So yesterday was the first day of school in our neck of the woods. My daughter has signed up for two honors classes one of which is honors science. I was astounded when she came home and said that she had two projects due this year. The first semester she has to create a solar oven and the second semester she has to create a crystal radio. I was dumb-founded that they are actually trying to teach my child something useful.
In high school, it was required to take a cooking or home ec. class. I took cooking, so at least i could eat my own cooking... i am glad to see some practical science being taught. That solar oven could be used in combination with stones, for evening, or slow cooking, heated by daylight, and cooked by moonlight....(might get extra credit for creative thinking...)
thanks for the heads up on that Kellory. I am actually really excited to do these projects with my daughter. I just hope I don't go too overboard for what the teacher is looking for. I am going to help her design it and coach her while she does all the cutting and fitting.
there was a video on youtube I think of a guy who had harvested an old big screen glass front, the really thick ones. He used it like a giant magnifying glass and set fire to all kinds of stuff, maybe you could incorporate a smaller version. whatever you do, sounds like fun.
Videos show how to turn an old television into a solar-powered death ray that will burn through anything in its path at 2,000F | Mail Online
yes, was it here that I saw the video?? wait....Dude, is that yours?? you probably shouldn't leave it leaned up against the house like that all afternoon. if thats yours, I want to come down and have a cookout. Question, will it melt lead for casting boolits??
I saw the video linked here, and made my own. stripped it out of a flat screen TV in about ten minutes with a screwdriver, and wire cutters. the frame is made of PVC tubing, and I have pics if you want them of how I did it. this will mount to any type of uprights with simple 1/4X20 wingnuts. this one is roughly 24"X36" if memory serves, has not yet been tested for melting lead, but it is likely. It was placed there just for the pics. And it would be a long commute for a cookout, but i have no objections.
Go for it. science is some cool sh*t, and one of the few ways I can still blow my kids minds. You might get a kick out of this guy as well, he does quite a bit with solar. GREENPOWERSCIENCE - YouTube