I just purchased the I-560's they are the flip phones, and the range is slightly less because they can not take the upgraded antennae. i560 Motorola | eBay
There is a list of phones with this function in the comms info. on this site. See @BTPost for specifics of course.
I don't know yet. I am still charging batteries, and programming mine. I believe they were getting 1.7 miles in canyons and woods, and I think up to about 8 on open country. (memory) see @BTPost.
HMMMM UM Coach: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Were at Start, Finish Lines for “Drill” | Mobile AL, Pensacola FL News, Weather, Sports | WPMI-TV | Local15TV.com Another drill and bam
i disagree, under the "let no tragedy go to waste" rule, he will be found to be working for gun nuts, republicans, hoarders, and sent by George W. himself. and he will commit suicide while under the doctor's care, and not the liar-in-chief's fault.
The Boston Marathon's Final Mile Was Dedicated to Newtown Victims - Connor Simpson - The Atlantic Wire here is a wierd one , Sandy Hook parents were at the 26th mile that was dedicated to the loss of the kids at Sandy Hook elementary. sucks for them to have to live through tragedy twice.
iDEN range in a city without towers will probably be much less than 2 miles unless you can get to higher ground. I would guess that VHF/UHF amateur repeaters are still online, that would probably be the best way to get information from around the city, though non-securely.
Standard procedure at these type of events to have bomb sniffing dogs doing patrols, sniffing thru the crowds just like they do at the airports, rallies and such. Typically they would be at high density areas, such as the start and finish lines.... easier to scan a large group at once.
@Silversnake, here is that list of acceptable phones. An Interesting, SECURE, Comm's Device, for your CN-AoO
It will be interesting to find out how much of a cell this Saudi belonged to. He could not pull this off by himself most likely. Unfortunately for him he was a rookie and shrapnel'd himself in the blast...but good for us as we know have him in custody and you know the fed's are running hard with any intel they can garner from this guy.... waterboard him today!! I do agree with you @tulianr, that he poorly placed the devices and the crowd was lucky for that. It could have most likely been worse if he was a pro. These muslim extremist always seem to use the young for their DA's which is a good thing, if someone with more training and situational awareness was doing the placements of these IED's, he could have done even more damage.
Ok, First: Yes, iDen/ISM SECURE Phones will still be WORKING, even if ALL the Cellular Networks were SHUT DOWN. They operate, INDEPENDENT of ANY Cellular Network, which is different from other "Push to Talk" Cellular systems that depend on the Network, to operate. Second: After watching the Tapes of the Explosions, I can say with about 95% certainty, that these were NOT High Explosive Devices, but were Low Explosive Devices. The difference being, High Explosive Materials Decompose (Detonate) with little SMOKE, other than the dust kicked up from the Pressure Wave. Low Explosive Materials, Oxidize (Burn - Deflagrate) and those Oxidized Compounds, typically generate lots of SMOKE, that gets scattered by a much Smaller Pressure Wave., along with the dust near the site. My conclusion is, that these were Low Explosive materials, which is the reason that there is so little Damage, compared to what an HE Device would have caused, being of similar size. If I could have smelled the Smoke, I could have told you the exact composition of the Energetic Materials used, by the oder. Local ATF will have the Energetics, defined, and known, here in about two hours, if they were commonly available compounds used. They have Test Strips that used to determine these things, in their "Go Bags". Cellular Services were SHUT DOWN in the area, as a precaution, as they COULD have been used as the Trigger. I suspect we will hear one way or the other, what the Trigger Device was, as there will be MANY parts, available for recovery, around each of the sites, due to the SLOW nature of the Explosion, that was shown. I have been very interested in the pontifications, of ALL the Talking Heads, and all the "blather" about what "FACTS" that they have no CLUE about. It is truly Mind Boggling..... ....
If that turns out to be TRUE, then there are a number of mixtures that could be used. Metallic Metal (Zinc, Magnesium) Dust & Sulfur Potassium Chlorate & Sulfur Pyrodex and a few others.... Wrong color SMOKE for Black Powder.... ANY Bomb sniffing Doggies would NOT alert on such compounds, as the above, as they have NO NitroOrganics involved. These Dogs are trained to alert on NitroOrganics, which ALL have a distinctive scent, that is easy for them to identify... .......
I have to wonder how diligent the pre-race and during the race scanning was. Looks to me as tho' there's some complacency in the DHS. One of the talking heads, just this minute, said that no one expected it. Well, no s**t, sherlock. That's what diligence is all about.
Ah, don't worry, the perp will have been on a watch list and be well known to AntiTerrorists units. They will have it well in hand.