Pump and Pray: Tepco Might Have to Pour Water on Fukushima Wreckage Forever - | Intellihub.com Interesting read, way over my pay grade.
Perfectly safe, nothing to worry about, folks. Trust the government. Don't worry about the "safe" radiation levels, we'll just keep raising that a little at a time. It's always safe in Fukushima. The Corbett Report | Interview 631 – James Corbett on The Reality Principle
So....why not encapsulate it in lead? If I remember correctly, lead control rods have been used to shut down reactors since they were first built. The problem is the ongoing reaction. JMHO of course.
That intellihub article is full of factual errors. Be guided accordingly. The problem is real and in the short term intractable, but there is no reason to take Busby's word that "pumping --- forever" is a possibility.
It will be interesting to see what comes of the harvesting of fish and crabs in coming years, if they have high radiation levels and mutations of any kind. That would have a great affect to the food supply for a large sector of the world, whichrelies on that as their primary source to feed their people. Mutant crabs taking over the fishing fleet and nearby villages... would make a good horror movie!! Maybe the Rock could come in with his band of rag tag soldiers and fight them back into the sea
Lead is a Radiation Absorber, and shield, but it is Boron, that is used in Control Rods, as Boron sucks up Neutrons, like a sponge, and it is the Neutrons that cause atoms to fission, NOT Radiation...... .....
There isn't much boron in control rods, more likely halfnium. Boron is used in the coolant as a neutron absorber to assure a shutdown margin (along for other purposes.) Lead is a lousy neutron shield. It's used to shield against gamma radiation. Water is the best "normal" neutron shielding. (There's more to it, of course.)
So what is the end game here for them? I know very little about containment, but i can put together that this isn't good. Is there enough nuclear material to have an effect on the US coast? Is BTpost gonna start glowing? I assume if there was an easy answer they would be doing it, just looking for a little better understanding.
Yes it does, but it isn't carrying neutrons nor radiation. It's carrying radioactivity. Think of it as radioactivity is the shit, radiation is the stink.
Well looks like they may get to pay us back for the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombs after all. The yellow dots on the right is Hawaii.
Well, I hope that I will be long in the ground, before my bones collect enough Fukushima Shit, to Glow in the Dard.... It is my Grandchildren, that I worry about.