Threat Coming To The Door- What Do You Take

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Yard Dart, Mar 29, 2013.

  1. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    Ok so i see yet another thread gone to hell ...
    The question was what would u take ...

    for the first 3 responders thanks
  2. Stealth Camper

    Stealth Camper wild foodie

    1: Firearm
    2: Ammo
    3: B.O.B.
    4: Weather appropriate clothing
    5: Extra food and water

    Since the bug out bag contains so many crucial items already, I could get by with just that. But if confrontation with unfriendlies was probable, the gun would definitely be the first thing to grab on my way out the door. After all, survival is about priorities.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    1. Out the ones giving orders
    2. Out the ones following the orders
    3. Out the support staff
    4. Out the follow ons / extraction team
    5. all of their weapons.

    Harbin, Beano, BTPost and 2 others like this.
  4. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    The base question is what 5 things would you take under the scenario. Where I would disagree with you is that even if this is a conversation on what you would take- there are some that would not even go into an E&E mode and stand their ground. I think that is a valid part of the thread to see what you would take if you evade, but if not, what is your plan. If you perform a defense in place, that is your plan and how you would do that, in general, is interesting in my book. As BT said, he has the various avenues of approach covered for plinking incoming. And I believe Visu is going to go Gorilla (vs Monkey) on them and will do an attrition battle. Either way the thread in my book has not gone to hell- since I started it I get a vote ;) Keep your ideas flowing with the scenario....[winkthumb]
    Silversnake, oldawg, VisuTrac and 2 others like this.
  5. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    And thank you so much for your review.

    I am sure we were all waiting with bated breath for your approval.
  6. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Guns Quad barrels of food cloths gas and into the woods
  7. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    I gots no place to run, so what the heck;

    1. Helmet (yes really)
    2. Body armor
    3. LBE
    4. MBR
    5. Molon Labe !
    oldawg, tulianr and VisuTrac like this.
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    We have our goodies packed in BO containers. Home is where we stop. Like BT, no sense in letting a good opportunity go to waste. Play in your field--not theirs.
    ETA: who is guarding their "hen house" while they are at yours?
    Mountainman and Yard Dart like this.
  9. Icefoot

    Icefoot Monkey+

    1. 3-day pack from the trunk of the car (clothes, food, ammo, water filter, hunting knife, firestarter, first aid).
    2. Rifle (plinking/small game category but effective for exploiting small cracks in body armor within 150yds).
    3. Handgun.
    4. Comms package (radio, antenna, light weight battery, small solar panel all packaged to fit in/on 3-day pack mentioned above).
    5. Shelter material.

    And down the gully at the back of the neighborhood in the opposite direction of the only entrance to the area. Using the other houses for concealment of my movement into the gully, of course. Great place to observe the activity and still evade should they decide to explore the undeveloped end of the road. The house is not very defensible. Considering the area population's attitudes, I could expect them to have been ambushed at least once or twice before they get to me. So taking a stand would be foolish. Better to let them search and leave than confront them in my situation. Would have to suppress the temptation to use the subsonic rounds from the gully to create some confusion, though...
    Yard Dart and BTPost like this.
  10. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    and your contribution to the conversation was.... [looksharp]
  11. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    This thread has stuck in my mind since it was started (thanks, by the way @Yard Dart , like I didn't have enough to think about). I changed my attitude from a 72-hour BOB to an INCH (I'm never coming home) bag. If something like the original scenario played out, I'd have to be prepared to keep going and not look back. Also, the idea of being a gray man is completely out the door. So, what did I change? Swapped out gray clothing for regionally appropriate camo. Also changed the rations I carry (MREs decreased, dehydrated increased-for weight savings). I use a large ALICE and it is getting heavy. First aid supplies have changed from trauma focus to broader medical focus.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  12. PlumbNutz

    PlumbNutz Pissed off citizen

    1. Well equipped bug out bags
    2. Mountain bikes
    3. Dog
    4. Wife
    5. Kids
  13. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    i reply with nothing ..

    I have already been threw this situation ... uniformed officials with guns in humvsss...the hole nine yards...

    im not saying the govt are good or bad ...dont care
    everyone here talks about what ifs...

    Can anyone share a personal story were the govt came and took there things for no reason or bothered and harrased them for no reason .... not a story u heard or read about on the internet....something that actually happend

    {sorry for getting off the subject}
    not concerned about spelling ...
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You are welcome Silversnake- just trying to keep you up late at night with your thinkn cap on. :D
    It is good food for thought on the 72 hour BOB vs your INCH bag. For me I would more likely go with the 72-hour BOB with the INCH cached off site. Keep's you lighter and a little more versatile (especially on foot)- while also giving you a resupply/rally point for quick egress. If for some reason you loose your BOB during E&E or someone in your team that has been split off, the rally point can be hit- reassemble the team, grab the INCH and press on.... Or as some might do, use that as a base camp to scout and then take back the homestead if your place stays occupied.
    kellory and Silversnake like this.
  15. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    For me the "talking about what if's" is a good sounding board for your idea's, how you might handle the situation, and maybe learning better ideas from all contributors!! The Monkey has some tremendous resources to learn from- use them.

    You want personal stories of people that have had this done to them- head to the county jail and talk to all the folks that have earned a raid, for something they most likely brought on themselves. Or you can head over to the sand box and watch how the US Mil. does this type of activity every day on search operations. Bottom line is the the .gov is training and doing these tactics all the time- we need to be thinking and planning on how we are going to counter this activity, to be just as ready as they are...
    Pax Mentis likes this.
  16. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Examples are Katrina mandatory evacuees. Or Sandy, or any of the other storms in the past 10 years. Or ethnic German and Japanese citizens of the United States of America who were interred in the 40's.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  17. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I figured this rated a more detailed response than the one I made before.

    The reason my "getaway" bag is a 12 hour bag is that we have what we have made as close to the ideal situation as we were able...we are directly across the river from a large area of BLM land where we have designated meetup areas and have small caches in case we are for some reason unable to get to weapons or BOBs before we de-ass the "farm" (unlikely in the extreme, as we built refuges, entrances and exits into the house and outbuildings when we built them).

    Our primary BOL is down the river and up a creek (in the literal sense) and easily within an hour's travel cross country and less on the river. Another hour cross country will take us to the secondary BOL...both BOLs are gold claims we have had for some years and use as family recreation areas also...there is a third somewhat more distant claim that we have obtained more recently and which is less well prepared than the first 2. Each of the first 2 is equipped for the whole bunch to get by for at least 3 months (though our diet would be somewhat more boring than at home) and difficult to on the "bonuses" of gold claims is that it is easy to find excuses for short periods of heavy equipment operation without raising any eyebrows.

    Since the beginning, we have tried to be prepared for what may come while also making our preps things that enrich our lives even if we never actually NEED them for survival. We have also had over 25 years now to accumulate and stash actually NEEDING a BOB (as long as we are in home territory) is much less likely than for most even well prepared folks.

    On a side I was cleared to move back out of town to MY house and will be doing that over the next few weeks and my son will be moving back here to his house in town. It has been hard for me the past 8 months being out of the place that I built for our retirement and relying on others to care for it while I lived 15 miles away. I will still have to have others do most of the physical stuff for the foreseeable future, but will at least get to supervise and enjoy my shop and my trails :)
  18. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    @KAS we also have to be careful, what we might say in an open forum, can and will be used against us. It will show intent and premeditation. :D

    That being said, Ain't no leaving to bugout at this compound. Frying pan into the fire kinda thing. If they come, they come. I'll probably wind up getting zipped into a bag.
    NotSoSneaky and KAS like this.
  19. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Being bagged is always an option. Remember the movie "Patriot" (Mel Gibson)? After his son was murdered he set off to set up an effective ambush with two "amateurs" who were excellent marksmen. IMO, if "they" come for you they will come prepared for worst case scenarios so you will not survive. Better to not be there or live to play on your play ground at the most opportune time. Do not give them an excuse to execute you and your family. Heard a buddy say--if you do have to go down then take some with you--lessens the number for others to contend with.
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yep, and teaches them a lessen, that they are being "Watched" and "They had best cover their Back Trail".... That is always the problem with Occupation Strategy, You have your stuff, and Ground, and THEY have their supplies, but only a Base, for their Ground. Always fight on YOUR Ground, where you have the advantages on your side.... Never give them any advantage, that you can help. After they lose a Squad, or two, they will not be adventuring out passed their Base, much, as the woods will have eyes, and they will have minimal support from the community, if at all..... .
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