If it was me....and i had a bit of warning I would strip down to my thong undezz's... Stick some peacock feather's out my azz, Put on 6''highheel's and an afro wig... Throw open the front door and run out screaming like a Lil'B*t#h Yelling'' Save Me Big Boy''... Other than that, I would state that i'm getting my gun and joining in the shoot... That's how i roll...
I do not disagree on how it should work. Besides that, if a person like you and I can not get the ACLU's support or a good lawyer willing to take our case, we can not afford to take on any governmental agency. The lawyer fees alone would probably amount to more than you and I make in a year. They have unlimited resources and all the time in the world to drag you through court. I am not saying a person should not stand up for their rights but we are in different times now.... I could be wrong but doesn't the Federal government have a couple of aces up their sleeves concerning matters such as this, with the National Emergencies Act and the Patriot Act, rendering numerous rights null and void. The Patriot Act permits FBI agents to write their own search warrants and gives those warrants the patriotic and harmless-sounding name of national security letters (NSLs). This authorization is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says that the people shall be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and seizures, and that that security can only be violated by a search warrant issued by a neutral judge and based upon probable cause of crime.
Hey, those 2 gals in LA, whose truck was shot up during the manhunt for the "cop killer" (a couple months ago), were just awarded over 2 million dollars each. Of course, the shyster lawyers will likely get over half, but that was a direct payment to the ladies, because the cops KNEW they had overstepped their boudaries, and violated the civil rights of an innocent pair of civilians. Step across my threshold, after I've denied you the right to enter and search, without a legal search warrant, and you're going down. I won't care who I hurt, at that point in time, because it's just me.....no wife, no kids. I'll be happy to call the ACLU, and let their lawyers make mince meat out of you!!
CC, If you will take NOTICE, of the other NEWS Story, about the Ricin Letter Case in Mississippi.... The FEDs have Dropped ALL Charges, and Released the Guy, BEFORE they had to go into Federal District Court, and explain to the Judge, EXACTLY what the Probable Cause, was for the Search Warrant, that allowed them to search his Residence, Work Place, and all Electronic FootPrints. They found NOTHING, Not ONE shred of Evidence, tying "The Suspect" to the incident. The whole MSM, had the Guy, Guilty, and ready for Hanging, but their case, was ALL Speculation, and the fellows LawDog, was ready to sue the Pants off them, and their BS Warrant Affidavit. No way the US ATTORNEY was going to get himself in Federal Court, with only "his Crank in his hand" and "No other Evidence" AT ALL. Yet, after all that, They come out and tell the MSM, that "We are confident we have the Right Guy." We just have no Evidence to Bring into Court, and we stretched the facts, just a little bit, for the Warrant...... This is the CLASSIC Way to deal with Over-reaching .Gov actions. Get them in front of a Federal Judge, and MAKE them, PROVE their Case ,and Evidence, with HARD FACTS, not just supposition. I suspect that the LawDog is preparing a GIANT Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit, for the fellow, on False Arrest, and 4th Amendment Violation Grounds, as I type this, and this is Exactly why the US Attorney made the latest Statement, so they have a Bargaining Chip, when the Lawsuit Gets filed, in the same Federal District Court that they just left. Lilkey they will settle for Attorneys Fees, and a Letter of COMPLETE Vindication, for the guy, unless he is willing to go thru the whole deal, in which case he will win, and more than likely the FEDs will settle Out of Court, for a tidy Sum of CASH.
The first video shows a small bit of what martial law looks like. It also tells you how to defeat it. Two dudes who may or may not have been solely responsible for the bombing which brought about this scenario you watched tied up how blessed many so called servants of the people. Were they to try this on a national scale it would fall apart pretty quickly. think about how many men and women there are in the "three percent" of the people who would actively take up arms in the face of such tyranny. Then,just say, 97% of those went down a rabbit hole leaving only 3% of the original 3%. Now you have ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 3 man teams to create havoc. Add to that however many MZBs decide to take advantage of the situation. The military you say? I'm one who believes the majority of them will not stand by quietly watching the citizens being trampled and fired on. What about the blue beanies that surely would be called in? Add back in the 97% of patriots who were on the fence at the start and the UN thugs are now facing 8 million armed and pissed Americans and now the military is back on point doing what the founders intended them for.And "we the people" have succeeded in restoring our constitution to it's rightful place in our government And we've done it with the tools given us by that same constitution. The law enforcement agencies in the Boston fiasco were extremely lucky in that they didn't gun down too many innocent people. It could have turned into the spark that............,well,.......I'm not advocating you see.Just pointing out a highly unlikely scenario.
This entire kerfuffle is a preview of what a large scale urban firearms confiscation might look like. Ask yourself this: How many on your block will resist ? Can I trust my neighbor ? Will he help me ? This entire operation was unconstituitional, anyone thinking the police and .mil will not participate is in for a rude awakening. Rural areas may fare a little better but the only sure thing is it would be very, very ugly.
I am not aware of any of the people involved complaining about what happened, the only people complaining are on the news. I think after what happened the citizens in the area were cooperating with the police. Just like in the CO school shooting the kids were bought out with there hands up becasue you never know who you are dealing with at first. How do the officer know when they approach the house that the owners are not in with the terrorist they were looking for and would start shooting when they came out. I have run drug search warrants and high risk warrants on houses before. Everybody in the house is taken down and searched and until they are deemd not a threat they are treated as a threat. Again I think the people in the area were cooperating with the police and I have not heard a complaint about it, I could be wrong but I have not heard one yet. Now if you take away what happened in Boston and a normal day and a swat team approaches your house like that, they already have a warrant or they would not be there like that in the first place. But If 2 officers come knocking at the door and want to come search your house all you have to say is no. If they do not have probable cause they can not enter.
There would most definately be problems in my neck of the woods or at least people complaining. A few years ago we had a nut job go on a random killing spree. He ran and hid in the neighborhoods. Less people were injured than in the Boston bombing obviously, but more were killed. Nobody was asked to stay indoors other than children who stayed in school til 8pm. The backwoods boys took care of it. Just like it was done 100 years ago instead of in this liberal pansy nanny state we live in. Thank God I no longer live in the north. Nothing against northerners. I am one, but sometimes they see things a lot differently than me. If this happened to me, I would set up my video camera (since now I know I can record), holler through the commotion "if you don't have a warrant I am not opening up. I will peacefully be sitting down watching the news. If you feel the need to bust down my door I will speak to my attorney about compensation for replacing it. " You see to me this was overkill. I know what happened was tragic, but at the moment of these raids the suspect was no more a danger than any other member of the many terrorist cells found throughout the nation. Also may I STRONGLY remind you the police tactics FAILED in finding him. It was a homeowner that found him and tipped off the police. Excuse me, but I think I would know if a terrorist who's picture was flashed all over the news was in my home. To force me to evacuate my home with my hands up and frisked down is assuming I am guilty until proven innocent instead of the other way around and a complete violation of my 4th amendment rights in my opinion.
I did not mean that they thought the people coming out of the house was the guy they were looking for but they could be part of his group so they have them come out like that... Either way I agree with you on it would not have happened where I live, I live in rural Alabama and we would have been out hunting him before the police got there. The SOB would not have made it very far down here. You come on my land after dark I am going to confront you and I will have my gun behind my back until I know what you are doing. But like I said on a normal day if a swat team comes to your house they already have a warrant to enter.
Your statement above does NOT pass the "Probable Cause" Requirement, for a Warrantless Search. Just because the LEOs "think" that these folks in this house, "could be part of his group" without some other Evidence to support that "Claim" doesn't pass the 4th Amendment Exemption, carved out by SCOTUS. If you think it does, you will be in front of a Federal Judge, typing to explain your actions, in Violating the Home Owners Civil Rights. If you falsify, Any Information, or stretch the FACTS, in the slightest, in getting such a Search Warrant in such an instance, you should, and will, find yourself, sued, for violation of the Home Owners Civil Rights. It really doesn't matter what the situation is, at the moment, and if you should be STUPID enough, to actually ARREST, the Homeowner for some trumped up charge like "Hindering a LEO in the performance of his Duty", or "Obstruction of Justice" during a Warrantless Search, or a Falsely Obtained Search Warrant, your job is Toast, and very likely, depending on how slimy the Home Owner's LawDog is, find yourself locked up in your own Jail. Federal Judges are not very sympathetic to LEOs that do such things, and SCOTUS has set out SPECIFICALLY, just WHEN, and HOW, the 4th Amendment Exemptions apply, to such situations. If the HomeOwner is smart, and states his Policy, of No Warrantless Searches of his Property, Calmly, and you push your way in, Your Toast, Period. The correct response is to surround, and secure, the property, and call for a Warrant, if you you do NOT have one, and can provide the REQUIRED Evidence, to support the Search. If you Stretch the FACTS and you get Called into Court, on your Affidavit, your Toast. and the Judge that let you get away with that, isn't ever going to trust your Affidavits, again. They do NOT like getting Burned. Your "Claims" better have substantial Evidentiary Backups, and not be just "What you think" or "could be part of his group" ...... Again, the place to deal with this stuff, is NOT on the Home Owners Front Porch. It should be carried out in the Judges Court who issued the Warrant, or in Federal District Court, with the Homeowners LawDog, calmly bringing the established Relevant SCOTUS Rulings to the attention of the Judge, as well as the video shot, that proves the Home Owners CASE, that you Violated his Civil Rights, when you DEMANDED Entry against his Approval. Say'en...... YMMV....
I never said anybody had PC to enter the house, I just said that is what you need to do a warrantless search. You are trying to start a argument where there is not one. You are assuming a lot . I never said anything about arrest or anything else I would have to explain to a judge. I know what it takes to get a search warrant and when one is needed and when one is not. I know when you can arrest somebody and when you can't. You are taking different parts of my post and putting it all together when they are separate examples.
Taking illegal searches to federal court sounds all well and good, but has any LEO ever been put in jail for it? Any real punishment? There are folks in New Orleans still trying to get their property back w that was illegally searched and seized, yet I'm unaware of any govt entity or agent who was actually punished.
You brought up the issue of ISSUED Search Warrants, in the first Statement. What happened in the Boston AREA was NOT such a case. There were NO Search Warrants Issued, that anybody can find record of. All these "Searches" were Warrantless, and therefor with out PC Established, for each search, they were violations of the Home Owners Civil Rights... Simple as that. THAT IS the ISSUE in this thread. Were these Legal Searches, or NOT... Without Specific PC, for each Search, at each Residence, the Home Owners Civil Rights would be Violated, if they refused the Search, and No Legal Warrant was served, on the Home Owner, prior to said Search. Now if the Home Owner let them in, he waives his Civil Rights, to said Search, but if he chooses to say "NO" to the Search REQUEST, and they conduct the Search ANYWAY, then said Search is a Civil Rights Violation. Plain and Simple, and done at the Point of a GUN. That is NOT Cool, in anyones book. The textbook case, that proves this point, is the searches of the Suspect in the Ricin Letters Case, in Mississippi. The FEDs conducted a Search of the suspects House, Workplace, Phone records, and elsewhere. The had Warrants for each of those searches. They found NOTHING, Not one shred of evidence. When the suspects LawDog, got the FEDs (FBI & US Attorney) in Judges Chambers, he wanted to know the PC for the Warrants, and what Evidence they found, to justify said Warrants. Well, there were a bunch of suppositions, that were put forward as FACTS, to support the "Fishing Expedition" that turned up NOTHING, and the Judge wasn't at ALL Happy, about getting conned into those Warrants, that produced NOTHING at All. ALL Charges were dropped, the suspect was Released, and the US Attorney, was out on the CourtHouse Steps, trying to save Face., for himself, and his Investigators.... I suspect there will be a Civil Rights Violation Case being brought, in that same Federal District Court, and just who do YOU think is going to win, that one? ......
I agree they did not have a warrant in the Boston area, I never said they did. I guess the home owner waived his rights or they did it illegally. I do not know. I think we agree on this issue. I do not understand what your argument is with me. I made a few statements about incidents in different scenarios and I think you thought I was talking about the Boston search. Either way I think we agree....
It will be interesting to know if anybody did REFUSE to the searches and what actions were taken upon them, if they did refuse and asked for a search warrant. Being we did not see anything other than what the media allowed us to see, all I saw was a bunch of sheep complying with the Orders of The State and applauding them for thuggish actions towards U.S. Citizens without declaring Martial Law. I've pretty much given up on the alphabet agencies ability to follow the Constitution, being their actions have spoken that they do not much care for the outdated piece of paper it was written on. I guess I'm a tinfoil hat guy. I don't trust the DHS, Napolitano, Holder or most any political entity or politician as far as I could throw them.