I wonder if Senator Dianne Feinstein being so busy on her gun control bill failed to notice this. The United States has entered into a contract with one firm to sell 56 buildings that currently house U.S. Post Offices. The government has decided that it no longer needs these buildings (many of which are located on prime land in towns and cities across the country). The sale of these properties will bring in billions of dollars and, with that, millions of dollars in commissions for the one Company that is in charge of handling the sale and negotiation of the new leases. What makes this such a matter of concern to me is that the Company that the Government has contracted with to conduct the sales (and the corresponding leases for the new locations of the displaced post offices) is owned by Richard Blum . What? Didn't that name mean anything to you? Maybe I should re-phrase and say that the person that owns the company that is solely in charge of this multi -million- dollar transaction is Richard Blum the husband of Senator Dianne Feinstein .
I can almost match that from the North with BC Premier Christy Clark. Her ex husband was a huge part of the province selling off a big chunk of publicly owned rail. Several flunkies went down for it but there was much hush-hushing on the public dime. BC Rail complaint against Premier Christy Clark dismissed - British Columbia - CBC News "B.C.'s Conflict of Interest Commissioner has dismissed a complaint against Premier Christy Clark that alleged she was in a conflict of interest in the province's 2003 sale of BC Rail." "Two former Liberal aides, Dave Basi and Bob Virk, did plead guilty to providing insider information to interested parties in the 2003 sale of BC Rail and receiving benefits for the information, and were sentenced to two years less a day in jail, in 2010. But in January the B.C. Supreme Court ruled the province's auditor general does not have the right to see all the documents linked to the cost of the BC Rail trial and the decision to pay $6 million in legal fees for Basi and Virk."