Bug Out Bag: Is your BOB an anchor?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by C.T.Horner, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Not even going there....
    Brokor likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    ghrit score :lol:
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  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I scored this past weekend. Damn, another store we aren't allowed in.
    mysterymet likes this.
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    well it was "Toys-R-Us":oops:
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I have a truck load of gear for hunting, and I never use more than half of the stuff I load up. but the trick is, I never know which half i will end up using.... Be prepared ...ALWAYS | Page 2
    JABECmfg, tulianr and Brokor like this.
  6. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    where were people getting surched after Katrina ???? where were u ???
  7. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

  8. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    There was a great article/blog... About Katrina

    Minor thread derail here

    Mindgrinder likes this.
  9. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    Silversnake, Mindgrinder and tulianr like this.
  10. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Don't think for 1 second it won't happen here bro...

    RCMP seizure of High River guns sparks probe - Calgary - CBC News

    Watchdog investigating RCMP's seizure of firearms from flooded High River homes |Columnists | Opinion | Calgary Sun

    "Yes, last week the critics of the RCMP entering homes and seizing guns in the near-ghost town of High River are tarred with the usual brush — nasty loons, gun nuts, wearers of tinfoil hats tilting at windmills of conspiracy.
    Then Friday we learn of this look-see.
    Watchdog Ian McPhail of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP points to “concerns expressed by some members of the public” and “ensuing media coverage.”
    He adds “the prime minister’s office equally and publicly expressed concern.”
    McPhail kicks off a “public interest investigation” expected to last 90 days with a report to follow.
    He will look at whether the entering of homes and the seizing of firearms from homes went against any laws or RCMP policies.
    He will also review whether those RCMP policies are up to snuff.
    McPhail acknowledges RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson’s “support for an independent review of RCMP actions in High River.”"

    In the wake of ANY natural or false flag disaster...they are coming for the guns.
  11. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    Mindgrinder likes this.
  12. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    sorry i ment to say people in camo were singled out and searched??is there any video of this ...{because they were in cammo}
    Im not saying that it didnt happen but i see alot of people on here talking about Katrina who were not there !!!!
    I was and i was infact stoped and the millitary person who stopped me said dont worry about the pistol on the dash or the open beer...
    In fact i have friends who stayed and rode the storm out in the quarter and had the military resupply him with ammo ...
    I think we have alot of arm chair quarter backs on here ....
    mysterymet, Brokor and kellory like this.
  13. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    I wasn't there...but I can't say I believe that your experience was the norm.
    If they were "resupplying" some with ammo and kicking in doors for others....
  14. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    Edit: and added this post is in response to KAS.

    After Katrina the NRA alleged 1,000 guns were confiscated in a law suit filed in federal court. The suit was settled with NOPD offering to return 700 guns, IF the NRA can find verified, “as in a receipt for” Gun Owners who lost their guns that is. NOPD contends they found them unattended, and some of them were stolen.
    No I wasn’t there but I watched it unfold live on TV as did most of America. The line going into the stadium ,had a second line of people they were searching, all of the people in the search line didn’t have camo but some of them did, but NONE of the people in the line not to be searched were dressed in camo. Take it for what’s its worth. Was the profiling of refugees into the stadium warranted? Considering the alleged rapes that took place I would contend they were. Then add the countless eye witness stories of searches, and seizures. Coupled with the out of court settlement requiring the return of 700 guns and you can draw your own conclusions.
    As for being there, I wasn’t alive during WW1 but I can speak with authority when I say that men were killed.
    Ad Hominem attacks cheapen the debate and distract from true honest discourse.
  15. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Camo is about blending in and controlling how you are perceived (if at all). if you want to blend with refugees being herded into a football stadium, wear jeans, a sweatshirt and carry your twinkies in a trash bag over your shoulder (put your kids in a borrowed shopping cart) and act like a refugee. If you want to blend in with the terrain and not be noticed, wear real camo and move in cover. Another example is if you want to blend in on an internet forum and not look like a douche, don't act like a douche.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If we take a look at the bottom of the page of any thread containing BUG OUT BAGS, we will now find related threads to peruse.
    Each thread created (as far as I can tell) containing this information now has updated tags to associate the topic. Lots to read!

    Also, when you search, use the advanced features and include tags in your search ("bug out", "bag", "BOB", "backpack", etc.)

    cdnboy66 likes this.
  17. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    And then there are those of us who need appreciably more in a GHB than a BOB because in a bugout we are going from a known location to a known location along one or more preplanned routes....whereas our "get home" may start just about anywhere.

    And I repeat...it seems of late we are attracting a lot of "experts" with that one answer that fits all.
  18. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Thing to remember about experts...break the word down into it's component parts (phonetically):
    Ex - prior or has-been
    Spurt - Drip under pressure

    Expert - has-been drip under pressure.

    Just sayin'
    Sapper John and kellory like this.
  19. C.T.Horner

    C.T.Horner Monkey

    Where this thread went wrong.
    CTHorner posted.

    “Ditch your combat gear, and obvious military gear, and go native.”

    This is meant to mean If Camo isn’t warranted in your situation don’t use it. Nowhere does it imply don’t wear camo if it is needed.

    Then I qualified it in my next post.

    “My point exactly, if you stand out you will be singled out, for whatever reason.”

    My next post I qualified it yet again.

    “Dressed as Rambo will not make your passing unnoticeable unless everybody is dressed in combat gear.”

    I further acknowledge exceptions and state an example.

    “There are a few exceptions I will concede, like you live on the edge of a forest and your bug out location is somewhere in the forest.”

    In my next post I yet again qualify my previous statements.

    “Are you advising someone living in South central LA to camo out and make their way to their BOL through Watts?”

    And in my very next post I state for the record that I myself have Camo for my bug out.

    “I have digital desert Camo, and a desert Allis Pack.”

    So one must wonder where the Straw Man argument came from, that I am against Camo in all bug out situations. It is either a reading comprehension misunderstanding or intentional pile on the new guy.
    A Youtube search of BOB, will get you so many hits it is staggering. If you watch some of them, you will quickly learn that there are a lot of misinformed people. That have OD green packs and Camo fatigues. With chest rigs and ammo packs. Yet they live in the inner city or highly populated suburbs. These people need your help. When I joined this site I wanted to contribute where I could. I did a search, and came up confused. That is undoubtedly my own fault due to my poor internet skills. But it doesn’t change the undeniable fact I am not unique, in this regard.

    If this site is for seasoned Prepper veterans only with good internet search skills, than I stand corrected, and apologies for wasting your digital ink.

  20. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The only bags or kits we have are get home kits. We rarely travel far from home and when we do it is for a fishing trip. We carry a pistol and a fishing bag which contains a couple days of food, water, first aid kit and multi tool. My wife smokes so we always have fire starter.

    The thought of leaving the farm is terrifying as my wife is crippled (bad ankle) and can not walk very far. We make our stand here at our farm or we die. If we have to leave here it would have to be by Jeep or truck pulling a small boat. We would have to pack that boat with supplies from the pantry and armory . We would most likely try and go north into the bush but crossing the Mackinac Bridge into Michigan's upper peninsula could be hard. Here at the farm we have water for 20 years plus. We have food, shelter and the ability to defend it. I long since gave up oin the Idea of bugging out anywhere. In 2008 we bugged out from the city to this remote private lake where built our little hobby farm aka B.O.L. The house sits on high ground overlooking a lake full of fish with no public access. We are surrounded by thousands of acres of federal forests and only have a dozen neighbors most of whom have gardens and such. It would take a lot to move us out and by that Im talking an Ice age or worse. You could nuke Detroit and it wont harm us as the prevailing winds will take the fallout to Canada. Looking around the U.S.A. I can only see one or two places I would rather be. So I do not have a plan for going anywhere else as I have no IDEA where to go that would be better then where we are. South would take us down wind of Chicago and north would be to the Bridge. I cant Imagine anyone allowing trafic over the bridge in the event of a major event. We are far enough from Yellowstone to be protected from ash and in fact ash is strile and good for removing acid from bad soil. The couple inches we might see would just get tilled in. Cold will always be an issue here and we being born and raised with winter know how to deal with brutal cold. Heat is very important to us. On the road without resupply is for the most part suicide for my wife and I. I cant fit enough supplies in a BOB to take care of us for moer than a few days. I have always said it is a wet dream to think you can run out into the fray and survive for any length of time. My wife would not last 5 miles on foot. I cant leave her and have chosen to bug in . I trained hard in defensive skills and have learned how to build dozens of types of force multipliers which would be used to bolster my defensive perimeter. As it is we have several men besides my son and inlaws who plan on coming here as well. We chose our location well. Water, food , shelter and it IS defendable. KF
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