Since no one seemed to take note of the Sportsmans Guide info I will repost what you can order if needed right now. Quanities to 5000 rounds expected to be in stock by 4 feb 2013 ..... just a few days away. 500 Rounds .22lr 40 - Grain Sp Ammo - 388288, .22 Ammo at Sportsman's Guide
Go check out the local maw and paw hardware store...Most have been selling ammo for 50 year's...and many still do.
once I add any of the quanities to the cart to check out it says this. "We're sorry, (Product: 1,000 rounds .22LR 40 - grain SP Ammo (WX2-126577)) is not currently in stock. It's expected in our warehouse on April 3, 2013 and will be shipped to you within 24 hours after its arrival. You will not be billed until the item is shipped. If you do not want to wait for this item, please remove it from your Shopping Cart."
i was able to get 100 rounds of 9mm today at a local pawn shop. But no 22lr anywhere. And the 100 rounds plus the little I already had aint much I have checked several local stores today but will check more tomorrow. The guy at walmart said there is a line at 7am to get the few boxes they put out everyday. So I am thinking about trying to get there early tomorrow before church and see if I get lucky lol
I have dealt with them before often, including ammo. As Brokor said earlier, things fly off the shelves. I will let Sportsmans guide know they need to update their ads more frequently. That I had reccommended them and the lack of timelyness in ad correction on their part made me look foolish. That I expect them to either get their act together or expect no customers sent their way by me. Sorry. . I would however, consider taking the backorder. April 3rd isn't that far off, and they are true to their word that you will not be billed until the order is shipped. . I just ordered $313 worth of stuff from them today
Reminds me of yesterday's visit to my local pawn shop I use as a receiving FFL... Cheap AKs with folding stock $1400 and Mini 14s with folder for $1699. Asked the owner wtf and he said he might as well run with it until the ban DOESN'T pass and will re-mark what's left reasonably when the feeding frenzy ends. As far as ammo, there is nothing available local in anything but strictly hunting calibers and CATO's Wideners link at $.70 a around is the only thing I have seen online for less than $.99 a round for .223 or 5.56. I am looking for practice ammo that won't bother me to shoot 100 rounds out back when I need to that price, I would be better of getting mellow with 24 year old scotch.
Yeah Pax, Crazy price's on everything firearm related...Same down here $1.00 per round .223 22 lr. ? Just as soon go hunt bigfoot..You'll have a better chance at finding it...People down here are trading ammo for gun's. Example a guy wanted a Glock and had 400 rds. of .223 as a trade. Ammo is now for the time being the new Wampum.
You better watch those cheap women . . . I hear their primer is corrosive and will give you a corroded barrel.