You should stop driving too might get into an accident. "we have to protect our dogs by building a prison for them..." "we have to protect our children by watching them constantly and limiting their movements." Hmm...maybe you should run for Government office....
I'll continue to drive. I just won't drive with my eyes closed. I'd love to live in Mayberry, where I could go to sleep with my windows open, and let my child disappear for hours without worrying for his safety. I don't though. I'd love to live in a country where I could believe what my politicians tell me, open my doors to strangers, and not worry about our economy. I don't though. There is a difference in the world that I would like to have, and the world that I have. I may never suffer a violent crime, my child may never be abused and killed by a predator, and the world economy may never completely implode; but I do not believe I will ever regret attempting to protect my family from such possibilities. If any of those things did occur, and I did not take all possible steps to protect me and mine, then I would have some serious regrets. So, I'll continue to lock my doors, I'll continue to keep my child under my supervision, I'll continue to keep my dogs in their yard, I'll continue to keep good fences around my pastures, I'll continue to store up food and provisions, and I'll continue to keep my weapon by my side. I wish you and yours the same peace of mind that I derive from my silly preparedness.
The concept of letting one's children roam about freely is coming back. Ever hear about "America's worst Mom" ? She's one of my hero's. For those who don't like to cliky links, this is the Mom who let her 9 year old ride the NYC subway by himself. IMHO one needs to let the young 'un's roam - within reason. How else can they learn to solve problems and build self confidence ? Some of the best time of my youth were not just the days spent wandering about on my bike with a fishing pole but also riding the bus two or three towns away to go see a movie on a Saturday or just to walk around someplace new and explore. There are no more child predators today than there were back in the 50's or 60's, we just hear more about them due the proliferation of today's media and the manner they sensationalise everything. Letting my own lil' monkey out to roam the first couple of times was unsetteling I'll admit but hey, I survived. If you have any confidence in the manner in which you've trained your kids, they'll be fine.
It is NOT your "Right" as a citizen, to go assault ANYONE, for any perceived violation of Civil or Criminal Statutes. It IS your "Duty" to report such violations to the legally constituted Authority, for your Area. Assaulting ANYONE, will land you in the GaryBar Hotel, for an extended stay. In some States, with appropriate Statutes in place, you may Defend Yourself, and possibly Others, up to and including "Use of Deadly Force", or make a Citizens Arrest, on someone who commits a violation of a Civil or Criminal Statute, in your presents, but that ALL depends of the Statutes, of the State you live in. All the rest of such comments, are just BS Blustering.... and not what a Thinking Person, should be saying, or even conceiving, to do.... My Opinion.... YMMV...
No they were thinking I'll hunt down any SOB that messes with my kids. And the SOBs knew they had a very short time to live in those days should they be caught.
BT, that may be true, in the strict legal sense, but in the heat of the moment, I wasn't thinking rationally, and calmly, I was trying to save a life. A life that mattered to me more than any pet since. I will not let myself get that attached again, ever. Have you ever seen an LA Times paper? It weighed at least two or three times what the cat did, yet that cat dragged it into the house to my feet (I HAVE WITNESSES) without any attempt at training for that trick. He just wanted to please me. And don't tell me it was the string it was tied up with, he would not play with it, when I gave it to him. I wasn't fast enough to save him. I got rid of my trigger locks, and created speed loaders for tube magazines, to shave a minute or two off my time. they tore him in half. If I had known where to find the one responsible, at that time, I would have. Right or wrong, castle law or graybar hotel, I would have. All my in-laws are cops, but I was on my own then, and I was away at college, with few friends nearby, and just my cat from home, and I failed him. Bluster? maybe now, with more to lose, but not then. When you are young, tomorrows matters less, there are more of them. I would follow the law now, as i will never invest that much of my heart to an animal again, but then? Be glad they were feral. Just sayin'
Thanks for the well wishes....I actually live in this "Mayberry" you talk aboot. We haven't locked our door in 13 years...frankly I don't think anyone even knows where or if there is a key for the front door...when we all are on the same shift (rare) and nobody is home, we let the dogs OUT to roam the property. When we're not home, they don't let anyone get out of their car or near the house. (Except the mail lady or close family friends). Windows are open all summer long. i don't think your "preparedness" is silly at all....I do however challenge you to stop fearing everything that "could" happen and exhale. Relax. People are not all evil and out to get you. Nature doesn't necessarily want to kill and eat you. Wouldn't hurt you to get right with God maybe? You could always migrate to Canada. Fearless IS Freedom. G
If 2 men bow up and want to fight I think it's fine and dandy to let them sort out their differences without a kangaroo court or uniformed government police "official" "response". Respectfully or coarse - no kicking when a man is down and simply acknowledging when one has had enough. I also think it's neighborly to not call the cops if you witness such a dispute - stepping in to break it up only if it's going too far. I don't want to live in a society of rats ruled by "officials" in uniforms. Fighting over a pool debt? Been there done that. No cops involved. Fighting over a jerk repeatedly tangling his line across mine on the river and shooting off his mouth? Sure. Been there done that too. No cops involved. Fighting over a guy calling my girl a slut... Fighting over a cheap shot in a hockey game... So what? Mind your own f'n business...."citizen". My .02
I'm glad that you live in such a place. I'm happy for you. I wish that I lived in such a peaceful area. I don't. I do live in a rural setting; several miles from even a small town, and forty miles from an actual city. However, I know for a fact that a drug dealer lives on the same road as I. The lady across the street from me had her door kicked in, and house burglarized, last year, just minutes after she left her house. When I do a search of registered sex offenders in my general area, I come up with twenty of them within a thirty mile radius. The threats out there are real, not imagined. The same lady whose house was broken into, had her five year old grandson attacked by a neighbor's dog, while the boy was playing in her yard, this past fall. The dog, and its compatriot, still run free. I've had to have a discussion with those dogs a couple of times since I've moved here. The owners of the dogs seem to have a problem with fences, and think that their dogs should be able to go anywhere they wish. So far, they've only trespassed on my property, annoyed my dogs, and harassed my chickens. If they hurt one of my animals, or threaten my child, they will cease to be a neighborhood problem. I'd love to relax and exhale; but in spite of the fact that you seem to have found a wonderfully safe little niche in which to live, your situation is not widely representative. Some people are in fact evil. Some things in nature do in fact want to eat you. Getting right with God? If I ever meet him, I'll discuss it with him. Migrate to Canada? Too cold, too much of a Nanny State, and I'm not sure I could ever get used to the accent. Fearless is Freedom? Fearless is Foolish. Fear is what keeps us alive. I respect your right to hold differing opinions, but we live in two different worlds, and there are questions upon which we will never agree. I wish you well in your world.
You don't always need People to be Evil to hurt you. Sum times your Fellow mankind's stupidity & ignorance is enough to cause harm to you. An if you think other people's stupidity & ignorance can't harm you, just think of all the apartment buildings that have burned down because one person in one apartment, was stupid. Your pets are free to wander an roam freely as much as they like. On YOUR property!!! If your dog comes onto MY property an starts attacking my animals or people, it is no different than if you had a punk kid that kicked in my door to commit a Home Invasion Assault. Its the exact same thing. Your irresponsibility as a Pet Owner or Parent would run into consequences. Both instances would be met the same exact way. Only difference would be the cost of the funeral. Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. If you do not fear the horrors that man has previously committed being repeated, then you obviously expect too much of your fellow man. An if you are that trusting of your fellow man, well...........
I couldn't agree more. When I was doing my officer training, we were given some sage advice from a veteran NCO. I paraphrase his sentiments.
I also respect your right to hold differing opinions and agree we live in different worlds. Please understand that the fear you live in is NOT what keeps you alive, in fact it's the chain that binds you and encourages "something must be done to protect us..." memetic government control. It is FEAR of GUNS that will disarm you by popular vote regulation. It is FEAR of POVERTY that will empower your Government to force your dependence. It is FEAR of YOUR FELLOW MAN that will sow seeds of neighborly dis-unity. If anything....I pity that ya'll have to live like this. G
I agree in principal but with a No Harm No Foul clause. If my dog wanders onto your property and doesn't hurt anything, stress your animals or cause any problems...I don't think it's 'ok' for you to shoot it "just cuz" it's on your land. If my kid is exploring the woods on your property out of simple child curiousness, I don't think it's ok to shoot him/her either, particularly if there is no harm done. If my kid was ripping up your corn field with his dirt bike...ok - we got an issue to deal with. If my dog is attacking your sheep - we got an issue to deal with.... Get what i'm sayin? G
It appears that you live in the same world as we do, just that you want to believe you live in the UTOPIA section, other wise known as basic denial in a compamentalized personal world.. One day you too shall learn the truth, I just hope your dogs do not awaken you to this fact at the cost of an innocent child's loss of half their face.
People need to understand, they do NOT have the right to trespass in any form on other peoples land. those boundaries are absolute. fenced, surveyed, pinned. legally defined for a reason. You, your dog, your kids, matter not to that boundary. when you cross over, you transgress. It doesn't matter why. To pursue a wounded deer, requires written permission from the owner of the land, and he can tell you to pound sand, even if the deer drops a couple of feet into his land. That deer is now his.
Best lesson I ever learned was a 12 gauge charge of rock salt buzzing through the Oak Tree's leaves above my head. The rancher was right, he was proteting me from myself and his HERD BULL. Lesson learned, other people's property is theirs, stay out , the no traspassing sign may serve more than one purpose.
I'm Native American Indian... You're on MY LAND and you haven't lived up to your treaty obligations. I don't wanna kill you, your dog or your children... I expect the same in return.
13 years on this property....24 on others...freedom working as designed. I'm not gonna live in paranoia-porn OMGWEMUST LIMIT ALL FREEDOM IN ORDER TO PROTECT OURSELVES society. Go nuts.