So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    It still can be used as a weapon once or more depending on your target. The throat is always good for effect and multiple punctures.
    CATO likes this.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I bought a bunch of tactical pens off of County Comm a long time ago....haven't had to spike anyone yet.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    The pens aren't for me. The kids are getting them this weekend after some Kubaton training.
    If the frickin school isn't going to do crap, well, at least my kids will be a bit more prepared for the evil that exists in our world.

    It makes me really sad that Amerikan society has devolved that I have to teach my little ones how to hurt another human being to protect themselves. And we aren't talking kicking in the balls kind of hurting.

    Way too young to have to start in my opinion.

    My son asked , "Dad, am I a wolf or a sheep"
    "Neither. You are a sheepdog. You kind of look like a sheep to the wolves, and a sheep to the sheep. But unlike a sheep, you have teeth to fend off the wolves."
    "You will have the advantage of surprise as the sheep dog brings the violence to the wolf"

    I ended it with, the probability that you'll ever need to use the training you are getting this weekend is like being struck by lightening odds. But, if the wolf comes, it will be the one getting hit by lightening, I pray.
  4. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I should mention that I ordered them from our own @melbo as the survival monkey is a Hinderer dealer!
    Hinderer Knives
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Rather than what I put away, this last week, I write what I did this last week.... I sent my Federal Senator (D) a second eMail, reminding him, that our State (Alaska) is a VERY Red State, and FireArms Ownership is a VERY BIG Deal. That he is a Freshman Senator that just barely beat a "Convicted Felon" for his seat. That his constituents would certainly not look kindly, on him voting away their 2nd Amenment Rights, during his ReElection bid in 2014. That if he should cast ANY VOTE, even just a Procedural One, that, moved ANY NEW Gun Control measure forward, in thei Senate, I would spend my "Last Dime" to elect ANYONE other than him.

    Thein I wrote to our State House Speaker, and thanked him for introducing a Bill (that must be voted on by the whole House during this Session) that would make ANY FEDERAL Agent trying to enforce ANY NEW GUN COLTROL Law, guilty of a class B Misdemeaner. I also asked him a amend the Bills Penalty Section, to include MANDITORY JAIL TIME if convicted.

    Ok my Monkey Freinds, what have you done, this week.....
    mysterymet likes this.
  6. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Whooooeeee! Them's some purdy knives . . . looks a lot like my knife, but mine's a little cheaper.

  7. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    maddd [eek3] [OO]
    kellory likes this.
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Just added a bit of simple old ammo, and a few K primers, and a few boolits, and a new 45 mold. Getting a new motor in the old Chevy so I don't have to ask "moma" to use her car--lol.
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Found a local gun dealer with a good relationship with Ruger. He constantly has standing orders with them. Is constantly getting guns in from them, sells at or below suggested retail. Most of his Ruger gun orders are sold before they arrive in his store. Considering the present sellers market, prospective gun legislation, I put in orders with him for 2 Rugers. A stainless 10-22 take down rifle with threaded barrel and flash supressor, and a KMKIII512 Stainless Mark III Target Pistol with 5.5 inch full bull barrel (no fluting or slabs).
    VisuTrac likes this.
  10. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    I guess you could say I put away my recently converted non-electronic diesel Trooper...since I ran across a deal on a Jeep YJ that has become my daily driver AND tow behind for the motorhome...the Tracker found a new home with my buddy's daughter.

    The Trooper will still get occasional duty...especially in the very cold times (YJ has only bikini and soft tops) but is mostly insurance against EMP now.
  11. oth47

    oth47 Monkey+

    Daughter gave me a nice compass,commercial emergency fishing kit,a space blanket and a battery powered strobe light that flashes white or blue.
  12. Vetter

    Vetter Monkey+

    This morning, I mentioned to a guy that id just bought two remington 597s. To which he responded that he had a 597 for sale. Along with an 870 express and a marlin xs7 in .308. And that he needed some money so he could go see a lawyer about a divorce. Sooooooooooo, I helped him out and bought all three at a very nice price.
    So, today I put away five guns. lol No one tell my wife!
    I sure hope the 597 is a good gun, since I have three of them now.
    Dawg23 likes this.
  13. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    Kroger had 10for 10 on some spices ... so i grabbed 10
    Got an oil lamp and some wicks from wally world ....
    some rope and left over chain and wire rope on its way to the scrap bin so i took it ....
    Been doing alot of dumpster diving ....
    Also scored a hole messload of treated 4x4s.... {with permission}
  14. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    You just reminded me that while I have plenty of oil lamps, I do need to get more wicks!
    kellory likes this.
  15. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    Haven't put away too much this week but the library today had a table marked FREE that was filled with stuff, and I got myself a copy of the very first Foxfire book. So excited about that.
    oldawg and Brokor like this.
  16. This week I put away the deed to my house, having paid it off. I took some glassware to have it drilled and therwise modified to do some experiments with that power source I mentioned. I was lucky enough that my Avast virus protection caught a phony PayPal email that was trying to get my data. That was something I thought might be of interest to others here. Watch out if an email comes up wanting you to confirm adding another email to your PayPal account. Check the actual sender. Not payPal? Delete without opening. Other than that I began manufacturing a new type of Arrow and am designing a propulsion mechanism for them.
    IndieMama and chelloveck like this.
  17. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Annual maintenance: I went through all the bags today --the main bug out bag, secondary BOB, hiking pack, automobile get home bag...

    I found a few items in need of updating (consolidation, removing unnecessary redundancies). I also found a few items in one bag with rust, including a char rope tin rusted badly and a Kershaw knife. Oiled and sanded the rust away and repacked inside small, heavy duty plastic zip bags with an O2 absorber. Replaced any lighters that went bad, rubber bands that rotted, added or removed items as needed. Checked any batteries. Used Foodsaver to seal up any wool socks I bought over the year and tossed into the storage bins.

    I put away some more demerara sugar, dried potato hash browns, yeast, and honey.
    tacmotusn likes this.
  18. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    got an ammo can for 75 cents at the scrap yard
    some T post
    pvc fittings
    cast iron pan
    nylon straps
    a candle {free}
    2 hand saws
    and a hand powered drill
    STANGF150 likes this.
  19. blocked off 6 dirt roads in the foothils , made one main road going to a clearing and built a shooting area, made my first gathering of shells today ( gallon of 12g lots of hi brass) , no more scouring all over , now they all go where I want them to , down the road from my home ;)
  20. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    Careful with using that hand drill when its hot & yer all sweaty. Yer hand will slip an you'll get the handle right in the gut!!
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