I'll be so bold to suggest that for many if not most of these mass shootings, it is a media issue as well if not more so. These troubled folks often want the world to 1. Know they exist and 2. Know their pain and torment. The "high capacity" coverage by the media does just that. Seems like a ban on "high capacity" media coverage would yield far more benefit than standard capacity magazine bans if politicians want to trample constitutional rights. Prohibit the publication of the perp's name, no more than 2 min per hour of any bio or background on the person. Basically prevent the world from knowing who he is and what his pain was. Then the benefit to the act is gone as there is no fame. Just thinkin.... AT
If I remember correctly, the Brits forbid the release of a perps name while an investigation is under way.
When will SOMEONE start talking about the fact that these mass shootings always happen somewhere where concealed carry by lawful citizens is banned. Aurora, Sandyhook, Fort Hood, Navy Yard, Luby's Shooting in Killeen Texas (4 years before the Texas shall-issue law), etc, etc, etc.
No big surprise, Piers Morgan, 2nd Amendment antagonist that he is, said last night that it was a FACT that the shooter bought his AR-15 in Virginia. He reiterated it numerous times, that it was a FACT, getting quite upset when questioned about it. This morning, we find out that the perp probably got the AR-15 from the first responder he shot.....with his (12-gauge, I assume) SHOTGUN that was purchased in Virginia. Perp shoots cop with shotgun, takes AR-15 and pistol from him, continues rampage. Nice FACTS there, Piers! Wonder how long we'll wait for him to make a retraction, or admit to his mistake?? I'm thinking HELL will have soft ice cream, long before that happens!
If I tried that, I would get smacked up side the Head with a Frying Pan.... and then told to start running..... to see if I could outrun her .357 Dan Wesson with the 12" Barrel..... and I ain't near as fast as I used to be...... . "A man has to know his limitations?
Latest is. NO AR15. As Biden suggested the shooter bought a shotgun in VA. All we need now is for OBAMA to say "That could have been my son" YAHOO NEWS. The gunman who killed 12 people at a Navy base in Washington entered with a valid pass and a legally purchased shotgun, the FBI said Tuesday. Once inside, Aaron Alexis, 34, may have obtained a handgun after he began shooting, said Valerie Parlave, assistant director of the FBI's Washington field office. He brought the shotgun legally in neighboring Virginia, and there is no evidence he had an assault rifle as some reports have said, Parlave addded. Alexis, who was shot and killed after his rampage Monday, was working on a Navy contract through computer giant Hewlett-Packard. "Mr. Alexis had legitimate access to the Navy Yard as a result of his work as a contractor, and he utilized a valid pass to gain entry to the building," Parlave told a news conference. His motive remains a mystery, she said. "We continue to conduct interviews, exploit digital media, and run down every lead we can to piece together his recent movements and determine the motive behind his attack," she said. Alexis arrived in the Washington area on or about August 25th and stayed in hotels, she said. The FBI has received hundreds of tips from the public, she added.
And every time the AR-15 has been brought up in the media, they've used a phrase like "just like the one used at Sandyhook"...except there wasn't one used THERE EITHER!
Holy COW! I just had an apostrophe! The AR-15 used at the Navy Ship Yard IS just like the one used at Sandyhook...IMAGINARY!
Things that make you go HUUMMM? “Only a month ago, the gunman, Aaron Alexis, 34, was suffering from hallucinations so severe that he called the Newport Police Department in Rhode Island where he told officers he was on business. “ “Mr. Alexis left the company to attend school in January 2013, Mr. Hoshko said, but returned to The Experts in July, when he again passed a drug test, a background check and had received a secret clearance from the Defense Department.” Link to NY Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/18/us/washington-navy-yard-shootings.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 So I poke around the internets to see what connection Newport has and I find this little JEM. “MIDDLETOWN – Naval Station (NAVSTA) Newport conducted a training exercise on Jan. 24 to evaluate the response to an “active shooter” incident at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division, Newport.” Link to Base Newspaper. http://www.usnwc.edu/newportnavalog/2013-02-01 Odd that he leaves his job at the same time the drill is conducted and then he takes his job back, a month later he is sent to Newport where he suffers a psychotic episode while at work there. A month after that he conducts an active shooter drill of his own. I am sure this is just a coincidence, move along nothing to see here.
I have a very interesting QUESTION..... Since this Yahoo brought a Shotgun, to this entanglement.... Just WHAT was he using for Ammunition? Was it Slugs, oo Buck or just what? Considering that he was at LEAST 40-60 Yards from some of the People he shot, (Remember he was shooting from the 4th Floor, clear down to the Main Floor Atrium) and the Commander said, the guy next to him just dropped with a "Hole in his Head" Doesn't sound like a Shotgun, to this child, more like a Pistol. So what was the Weapon he got off the Security Guy he did shoot? A Glock, or a Berretta in 9mm? Even for an experienced shooter, a 60 Yd shot, would be pretty darn good, for a 9mm FMJ round.
Yes, the correct word is Epiphany...however, it's funnier to say apostrophe (have for almost 10 years unless I just HAVE to be serious about something) !
As long as it's not astro-probe, (that's what them sneaky aliens do to people when they abduct them...
Nope, my betting quarter says he was never actually "gone", that's just what his manager has been told to say. He may have been off the books for a month, helping to plan or possibly be trained as the "active shooter". You can't take a month off as a contractor though, not and get paid for it...at least not by the company you are working for on the books. Training exercise done, he comes "back to work". *shrug*