thankfully it's not a revolver. I wouldn't want to put a ungloved hand anywhere near the cylinder gap.
I think if I grabbed the slide it would be in the heat of the moment and the last thing I would be worried about, is getting my hand hurt.... but my ass shot..
Agree with YD here. I'll take a badly mangled hand over hard ball in the torso every time. That said, one of those sweeps they demo'ed swept the victim. Now I think maybe it is time to test the grab at the range. With a glove--. My 1911 tends to be pretty snappy.
Yup its something I thought would be interesting to know you wont suffer hand damage in the setting in the video.
In theory if the slide is pushed back on pretty much any semi auto it should not fire in the first place. Not that I'm a supah innerweb commando, just thinking out loud.
Tested the theory yesterday, it works. As it happens, the glove I used was pretty loose and the slide moved, but not far enough to extract. Bare hand and adrenaline might be enough for defensive purposes.