted in ID badges and cell phones, but at least you can choose to leave those items behind. I'd never support an effort to implant chips in individuals, for any reason. That's crossing a line that's way more meaningful than Obama's supposed red line on Syria.
I would mostly agree with you but for it being a mark discernible to the powers that be. As you stated it is as much a spiritual mark. God's people also have a spiritual mark so I'm not really arguing that point, only that there 'appears' to be a physical mark as well. Revelation 13:11-18 NASB Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon. He exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the presence of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life. And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.