Kid let strangers/cons in the house :(

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ditch witch, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    We have to put bar stools on the couches at night to keep them off. When we forget- they take a nap on them and act like we should not be upset :(
    Ranger andScout 2.
    UGRev likes this.
  2. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    I'm glad it turned out well for you DW. My big dog is half Lab, and half Rottweiler. If I'm there to tell her it's OK, folks see the Lab side of her. If I'm not around, they see fanged toothy death coming at them!
    More PDT please?
    Yard Dart likes this.
  3. UGRev

    UGRev Get on with it!

    I know what you mean. I put a box on my downstairs couch and he knocked it off to get in it. I bought him his own couch to lay on, but he insists on laying down on mine. I walk in and he's all "WhudIdDo?"..

    I think we jacked this sorry!
  4. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Sorry DW if we went down the dog lane to far!!!
    Bottom line is get your Dobie and you will be safer and enduring a new adventure. A teenager on steroids of sorts!!
  5. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Seems like time for a comprehensive heart to heart on household security SOPs and rules of engagement with the rent-a-kid.

    Once gremlins are through the threshold...the initiative is theirs. They may do nothing but they still have the option of doing a coup de main assault, overpowering her and possibly you with sudden, overwhelming unsuspected force. Assuming that you are able to intervene, is both hazardous for her...because you may not be able to intervene effectively if she is already a hostage, and hazardous for you as It also may restrict what options you may be able to use to deal with the situation short of lethal force. Best talking through an intercom...or a door with a locked security grill until bonafides are confirmed...and accepted. Even then....not without your approval.

    The discussion should not only include physical security and OPSEC, but also situational awareness. She needs to know, that she "Aint in Kansas no more"...and that not every witch is a good witch.
    oldawg, kellory and Yard Dart like this.
  6. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Never mind the dogs, I gots me a 14 year old with his own 12 guage.

    (Lawful where I live) God help the sonofabitch who walks in uninvited.

    This was too close for comfort. Wife & son always armed nowadays.

    Teach the rent-a-kid some OPSEC!
  7. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    I think I have her good and scared about strangers at the door now. Something about the phrase "get your ass raped or murdered" seemed to sink in.

    The first half year or so that we lived here, back when I didn't know anyone, I would open the door to people who stopped by. I didn't let 'em in, but I'd go out on the porch to talk, shutting the door behind me. I learned that after the initial "welcome to the neighborhood", my neighbors were not the ones ringing the doorbell. Always salespeople. Most of them easy to get rid of. Except for one guy pitching siding. He was determined to show me the awesome aluminum siding he could hook me up with, best stuff ever, never need to repaint ever again.

    We have a brick house. It's all friggin brick. Don't think painting is a big issue for me. For that matter, every house on the block is brick or stucco.

    This guy was up in my face, up on our too-small-for-two-people porch the entire time, and wanting me to let him inside to "sit down and talk". I didn't even want to open the door and back inside because he was close enough to push his way in with me. Finally I switched, went around him and went to stand in the middle of the front yard. He stayed on the porch! Luckily my across-the-street neighbor (no longer there, sadly his ex got the house, grrrr) came home, saw something was weird and came over. Started asking the guy to see his permit (you have to go to city hall and get one to do door to door here). Guy got nervous and remembered he was due back at someone else's house right about then. Think the marshal picked him up and ran him out of town a bit later.

    I have a video camera that's set to view the front porch but *someone* had unplugged it to run the vacume so I never got a look at the two who were here yesterday. However, I told the Mr. about it last night and he said there was a tall guy and a short girl standing on the corner near our house talking on their cell phones when he came home, and they kept staring at him when he pulled into the drive. He got home an hour _after_ they left our house. I dunno if they worked their way down the block and had just gotten back, or had just hung out for an hour waiting to see if anyone came home or came out. Callin the marshal here in a bit to give him a 'scription of 'em and tell him what happened.
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I don't think they intend you any good. I don't suppose you can target shoot in the yard.....;)
  9. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    DW, no offense meant, but you really should have popped out & ruined the Idea that your Rent-A-kid put in their heads that if that truck in yard no one is home.
  10. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    Yeah that's a hindsight thing that I'm poking myself with now.
    On the flip side, if they're entertaining ideas of returning then I'm glad they think my truck out there means no one is home, coz I'm pretty much _always_ home.
    Tracy likes this.
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

    Never knowing which vehicles in/out mean someone's there is a good thing!
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

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