Nice little Onan Genset... Up for auction, in Oregon by the State.... This is an 3Kw, 1800 Rpm, Cast Iron Engine.... Generator | eBay Anything less than $500US would be a very good deal, for a Monkey looking for Portable Backup Power..... Can be wired for 120Vac, 120/240 Vac, or 240 Vac.............
If we needed another genny, I would be on this...we have an Onan (original equipment) in our 20 year old motorhome that was in it when we got it and has served us consistently well for the 10 years we have had it.
If you got it for less than $100US at auction, then $400US for Truck Freight wouldn't get you passed the "Very Good Deal" level of investment.... and if a Monkey buys it, I will provide ALL the Manuals in .PDF format.....
you guys are all so fabulous. it really creates a positive community. an absolutely remarkable bunch of good people