At a fertilizer plant, we felt it here at home, some 95 miles away. Unconfirmed reports of 60-70 dead with hundreds injured. Hundreds believed injured in Texas fertilizer plant blast - Yahoo! News
They make Ammonium Nitrate at that plant, Right? One would think the Fire Fighters would have learned by now, after Texas City, that you NEVER PUT WATER, on an Ammonuim Nitrate Fire.... DUMB, Just plan Dumb....
I don't know about ammonium nitrate, but I learned about water and electrical fires in 6th grade when a faulty outlet went PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT in our classroom. And the reports coming out of the area are NOT good. Keeping them in my thoughts. Some from the area are saying that it keeps getting worse and the whole town might be crap now.
Well I didn't want to post my thoughts just anywhere, but you people are special and deserve to know special thoughts And I've just had my overfill of bad news. I really do hope it gets contained soon before more get hurt. And I had 3 pieces of really good chocolate candy today, and a nice helping of ice cream. And some nachos. Not together of course.
Yep, as I figured, it was confirmed on the 11pm news, that this plant was making Ammonia Nitrate. There was a fire at the plant and the product, Ammonia Nitrate was burning. Local fire Fighters were trying to put out the fire with water.... This is exactly the WRONG THING TO DO in an Ammonia Nitrate fueled Fire. This is the EXACT same Senerio, that leveled Texas City, Tx back in the 1947 Explosion that leveled the City... Ammonia Nitrate burning in the hold of a Freighter, Fire Dept pouring water on the fire, and BOOM 2300 Tons of Ammonia Nitrate detonated, and leveled the Plant, Dock & Town.... Killed 581 people minimum. When will these people LEARN.. You NEVER put out an Ammonia Nitrate Fire with water... It always goes BOOM.... DUH....
Bet it was a volunteer fire department and they did not know any better. Learning from past events is very important, but seems to be lacking in human behavior.
I expect the MSM and administration will be more focused on Boston, despite the greater than 10-fold fatalities. Big, east coast city in the bluest of blue states versus a small town in red Texas.
Still, prayers for the dead, and injured. First responders took a heavy toll in this tragedy. Heroes are those people who run toward the fire, while everyone else is running away.
Nope not pregnant, we just got a bunch of goodies yesterday and I had to 'test' them out before I let my mother have any, you know...
Foam is the correct way to deal with burning Ammonia Nitrate.... Never, Ever, use water.... Ammonia Nitrate is self-Oxidizing, when burning, but foam also causes the Heat of Oxidation to be removed from the burning compound.....
In case some of you missed the youtube... Stupid accident. My thoughts & prayers are with these people and that little girls eardrums.