Second Amendment State/LEO response to federal gun ban threat

Discussion in 'Bill of Rights' started by CATO, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. DMGoddess

    DMGoddess Monkey+++

    Maybe someone should remind Congress, the Senate, the White House, AND the Supreme Court, of what happened in 2008:
    The Supreme Court determined that the right to bear arms applies to an individual, and has no bearing on military or law enforcement service.

    Supreme Court asserts broad gun rights -
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    The New Britain Herald : New Britain, Conn., and surrounding areas (

    Saturday, March 2, 2013 10:05 PM EST
    Oklahoma is the latest state asking a Connecticut gun maker, telling it to bring over its manufacturing plant and jobs.

    Mark Malkowski, president of New Britain-based Stag Arms, said he’s been contacted by Oklahoma’s Department of Commerce, urging him to move to the Sooner State.

    “Connecticut is our home and we have never taken these letters seriously in the past,” Malkowski said. “But if a ban (on assault weapons) would take place, the idea would certainly be on the table.”

    Gov. Dannel Malloy has proposed significantly expanding the definition of firearms included under the state’s 20-year-old assault weapons ban.
    Click to enlarge
    Stag Arms opened in the state almost 10 years ago and employs nearly 200 people from all over Central Connecticut.

    Efrain Lozada of New Britain, who works at Ammunition Storage Components, said, “Don’t take our jobs away. … They should put themselves in our situation and see what would they do. They should try to do everything possible to keep everybody employed; that’s the top thing here in Connecticut. … All the jobs are walking out.”

    Last week, Malloy proposed a series of steps to lessen gun violence, including universal background checks. A semi-automatic weapon would be prohibited if it has a detachable magazine and at least one military feature, such as a folding or telescoping stock, a pistol grip, a bayonet mount or a flash suppressor. Magazines would be limited to holding 10 rounds or fewer.

    Andrew Doba, Malloy’s spokesman, said, “The goal of the governor’s proposal is to make Connecticut safer. We hope the industry will join us in that effort.”

    Other Connecticut-based gun makers who have also been approached by politicians from a growing list of states have not said if they’d leave Connecticut.

    Officials from Texas, South Carolina, Arizona and Mississippi are arguing that gun manufacturers should abandon states with tough gun laws, like New York and Connecticut, for places where there are fewer restrictions on gun ownership.

    Besides Stag Arms, PTR in Bristol, Hartford-based Colt, Southport-based Sturm, Ruger and Co. and New Haven-based Mossberg & Sons have received pitches from other states.

    While Connecticut’s gun makers have not made public any plans to move, they have made it very clear to Connecticut’s state legislators that they are an economic force in the state.

    At a hearing in Hartford in January on proposed state gun regulations, weapons makers stressed the continued importance of the industry to the state, saying the companies generate $1.75 billion in revenue and create thousands of jobs.

    PTR’s Chief Executive Officer Josh Fiorini says he’s heard “from South Carolina, Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama and others” about moving his company, which was in Farmington until it moved to Bristol in January 2012

    The Bristol company CEO says the out-of-state offers include “all kinds of incentives and guarantees” that any business would be foolish not to consider.

    Though Malkowski says he has not had an opportunity to meet with the governor one-on-one, he did meet with his staff.

    “They were welcoming and listened to what I had to say,” Malkowski said. “They agreed to meet with me again, let me show them the products we manufacture and meet some of the people who would be directly affected by an arbitrary ban on cosmetic features.”

    Malkowski said he is hopeful that if he proceeds on fact and not emotion, “we can work together to achieve the common goal of a safe Connecticut.”

    Malloy said he remains committed to his new, tough gun-control proposal. “We’re going to move forward with common-sense gun safety,” he said.

    Malloy’s proposal would ban the sale of any semi-automatic rifle with one “military characteristic,” such as a pistol grip, flash suppressor or bayonet lug. A ban would outlaw Stag’s entire AR-15-style product line in Connecticut. The AR-15 also is part of the Colt legacy.

    Don Hackler, spokesman for Oklahoma’s Department of Commerce, confirmed that the state was reaching out to gun manufacturers, but he declined to identify which ones. Te state has, however, made up a brochure that urges gun makers to “Set Your Sites on Oklahoma!”

    The brochure says the state is “primed and ready” for gun manufacturing facilities and says it has one the best gunsmithing programs in the nation at its Murray State College.

    In addition, the brochure said, Oklahoma is a “right-to-work” state that allows employers to decide whether a union represents their workers. The brochure also said, “employees can live and work in Oklahoma without crowds, fighting traffic or a high cost of living.”

    Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin declined to say how many gun manufacturers her state has reached out to. “But we’re always open to creating jobs,” she said.
    ghrit likes this.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    First para below the picture, "jobs walking." I think I like that, tho' it may turn out to be jobs running.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Idaho makes everybody a member of the state militia...says FU to gun grabbers.

    BOISE, Idaho — Lawmakers fearful the U.S. Supreme Court might one day reverse itself on the issue of individual gun rights aim to change the Idaho Constitution's definition of a militia to include all the state's adults.
    That way, argued Sen. Jim Rice of Caldwell Wednesday in the Senate State Affairs Committee, the federal government could never swoop in and disarm residents.
    Rice wants to put the amendment before voters in the November 2014 election, calling it an important "backstop" to existing protections of individual gun rights.
    For now, however, he just wants to get people talking about the issue.
    He says it's surpassed all other matters before the 2013 Idaho Legislature - including the insurance exchange and proposed personal property tax repeal - based on opinions of people who have contacted him.
    BTPost likes this.
  5. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Nearly 1 in 3 Sherriff's Associations are opposed to the King's wishes.

    Growing List of Sheriffs, Associations and Police Chiefs Saying ‘NO’ to Obama Gun Control | CSPOA - Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

    Three more state-wide sheriff associations have joined those opposed to President Obama's kitchen sink approach to gun control, raising the number to 14, or nearly one-third of the nation's statewide police organizations.
    Sheriff associations in South Carolina, California and most recently Nevada joined the other states in demanding Obama to stop his gun grab and instead focus on expanding the national background check system to include far more information on the mental health status of gun buyers than it does now.
    Nevada joined the growing group opposed to gun control just Monday. In their letter, provided Tuesday morning to Secrets, they also appealed to legislators to turn the focus on the mental health of those buying guns.
    "We have all seen what persons who have mental illness, who are uses of illegal controlled substances, or are members of criminal gangs can do with weapons in their hands; any weapons, not just firearms. As it currently stands, many of these individuals are not entered into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for a whole variety of reasons. This must be addressed at the national, state and local levels," said the Nevada sheriffs.
    But they also vowed to fight any effort to take guns from Nevadans. They wrote: "The sheriffs of the state of Nevada do not believe that the answer to this issue includes making criminals out of otherwise law-abiding individuals. As the old saying goes, 'As guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. The answer lies within a myriad of approaches including education, addressing violence, keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill, criminal gang members, and illegal controlled substance users, as well as prosecuting and incarcerating those who would use firearms to commit crimes."

    So far those state sheriff associations who have challenged Obama are: Nevada, South Carolina, California, Illinois, Montana, Utah, Florida, Georgia, New York, Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska, Wyoming and Indiana.
    Their approach to gun control jives with House GOP leaders who have vowed to fight efforts to ban assault-style weapons, limit the size of magazines, expand to a universal background check system and register guns. The Obama-style approach, however, is alive in the Senate.
  6. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Missouri Lt. Gov. Fights DHS Gun Registration | The Truth About Guns

    “[The Missouri] Department of Revenue [DoR] is working with the Department of Homeland Security to install new hard and software to obtain data on Missouri citizens and transfer this information to DHS and unnamed third parties.” Well they were until Missouri Lt. Governor Peter Kinder filed a Temporary Restraining Order against the DoR. [Press release after the jump] The move follows a complaint from Show Me State resident Eric Griffin. When Griffin went to renew his Concealed Carry Weapons permit, the Department of Revenue [DoR] refused to issue same unless he surrendered ID documents for their records. Griffin brought his complaint to Kinder. It’s possible the practice is repeated in other states, as part of the Real ID law. Let us know if you’ve bumped-up against and we’ll keep you posted . . .

    Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder backs fee office
    lawsuit in Stoddard CountyLegal action taken against fee offices over privacy concerns
    JEFFERSON CITY – Lt. Governor Peter Kinder today hosted a press conference in the Capitol to announce a lawsuit filed over the collection and scanning of private documents by the Missouri Department of Revenue for residents seeking concealed carry gun permits.
    The lawsuit was filed Monday by Russ Oliver in Stoddard County. Oliver is Stoddard County’s prosecuting attorney. He filed the lawsuit as a private attorney on behalf of Eric Griffin.
    “I fully support Mr. Oliver in this important legal action in Stoddard County Circuit Court,” Kinder said. “This case has issues of statewide importance implicating serious privacy concerns for law-abiding citizens. These folks have followed the letter of the law and been approved for concealed carry by the proper authorities. They must not be required to share that information with any third parties or the federal government.”
    Oliver said Mr. Griffin went to his local Department of Motor Vehicles fee office after passing the application process for a concealed carry gun permit. When he refused to let DMV employees scan some of his documentation, he was denied the permit.
    Oliver said Griffin acted within his rights. He said the Department of Revenue apparently installed new computer equipment to record the information as part of the federal Real ID Act of 2005.
    But state laws prohibit the department from retaining and collecting these types of documents and from complying with that portion of the Real ID Act. The data the DOR collected was being forwarded to Morpho Trust U.S.A., a Georgia company that specializes in partnering with state and federal governmental agencies.
    “There are important privacy concerns for concealed carry holders who justly fear their information being sent to a third party or the federal government,” Oliver said. “Missouri law makes it clear that what is going on here is illegal, and serves no legitimate purpose since the county sheriff is solely charged with the duty of determining applicants’ eligibility for the endorsement.”
    The lawsuit seeks a temporary restraining order to stop the Department of Revenue from collecting and sharing the private data and declare their actions unlawful.
    ghrit likes this.
  7. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  8. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yea, You don't Mess, with Mormons... They have History with the FEDs, and that History is taught, and ingrained, in their children, their whole life.... They have dealt with Federal Armies, sent to subdue them, and the results wasn't Pretty, for the Invaders.... Those folks can raise a considerable Force, in just HOURS, armed if need be, or loaded with tools, if that is required. They have the Leadership, and Communications already in place, and functioning. .....
    Moatengator and hank2222 like this.
  10. hank2222

    hank2222 Monkey+++

    I was raised LDS and I know from my father teaching is that never fully trust the fed because of the simple fact as used to say...They will lie .. Cheat and steal if it suits them to get what they want in the end after dealing with the BLM
    Moatengator and BTPost like this.
  11. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I'm not LDS. Your Dad was right, and it's still true.
    Moatengator, Jaybird and Pax Mentis like this.
  12. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    The problem as I see it in appealing to the states in question on a jobs issue is they just don't give a rip. The gun issue is about control not guns and as for the economy, as soon as our current system tanks we will be on the full blown socialist plan.

    It's an obvious agenda issue that is dividing the nation. For every LEO that stands up for the law of the land, there's another who could care less. We win this one or we lose big time.
    oldawg likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    When the FEDs, completely disregard, what the States, have themselves, decided is what they want, and have put in place Statutes, that control these Issues, for Themselves, THEN, It will be,THE FEDs, that have to send in FEDERAL Troops, to OCCUPY those States, Remove the State, and Local Governments, and enforce the FEDERAL Will on those States. At that point each State will call up their State Citizens Militia, and defend the State from these Invading FEDERAL Troops. It WILL BE Civil War II. Now think about it... Just HOW MANY FEDERAL Troops will it take, to OCCUPY Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Aridzoinia, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, North & South Dakota, and Basically the whole South East USA? There aren't enough FEDs, to even do three of those, if the States have Citizen Militia's, backed by their National Guard Units. I suspect MOST of the Military Officer Corps, would NOT follow a Presidential Order, to Occupy ANY such State, that specifically told His Magisty, [finger]

    Do you think New York, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania are going to DRAFT their Citizens, to send to do this OCCUPATION. These Liberal FEDs do not fight these Battles Physically, THEMSELVES. No, they are above such things, so they get idiots to do it for them, by promising them Food, Women, and any other incentive they can think of. So who do you think would win such a confrontation?... My Opinion.... YMMV....
  14. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    7NEWS - El Paso sheriff refuses to enforce gun laws after accusing Democrats of gun control extortion - Local Story

    COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa says he will not enforce some new gun control laws being considered in Colorado after he accused Democrats of extortion.
    Maketa told people at a meeting on Thursday he would only enforce some of the proposed new laws if the county could be held liable for any damages caused by his department's lack of enforcement.
    According to KOAA-TV, county commissioners Peggy Littleton and Amy Lathen backed Maketa's stance and said they are looking into what actions the county could take to stop any laws from going into effect locally.
    The Colorado sheriff spoke out on what he called "extortion" to get sheriffs across the state to change their position on gun control bills Wednesday.
    Maketa was upset that Former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' husband, Mark Kelly, was allowed to testify on a gun control bill at the state capitol and not some Colorado citizens.
    "I’ve witnessed very controversial bills set in a process to allow full access from supporters, opponents, and citizens to be heard by their legislators," Maketa said. " On Monday, this didn’t occur."
    Maketa himself testified March 4 against the expanded background check bill.
    Maketa said he received an email from a member of the County Sheriffs Of Colorado.
    "Basically the email said that the Senate Dem leadership is very upset with the Sheriffs and their opposition to the gun control bills," Maketa said in a radio interview on KVOR.
    "Support of SB197 would put us in a more favorable light for a salary bill support from the Dems," the email said according to Maketa.
    Maketa was outraged.
    "As I see it, senate Dems have made it known, 'Sheriffs, obey or no pay for you,'" Maketa wrote on his website. ”The first word that comes to my mind is extortion."
    On the radio, Maketa went even further.
    "I felt it was almost bordering extortion, attempted influence of public officials," Maketa said.
    "I'm taking that up with leadership of the sheriffs' association," Maketa said.
    "There were no threats that were ever intended in that email," Chris Olson, the executive director of the County Sheriffs of Colorado, told KRDO-TV.
    On Facebook this week, Maketa said, he has not been directly threatened.
    "I want to make something very clear; I have not been directly threatened or coerced in any way nor would I tolerate any threat," Maketa wrote. "A message delivered verbally to a representative of the Colorado Sheriff's Association basically stated that the Senate Dems are very upset with the Colorado Sheriffs opposing the gun legislation proposed by the Senate Democrats. This message insinuated that this could negatively affect the salary bill which has been delayed and put off by the Democrats with the excuse that they would expect bipartisan support. I do believe the salary proposal is being held hostage."
    7NEWS reached out to the Colorado Senate Majority office for a statement on the controversy.
    "Sheriff Maketa's 'evidence' of Senate Democratic leadership extorting or influencing public officials is a chain of internal emails between sheriffs and CSOC speculating on the political climate at the Capitol. The Executive Director of CSOC has since confirmed that no legislator or legislative staffer attempted to influence the group regarding salaries," said spokesman Doug Schepman. "The email chain points out the true reason a salary bill has not been introduced -- it lacks the support of Sheriff Maketa's own party."
    Maketa released the emails between him and Olson. Read them here:
    Read Maketa's statement on his website:
    Read Maketa's statements on his Facebook page: Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More
  15. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Well, it appears that the libtards want to circumvent the election process now too:

    Sheriff gets elected by the people*
    Sheriff does not enforce FEDERAL laws that go against the Constitution
    Liberals, who are not "the people*" referred to above, want to have an elected official fired for obeying the Constitution. [loco]

    Law would fire sheriffs for defying gun control measures |

    Supporters of the 380 sheriffs in 15 states who so far have vowed to defy new state and federal gun control laws claim that legislation is starting to pop up around the nation to fire any state elected or appointed law enforcement official who doesn't obey federal orders.
    The first effort emerged in Texas. Legislation proposed by Dallas Democratic Rep. Yvonne Davis would remove any sheriff or law enforcement officer who refuses to enforce state or federal laws.
    What's more, it would remove any elected or appointed law enforcement officer for simply stating or signing any document stating that they will not obey federal orders.
    A gun lobbyist told Secrets, "Beware because once something like this is introduced in one state, it will be followed very quickly in several other states."
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    You can't expect such a LAW, to pass State, OR Federal Constitutional Muster... This just PROVES, that any Yahoo can get elected to a State Legislature, and propose ANY UnConstitutional Bill. and it just proves that these Yahoos just have No CLue how aCONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC works.....
    Moatengator likes this.
  17. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Gosh, the next thing you know they just might declare any act of revolution unlawfull. [tongue]
    oldawg likes this.
  18. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Davis is one of those POS libs we're infested with here in Texas. We mostly have been able to keep them penned up in the cities but every once in a while they spout stupid crap in public. It won't get anywhere. Too much common sense left outside of the cities. At least until the dems gerrymander themselves into more power.
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