What would you barter with?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by monkeyman, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. IndieMama

    IndieMama Monkey+++

    Skills: Sewing, baking, building, some knowledge of women's health and natural health care
    Goods: Alcohol (drinkable kind, i.e. wine), extra basic foods, tinctures and extracts, homeopathics, eggs, produce
    jollyrodger13 likes this.
  2. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    That's a great idea--Aspirin would be an excellent barter item!
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I build and repair machines from scraps and scrounging. I have an electric pig roaster waiting for it's first pig right now. It was built completely from junk machines and recyclables. I used to watch a show called "junk yard wars" and wanted to compete on it. (What can I say, Survivor is too much of a political game.)
    Dawg23, jollyrodger13 and tacmotusn like this.
  4. edcDroid

    edcDroid Monkey

    I would trade skill. In any case, people will get sick, injured, etc. So always need a doctor. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicines are my main skills for trade.
    IndieMama and jollyrodger13 like this.
  5. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    EDIT: I FORGOT!!!! CURRENTLY 100/GALWINE/PERSON ( 200/COUPLE) IS LEGAL but you cannot sell or BARTER IT!!!!!!!!!Thankyou, ATF for protecting my tax revenue...sorry THAT WAS IMPORTANT[/quote]

    SHTF and the revenuers: After SHTF, WGA%#$@!? Pardon my French, please.[gun]
  6. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I think I'd barter ammo to the right people and maybe even a firearm if someone had something I really, really needed. The idea of 'prep' though, is not to need anything that badly, but you never know. I could barter medical treatment and supplies though I'm afraid i'd probably end up just giving that away, again, depending on circumstances. One thing I've always pondered was the idea of giving away things that were very much needed by others in exchange for good will. Human nature being what it is though, I'm ambivalent about it. Any thoughts-ideas-wisdom-experience... would be welcome (as always).
    KAS and jollyrodger13 like this.
  7. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Good will in a community will go a long way.
    Take for instance, You are the only one in the community that can supply safe potable water, be it a well with a windmill, spring, maybe even a solar desalination plant.
    That would be one commodity that I'd not barter with. I'd not withhold water. cause that'll get you killed.

    But, if you provided it free, without charge (payment,labor,trade) people will defend you because of your goodwill.
    They don't want you to lose possession of the source or ability to create a safe consistent water supply because without it they are dead too.

    If you think the municipal water district would be as kind, think again. PostSHTF, they will try to extract as much as they can for it. And they will get killed for it.
    Hell, they are already charging you for water if you live in a city or area where wells are not welcome/common. It's only going to get worse.
    Yard Dart, JABECmfg and jollyrodger13 like this.
  8. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I definitely see the wisdom here.
    IndieMama and jollyrodger13 like this.
  9. EdD270

    EdD270 Wanderer

    I'd barter for Precious metals, supplies like aluminum foil, wire, nails, etc., and for my work and skills, and any implements I had made. I'd also barter for tobacco, adult beverages, and also magazines, newspapers, books, etc.
    I would definitely not barter for guns or ammo. No sense trading something to someone that they can use to take everything else you have.
  10. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Small children, no longer used wives, useless stuff of all types,
    wastelander, Silversnake and ExHelot like this.
  11. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    I've been thinking and thinking about this and it's driving me to distraction. I've come to only one firm set of guidelines. It depends entirely on two things, who is the trading partner (as best as you can ascertain); what are you willing to part with. The first object is to ensure your own safety and that of your compatriots. If you have assessed the person(s) you are bartering with as being willing (all are capable) to do harm to you or others I would give them nothing in support. The exception being, that I/we had great and immediate need (medical supplies, food, water, ammo) and it would give me and or my companions an edge in a conflict with the other individual. I've witnessed first hand what the human animal is capable of even without the motivations of fear and want. I can only imagine what kind of animals, strangers and even our neighbors will become when fear, want, and anarchy are the rule of the day. I may be paranoid or it may be a case of heightened awareness but it is what it is. I would be willing to part with food, water, medical supplies and , if in demand, skills. I would trade with potential allies, transients, and other known groups or past trading partners. If the need on the other end was for medical assistance it would be free, provided the person has passed muster concerning the danger factor. For children in need, nothing is off the table as far as life sustaining supplies such as food, water etc.
    In the end, I have made a small step in self awareness and while that's a healthy thing it has been uncomfortable. I found that, as much as I despise the concept, I have been engaging in an exercise in situational ethics. While there are limits, for instance you don't just throw folks out of the proverbial lifeboat because they lack utilitarian value. The value of fellow human beings lies in their humanity. If/when SHTF we can never lose sight of what makes our culture unique in both historical and modern contexts. The dust will settle and the wheel continue to turn regardless of our actions. I hope that in the end there will be people with the moral and ethical courage to leave a legacy of what it means to be truly human and what it is to live with the welfare of others as a part of the equation. If we don't do that we will have declared the worthlessness of our Judeo-Christian heritage and set the moral clock back by 2012 years (so they recon).
    Barter is at the core of interchange between groups and groups are the building blocks of societies. If we are forced to pick up the pieces after a catastrophic event or after a minor glitch, it would be nice to look back and know that we stayed true to our heritage, our values and our God.
    Just another rumination, for what it's worth.
    Wishing you all a blessed and merry Christ-Mass and a prosperous New Year.
  12. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Very well said ExHelot !!!
    wastelander likes this.
  13. I'd barter with my moonshine....been done for ages....

    Here's how you can too.

    wastelander, ExHelot and ditch witch like this.
  14. Ak4570Remote

    Ak4570Remote Monkey

    The bartering system works great. I feel it would be good to practice and get a feel for what would be wanted and needed in your area. Out here any kind of hunting gear and weapons, and gunsmithing services.
    ExHelot and wastelander like this.
  15. ExHelot

    ExHelot Monkey

    Brilliant! I'd make my Killdevil way ahead of time though. I can see a scenario where people would give more for the corn meal and sugar. I may need the cornmeal and sugar myself. What kind of folks would barter for booze instead of food (maybe a red flag.)
    Just as an aside, anyone else remember the government's reaction to the whiskey rebellion? If they did it in 1791 I have no doubt that the government will try to get its pound of flesh even if SHF.
    wastelander likes this.
  16. wastelander

    wastelander Bad English, bare with me

    My young and luscious body ;)

    And I collect in cigarettes and make wine and still some, those would make good barter items I reckon.
    ExHelot likes this.
  17. Chad Peterson

    Chad Peterson Monkey

    I have several boxes of 30.06 shells in my cabinet. Left over from (a long story). I shoot a 6.5X55 so I just set up a trade for firewood. Winters coming on..........
    BTPost likes this.
  18. NWPilgrim

    NWPilgrim Monkey++

    I would try to barter my services first, or something I could make for trade. That is, barter renewable items rather than something from a fixed supply. Could be anything from computer repair, SW services, watch repair, to logging or wood cutting, generator time, minor vehicle repair, construction, roofing, electrical repair, minor plumbing, coffee roasting. My wife can trade sewing as clothes and quilts, tutoring,

    As a last resort for short term I would fall back on ammo (.22, then reloads, then factory), silver coins, my own firewood, extra camping supplies, gas.
  19. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Never ever trade what you will need to keep you and yours safe, warm, fed, and healthy! All else would be up for trade.. Brains, sweat and labor are cheep for you, trade it..
  20. Chad Peterson

    Chad Peterson Monkey

    Sounds like everyone is saying I should not trade my 30.06 ammo even though I don't have a 30.06 rifle???????????
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