@Brokor - I know. And I'm afraid that time is getting closer and closer. I don't have to be happy about it though.
Its just so we get used to roaming teams of armed officers....then they can be everywhere- Shopping Malls etc . What else do they do with a trillion rounds of ammo for Dept of Homeland Defense ? I think we should hold an Intervention for Eric Holder and let him know he doesn't have to continue to be a felon - he can change his ways and rehabilitate himself. " It's OK Eric - you don't have to be a loser you can change your ways....." " Everyone doesn't have to agree with you stomping the Bill of Rights..."
Damn. And I liked trains. Mostly because TSA was nowhere near them and the whole boarding process was a stress free activity.
Random checkpoints all over the US, you MUST comply or become suspect. I can see militarized checkpoints on the horizon, Posse Comitatus be damned. What are the people gonna do, protest? Pssht, the people are slaves.
Move to a place where there the population density is low, take back road, watch the watchers and learn.
LOL, yeah...run and hide like a coward? Give up your job, family and friends just to take back roads? No thanks. I say, let them come. They will have a fight on their hands sooner or later.