It's come to my attention that a couple of members are having some issues with posting (invisible text input box). If this is happening to you, can you try to post some details so we can track the problem down? What browser and operating system you're using, when this began, etc. So far we know that this has happened with one member while using Internet Explorer although I'm testing with IE 8 on Windows XP at the moment and everything appears to be working.
Melbo,I just switched to chrome,I believe that my problem is solved. Thank you and the other Administrators who helped me.
Started yesterday,Every time I tried to respond to or write a post or PM,the "box"would go blank when I clicked on it to move my cursor.My spell check quit working when you changed the format the last time.No idea as to the cause.Now everything works as it is supposed to.
Which version of IE were you using? I'm sure you tried the obligatory browser fix of Internet Options > clear cookies and browser cache, reboot and then login to SM again.
Not sure which version,I run Windows XP.Did the other stuff, didn't help.Everything worked fine on my other sites.I am just lost and confused when it comes to tech stuff.