We have seen the technology of facial recognition technology grow by leaps and bounds. Now with the implementation of Google Glass and other similar technology. BOSS facial recognition software being developed for identification of your pretty smile in a crowd. What are you doing to counter this technology or do you think that it is a non-issue for you. I would assume many in the rural areas would say that this does not effect them and most in the urban, suburban areas are more concerned with the camera on the corner tracking their every move. In short the question is what are you going to do to mitigate this new threat to your privacy and monitoring of your travels?
Live simply, and live within your means. I will not use a "smart phone". I will not apply for every convenience store and gas station "rewards card". I will not use technology in place of good, old fashioned fortitude. Infrared LED lights. Use them! (most CCTV cameras and automotive cameras also have IR LED capabilities, too) I love the Fawkes mask. I wish everybody had one and marched tomorrow.
You know your are right ! This crap of sitting behind a 'puter' and signing a petition that goes nowhere cannot replace people in the street's on a mission. One day the 800k bikers and support personal will dismount. Can you hear us now !
I always wear a hat and my glasses when I'm out in areas that have cameras. Here it is crazy, you wouldn't believe it (well, I guess you guys would, but alot of people wouldn't). There's not a week when you don't read some wierd stuff about someone being caught on camera. In the news it's rapists and murderers and the like, but in reality, what will it be used for? A few weeks ago they found a criminal, in the middle of bloody nowhere, in the alps, were it would have been impossible to pinpoint someone. The same who grew up there and has hunted and lived there for hundreds of years couldn't even find him, but the cops with some "foreign intelligence" found him within hours. No drone surveillance? Yeah, whatever.
I wonder if the technology exists that can pick up on the EM frequencies of human brain waves. I'm certain we are all aware of heat signature technology, but that may be limited to an extent, and best at night. I am only guessing, but a drone would have to be awfully close to pick up on brain waves...if at all possible. Then there's harmonic resonance and telepathy and all the other pseudo-science "quackery" (heavily funded in the past) that could play into it. Using psychics to locate people is rarely, if ever discussed. Most are either hoaxes or shut away in a very well protected room deep underground, I bet. On the more "sane" side of things, there's also human patterned behavioral study and simple to dynamic logic to consider. Wildlife and survival experts could outline areas people would go to survive in the wild, thus limiting the areas the man in question may most likely go. Natural barriers come into play, placement of water, food sources, terrain, and the individual's intelligence and NSA log file (or equivalent) all come into play. I have little doubt there is a computer program created already that can use most, if not all of what I have mentioned, or more --and spit out a nice answer with pictures, graphs and explanations.
Any EM Radiation, (from brains, or any other source) MUST adhere to the Inverse Square Law.... That pretty much says, "NO" You can't pick up Brainwaves, from any distance further than a meter, or so, no matter what device, or technique you might conjure up. The Physics just isn't in your favor, PERIOD. It has NEVER been demonstrated that such a system, has ever been able to do so.
Nothing like a big wad of chewing tobacco to distort your face and you can practice your aim and distance on the cameras. A big wad of chewing gum for others.
Self-defeating. You give them a close up view of your distorted face, while vandalizing city/state/Fed property. The very same face that will be looking for the next camera. (Besides, the current software tracks things such as eye spacing, and nose size and type, the bridge of your nose, and the shape of your ears.)
Look at any published photos of SF and SEAL operators in theater. What do they all have in common? Hat, long hair, sunglasses and heavy beards. Not a coincidence.
There's just one camera in town and it's in the ATM at the bank. If I really don't want them to see me I drive one block and turn left. Ah, the benefits if rural life. ps; yes I check for more....
You are probably right in what your saying there. But I cant help to think about something I saw on the discovery channel a while back about the power of prayer and how peoples brainwaves seem to beat cancer and so on. Yeah, pseudo science I know, but still, they should have measured something. And that russian guy who bends spoons from the other side of the world and stuff. There COULD be some way to pick up on the energy from that that "they" are keeping from us. Tin foil got to cold for me. Im thinking about getting some sort of implant?
It's been said we only "use" ten percent of our brains and the brain is the organ we know least about how it functions. When I was studying martial arts (decades ago) I watched a movie where this achient Chinese guy would hit a stack of concrete blocks and make one in the middle shatter into pieces. Call it psychokinesis or mind directed energy or the power of prayer but our brains are capable of doing things we as humans have yet to fully understand. Mind control or thought control might well be possible. Perhaps another billion years of evolution might unlock the secrets of the brain.
I am a "Believer" when it comes to My GOD, HOWEVER, My GOD has to obey the Natural Laws of Physics, just like everyone else. Prayer,(Communication with My GOD) in MY Opinion, does NOT depend on EM Radiation, as that has been Tested for, and found wanting, in our Scientific Journals. So, there may be some other Connection, that allows for this Communication, but it is very unlikely to be EM Radiation. My Opinion.... YMMV....