Possible armed protested in Washington D.C.

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by BushcrafterAnthony, May 7, 2013.

  1. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I see this ending badly for all involved. Protesters will be arrested for firearms violation. All their other weapons will be confiscated. The media will spin it that police put down some kind of gun nut uprising... Bad situation.
  2. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The problem is the government has the right under our constitution to use force to put down insurrections. I may not agree with this but its fact. Yes they have shot first many times and they always weasel out of any prosecution. It is my contention Janet Reno should be in Prison for both Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas. All I am pointing out is where they have the right to use force, even to call up Militia to put down insurrections. I agree with you that we should not have to wait and eventually the people will take arms against this tyranny and turn insurgency to revolution. But for a couple thousand men to march up to the capital with loaded weapons and no Plan, No back up, No staying the course etc. This just a fools errand and will do nothing but give the Feds the one event they have been looking for to push Marshall law into place. The law is on their side. Fire on the government? you better be ready to win. Thats all Im saying. KF
    tulianr and Motomom34 like this.
  3. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    They've already done that, time and again. How many decades and centuries does it have to go on, exactly? Or just as importantly, how many times do we have to let them do it and completely sweep it under the carpet pretending they have not done it at all, or even if recognizing that they have, rationalizing to ourselves that it hasn't met some threshold which as we all know involves never-ending "shifting of the goal posts."

    Self defense does not mandate allowing the other person to shoot first, anyway, else we'd be prosecuting police officers on a habitual basis for defending themselves. Regardless of whether you meant that literally, I still defer to the previous paragraph insofar as asserting that this commonly perpetuated argument about letting "them act first" is a sham. The water is so far under the bridge and down the river at this point, that that water already left the river, dumped into the ocean, and then circulated in the oceans currents throughout the world already. That point has been reached long ago, and all this stuff about them acting first is just the worst form of denialism imaginable, and that ostrich-head-in-the-sand apathy or denialism is going to be what really kills this country.

    Nothing will ever get better so long as people keep changing the goal posts about just how bad the government has to screw people over before it constitutes an affirmative aggressive action on the governments part. It's certainly not going to be a bunch of dudes (be it twenty, fifty, a hundred, a thousand..) who march around with loaded guns and make people skittish that is going to doom this country. Such a belief is the most insane form of scapegoating imaginable. The people that are dooming this country is "everyone else," all the hordes of milquetoast people who are too busy spending all their time talking about the day when government finally steps over this ever-changing goalpost line instead of recognizing that it's water under the bridge and that day has come and went, and moving on having accepted that reality. "..

    You obviously took my post out of context. So tell me,is walking up to the Capital with a loaded gun a good Idea? If so ,join them. I still say this act can be construed by the government as inciting insurrection. Provoking a beast , poking a monster in the eye when all along you do not have any intention of following through with it WILL GET YOU BIT. The leader has stated that he will instruct any man arrested to lay down his gun and go peacefully? What the hell is gained there? Another Felon who cant ever own another gun .

    No sir, you do not provoke, intimidate or egg on an adversary that can level countries with the push of a button. I like your statement about changing the goal posts. Mine have never changed, ever, not once. I have followed the laws to the T and written my reps and Inept senators. I have asked them, demanded of them and ordered them to follow the constitution all to no avail. Yes the water has gone past the dam and over the falls ,into the Ocean and back again. All that doesnt change the law. We should have held them to the fire over Kent State, Ruby Ridge, Waco and a score of other mis uses of constitutional power. But we didnt. Every one of us is to blame if we start pointing fingers. When Weaver was surrounded at Ruby ridge no one came to his aid. We all could have but didn't. NO one has a clean conscience, NO ONE.
    Hammerhead and tulianr like this.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I would highly advise against going to this. As said above this is going to end badly. The typical gun owner obeys the laws, they a peaceful and go quietly about their lives. This protest is in violation of the laws of DC. You will be arrested, shit you could be shot. No way will the secret service allow guns that close to the WH. And the guy that is leading this, I bet $10 buck he will not be there, I he will say he was detained or whatnot and will leave all his followers hanging out to dry.

    Don't forget, they drove the Bonus Army out of DC in the '20's, I see nothing stopping them from doing it in 2013. They have all those lovely toys, maybe they will turn the heat shield thing on the people.
    tulianr likes this.
  5. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    What is even more serious is that The government will no doubt use this to their advantage. Think people, Think. Two C.I.A. ops or foreign ops posing as supporters armed with AR-15 rifles. Trouble starts and they start shooting blanks or maybe they sacrifice a couple good cops for the cause. They escape into the madness created and now we have a gun fight in Washington. The president declares a state of emergency and he imposes Martial law. THE CAPITAL IS UNDER ATTACK!!!! Domestic terrorists have killed several police officers and on and on AND ON!!! And all because this moron put this thing together. How many of you think the founders paraded around in front of the Brits before the revolution started. No they confronted the British Army on ground of their choosing at Lexington and Concord and fought them. So what Im saying is If we pull our guns we better be ready to use them. You dont tell the world you are going to your capital with loaded guns. You just go and take the city with a huge force of men. That is how you use fire arms in a revolution. Pull them and use them. This is why I left the Militia. Too many guys ready to shoulder their gun and go to Washington with no plan. Ready to take on the Government with no plan, no leaders, no Idea of the consequences or what they would do if they were actually successful.

    My guess is if this happens the government uses it to further remove our liberties. They will plant shooters in the group that will just show up with their guns like everyone else only they will pull the trigger and start it. Ill advised , bad , bad, bad, outcome possibilities. Nope dopnt pull it unless you are going to use it.
    Hammerhead, kellory and Motomom34 like this.
  6. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Let no tragedy go to waste......
  7. JABECmfg

    JABECmfg multi-useless

    The big difference here, is that when the Bonus Army marched on Washington, it was their families they brought with them...

    Yeah, I'm with you guys. This is a bad idea all around, and is not going to end well...
  8. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    I think "This Moron" has a set of balls and hopefully enough followers to pull this off. Let's face it sooner or later somebody's gonna step up. The unconstituitional acts performed by decades of abused trust will have to be answered for.

    I just wish I was younger, I'd go but if TSHTF I won't be able to run far or fast.

    Now if the fight comes to me ?

    We take that "Live free or die" thing seriously up here.
    I can be one sneaky monkey if I need to. [tongue]
    Brokor and BushcrafterAnthony like this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Precisely. Enough is enough. The time to act is NOW, or not at all.

    Who is afraid of "the Government"? You all know what happens when the people fear their government, you don't need me to remind you. When the government fears the people, we have liberty. Period.
  10. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Broker, you know damned well the government is going to use this, infiltrate it and employ a shooter to start it rolling. All this turd in office needs is a reason to declare martial law. Yea, he has balls. Balls for brains. There is no possible way he can control who shows up with a weapon. What do you think the Neo Nazis are thinking right about now. This is anti gun forces gift.

    Revolution needs real leadership. A governor, a general, etc. The founders did not parade around in front of the Brits with muskets slung over their backs. They waited until the Brits marched and then they opposed them at Lexington and Concorde. They planned in secret, they formed a plan that included how they would govern once they won. They wrote a constitution and they acted . My beef with anyone who says they are ready to bear arms against the U.S. government is this, whats the plan? Who is in control? Ted Nugent? or are waiting for John Connor? Where is today's Thomas Jefferson?

    So far the only one I trust to run this country(TODAY) is Ron Paul . He is not leading or advocating any armed resistance . So I ask any of you who is leading the so called revolution? It seems anonymous is making about as big a splash as anyone. But where is the freaking leadership with a real plan?
  11. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    New Hampshire state Constituition: [Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security, of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

    So is the state of New Hampshire going to lead us in this endeavor? Look guys, I hate what this government has done over last 4 decades. IT IS A GLOBAL ISSUE. The United States has to pull back from Globalism before we can return to living by the Constitution. We have been sold a bag of global beans filled with promises of more trade, simpler borders and one world living in harmony. All bull shit. Today Government caters to foreign interests and world central banks. Even our own Navy is now called a Global force for good. All of this is a huge mountain. Starting fight at the capital is only going to give this monster the votes it needs to end private ownership of firearms. There is no leader to rally around, no opposition party to take control, So yes the guy has balls, Ill give him that. However it is going to take real leadership with credentials to win.
  12. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have never been a "Follower" especially of Guys, who only have "Real Balls" but few Critical Thinking Skills. It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist, to see the disaster that can happen, if this gets just even SLIGHTLY out of control. That is the Critical FLAW in this whole senerio. There is NO CONTROL over such a crowd, and it only takes ONE Agent Provocateur, to make ONE small incident, to bring about a Massive Response, from the Federal DC LEOs. I wouldn't want to be within 1000 miles of this happening.... Way to exposed, to the Lunacy of others, of which I have No Control.... I can only "Control MySelf " and putting my life, on the Line, in such a Risky Adventure, is beyond, Stupid, it is Idiocy...... ..... YMMV.....
    Yard Dart, tulianr and kellory like this.
  13. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The real path to rebellion is through state secession. States still have the power to remove themselves from federal controls. We impose the 10th amendment and don't comply with unjust Federal laws. Montana and several other states have done this and the feds still have not responded. The path to getting us back in control is like Bruce said. He can only control himself. We can only control our local government and this transcends to states. New Hampshire for instance can secede from the Union if they believe so strongly in revolution. I would follow my State in revolution if it decided to leave the union and return to our constitution. Like Robert E. Lee so loved Virginia I also love Michigan my state and my Loyalty resides there. Like I said where are leaders with real plans? Right now we are in the stage of anger like the founders were in. We have many grievances and have yet to really redress them to congress. Michigan Militia did that on several occasions . You may find this article interesting as well.

    Redress of Grievances Lawsuit & Continental Congress 2009 – Customer Feedback for Freedom Watch on Fox

    Here is an account of how our last revolution started.They came to confiscate weapons and were opposed.

    Americans for a Free Republic
    tulianr likes this.
  14. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    I wish...hissyfit Not with the troika of tyrrany (Hassan, Kuster & Shaheen) runnning things. They're doing their level best to run my state into the ground

    You folks are spot on about the lack of leadership and the possible outcome of any armed march on DC.
    Face it, we're ske-rooed.maddd
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I like to occasionally read AJ site to see what that crowd is talking about. I saw this article today...
    Prison Planet.com » Update: Radio Host Adam Kokesh Locked Up in Federal Jail Til Monday

    This makes the armed march have another angle. I never believed that Mr. Kokesh would attend the event on July 4. Now if he is in federal trouble I would assume that having a firearm will be a no-no for him. I watched the video, the sound if awful but that was a scary crowd. He is saying f the law, smoke it anyways. Seeing that crowd and the yelling really makes me scared for what will happen 7/4.
    tulianr likes this.
  16. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    That guy is just a mouthy rabble-rouser; not a potential leader for any cause. People like that just make it more difficult for the serious folks to have their message heard; and make it easier for the anti-gun crowd to paint us all as potentially dangerous crazies.
    bfayer and kellory like this.
  17. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Like I said before, The founders did not parade around in front of the British government with guns. THE LINE WAS CROSSED when the Brits attempted to confiscate weapons. American Militia met them at Lexington and Concord and fought them. Before this time they organized their Militias , stockpiled weapons and ammunition and prepared for the coming fight. I believe we are right there at that point , stock piling weapons and ammo (AS A NATION) . Almost 100 million fire arm owners now with some 500 million guns in private hands. Any attempt to disarm the American people will be met with armed resistance. Like the first revolution the government has to move first to disarm us.

    The civil war should have showed all of us what happens when a rebellion is an insurrection. The Confederates fired on fort Sumpter there fore were considered insurgents. If federal forces fired on state Militia while attempting to disarm them? The Feds are in direct violation of the Constitution. We must wait until This Globalized Federal monster tries to disarm us. We must never hand in our weapons to any government State or Federal. Until then we need leaders with brains not balls. When all peaceful means have been exhausted and negotiations stop. Then be ready for war. I expect men like Rand Paul to say to the nation that the Constitution is lost and the time has come to fight. We will defend our homes, towns and states. I expect to see States leave the Union as before. They will raise Militias and defy Federal Government orders. They will not be offensive but defensive. Without States declaring independence we can not win. Liberals will go to one state and Conservatives to another. The rest of us to still another. You can not combine Socialism with Liberty, This has almost run its course and soon enough the lines will be drawn. I expect to see states like California and New York being Liberal While the heartland goes Conservative. Battle ground states will be true battle grounds and these states have their own little revolutions to decide who's side they are on. This wont be like the last civil war as in north versus south but Ideology against Ideology . RIGHT VERSUS LEFT, LIBERTY VERSUS SOCIALISM. Religion versus Darwinism, etc etc etc . Most of all Globalism versus Independence. If the Feds will not break away from this Global Bondage then it will be up to STATES WITH THE BALLS TO DO SO. So again no single man leading a few armed insurgents is going to do anything positive in regards to our Liberty. He may force the hand of the federal Government and bring them down on the rest of us and that in itself might push the Feds over the line. Marshall law and gun confiscation attempts will start the revolution. This may be his Plan all along to try and jump start the rest of us. Ill wait for a State to take the wheel. KF
    NotSoSneaky and ElPasoLoneWolf like this.
  18. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams

    The founders knew what fabric was necessary to hold the Constitution together.
  19. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Adam Kokesh Pleads Guilty to Gun Charges Resulting From His Armed Protest in Washington DC

    Earlier this year, libertarian activist (some would say provocateur), Adam Kokesh, had organized an armed march on Washington, DC, in which participants, with long guns slung, would walk from Virginia into Washington, DC in a massive act of civil disobedience.
    After numerous concerns about safety were made and the police made it clear they would forcefully arrest anyone participating, Kokesh (smartly) called off the march.

    However, always the maverick, Kokesh went ahead and carried out the march in another way.

    In the video Kokesh can be seen loading a pump action shotgun and chambering a round with the Capitol Building in the background. Kokesh likely committed several felonies in the video.

    According to the video it was shot in Freedom Plaza, between the White House and the Capitol.

    Kokesh was arrested following the posting of the video to Youtube and has remained in jail ever since.

    Today, Kokesh, being represented by a new lawyer, plead guilty to carrying a rifle or shotgun, possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition in the District.

    Those charges, along with a drug charge stemming from the search of his home, carry a possible 6+ years in prison. Kokesh has been released until his sentencing hearing in January.

    Many had hoped that Kokesh would take the issue to trial in an attempt for jury nullification on the charges.

    Here is the video in question:

    BREAKING: Adam Kokesh Pleads Guilty to Gun Charges Resulting From His Armed Protest in Washington DC
  20. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Who was that tax protester that had made the claim that income tax's are unconstitutional due to non ratification of the amendment ? He spread the word and tried to get others to follow his lead. Even after his case had been reviewed by the supreme court, he tried again to not paying his tax's. He went to prison!
    This sets me of mind of that silly fellow. Some people will push others out of the tree to see if the lion gets them..
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