America is totally discredited.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mindgrinder, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Just a little help for those who wish to post on a forum in the year 2013:

    QUOTE is very important. Since we are not speaking, only typing, it is hard to tell to whom you are typing in relation to. If you expect every reader to go back through pages of text to look for the string of text you just placed in quotation marks, you are mistaken. Please allow me to give you all a simple class on QUOTING...

    OPTION ONE: The easiest way to quote, is for you to click the "Reply" link at the bottom right corner of every post:

    If you do this, the forum code will automatically insert the entire post of the user and you can then edit out the portions you do not want to quote:

    You should be left with BBCode as follows:

    [quote="C.T.Horner, post: 281070, member: 11922"]....Quoted text goes in between the quote tags here...You can easily edit this text....[/quote]

    Looks like:
    OPTION TWO: Another easy way to quote is to simply know how to use BBCode. Type the QUOTE code by hand. It's so easy, 8 year old children do it every day...

    Quoting a specific member by adding their username inside "quotations":
    [quote="Brokor"]....quoted text goes in between the quote tags here....[/quote]

    Looks like:
    Quoting any member you like, but without relation to their name:
    [quote]....quoted text goes in between the quote tags here....[/quote]

    Looks like:
    Remember, you can now quote a member's entire post, no matter how long, and not have to worry about it being a huge post which takes up room. The forum will automatically collapse the large quotes and grant each reader the option to expand to view more. Please use the features of this forum, it's for everyone's benefit. Take the time to use BBCode. If nothing else, you will walk away with the knowledge of quoting!

    Further information: BB Codes | Survival Monkey Forums

    Screenshot_18 copy. Screenshot_19.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2013
  2. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    Thanks for the tip.;)

    Brokor likes this.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I found this comment made by a user online, pertaining to an economic discussion:


    "The Fed began its latest round of bond-buying — also known as quantitative easing — a year ago when the unemployment rate was 8.1%. The Fed has been purchasing $45 billion in Treasury securities and $40 billion in mortgage-backed securities each month.

    Wait, what? The fed is printing $40 billion a month to buy mortgage backed securities?

  4. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    Great observation!

    And we all know what happens to addictions. We will need ever increasing amounts to be purchased just to keep current economic activity propped up. At some point all feedback loops crash. The more they pump QE the harder the crash will be.
    Brokor and BTPost like this.
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