Doesn't even take an engineer to do it, any qualified engine room watchstander can open all the vent cocks. But it is much quicker if the sea valves are blown off the hull penetrations.
As egregious as was the attack on the USS Pueblo, and the subsequent abuse of her crew; that attack at least was not carried out by one of our allies. The assault on the USS Liberty, another lightly armed intelligence gathering vessel, occurred in international waters in June of 1967. Thirty-four Americans were killed, and one hundred and seventy-four were wounded, when the vessel was deliberately attacked by the air and naval forces of Israel. Israel paid a compensation soon after the event, but didn't officially apologize for the incident until some twenty years later, while Carter was in the Whitehouse. As infuriating as was an attack by one of our supposed allies; the reaction by our own government at the time was even more amazing. At least two rescue attempts were launched from U.S. aircraft carriers, but both were recalled, by Secretary of Defense McNamara. Another rescue attempt was cancelled by President Johnson before it ever got off the deck. According to LCdr David Lewis, Senior NavSecGru officer aboard the Liberty, Rear Admiral Geis of the 6th Fleet related to him that President Johnson had said that he "didn't care if every man drowned, and the ship sank, he would not embarrass his allies [by coming to Liberty's rescue]." If there was ever a grave that needed peeing on, it is Johnson's. USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The title seems kind of deceptive. It's been on display for decades, hasn't it? They've been giving tours of that for years to both foreigners and their own citizens alike, using it as a propaganda tool to prove that they defeated the mighty U.S. in a battle and 'won a great victory' against the mighty imperialist capitalist pig dog. There's a really great documentary on North Korea on Youtube in which they visit the ship. The tour guide sure does lay it on thick. In fact, the entire documentary is pretty fucked up in countless ways. It's like everyone shown in the documentary has the worst case of Stockholm Syndrome imaginable. They don't even act like normal people... it's like they're pod people. Either they have Stockholm, or they know it's all bullshit, but they just go along with it so as to not get thrown in the gulag, or they just put on a front so they can keep drawing their sweet government paycheck as a tour guide for the State. Dear Leader this, dear leader that..... You should see the bizarre things they claim which Dear Leader is given credit for. Apparently he's personally responsible for "inventing" some kind of swivel desk which makes reading and studying more comfortable. And this is like the greatest thing since sliced bread to them. They actually brag about it during the State tour which all foreigners must take, and they've been running the same "script" on tours for years on end, where they always say the same thing and they always mention how Dear Leader was a brilliant genius who revolutionized the world by inventing a school desk.
Yeah, it's been on display for some time. This recent news seems to be about a new war museum that North Korea is opening, with the Pueblo as its main attraction. It's just another opportunity to rub our noses in it. I'd love to see the ship shoved up the arse of North Korea's illustrious leader. He'd make a swell figure head for the bow.
it be nice to have hidden explosives hidden in it and when the dear Ahole arrives on deck send him to the
Well, hell.....after all this time, it's probably STILL the best ship in the N. Korean navy! Would be fun to send a SEAL team in, to set charges that could sink it at whatever pier they tie it up to, though, wouldn't it? Be more fun to set them off by remote control, so we can do it at the most embarassing time possible!