Good catch. So how can they accomplish this? "Abstract: The growth of welfare spending is unsustainable and will drive the United States into bankruptcy if allowed to continue. President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2011 budget request would increase total welfare spending to $953 billion—a 42 percent increase over welfare spending in FY 2008, the last full year of the Bush Administration. To bring welfare spending under control, Congress should reduce welfare spending to pre-recession levels after the recession ends and then limit future growth to the rate of inflation. Congress should also restore work requirements in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and apply them to other federal welfare programs. The federal government runs over 70 different means-tested anti-poverty programs that provide cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income persons. These means-tested programs—including food stamps, public housing, low-income energy assistance, and Medicaid—pay the bills and meet the physical needs of tens of millions of low-income families. However, these programs do not help the recipients move from a position of dependence on the government to being able to provide for themselves. Only one welfare program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), promotes greater self-reliance." From the Heritage Foundation's "Confronting the Unsustainable Growth of Welfare Entitlements: Principles of Reform and the Next Steps" published June 24, 2010, Growth of Welfare Entitlements: Principles of Reform and the Next Steps They will accomplish it with votes who have no choice but to fall in line or lose their free ride.
"They will accomplish it with votes who have no choice but to fall in line or lose their free ride." There was an attempt to make welfare recipients give back in some small way, such as cleaning up trash along the roadways, or painting out gang signs on bridges, and buildings in parks. It was shot down in court as "Slavery" to require ANYTHING from someone who has no choice. It was decided, that if you were on this type of assistance, it was not voluntary, and to require a return such as labor, was forced, therefore slavery.
Yes. It is voluntary to enroll in any welfare program, therefore there is no force. They can choose to not receive assistance and remain work free and independent.
The court disagreed. The assumption, is that acceptance of this type of help, is a last resort, (read: no choice) not in the manner it is really used and abused.
The court says a lot of stupid things, and a lot of political agenda driven things. This instance is contrary to commonsense. I would say welfare itself is unconstitutional and if the court wants to say it is forced on people then it should be illegal based on that, regardless of whether they are required to work or not. Do you have to work to be a slave? No. Therefore welfare is slavery because it forces dependence on a master for food, shelter, phones, heat, etc.
You are preaching to the choir. It was the court that disagreed, not I. Are you aware, that alcoholism qualifies for Social security disability? You can be a drunk and get paid for it? I work hard every day to feed my family, yet those taking food stamps are eating steak and ice cream? They use their money for smokes and booze, and use my money (taxes) to eat better than I do? A welfare mother will have a daughter, that daughter will have a child and put it up for adoption, Mom will step in and volunteer to take the child and be paid by us for doing so each and every month until that child is 18? Mom raised her daughter to be a baby maker, and Mom accepts each child and gets paid for each one. By US. You want Slavery, there you go...we are the slaves. paying for what we do not believe in. Having no say in how out tithe is spent, yet having no choice in paying it. There is no give and take with welfare, it just take. I would prefer recipients give back to the community. There are hundreds of jobs that could be done as community service, such as cleaning the roads and parks.
Well, to be perfectly candid, the IRS code specifically states it is in fact one based on "voluntary compliance". Of course, if you voluntarily choose 'not' to pay, as history has shown, you can most likely expect a visit eventually.
Uh ya...i'm sure those food stamps are for t-bones and marlboros. How much does someone on welfare get? $500/month? I'm sure they're living high on the hog compared to your hard working @55.
Out of touch are you? Get on down to your local welfare office and see how many have 5 or more ankle biters. And yes you will see steaks bought with welfare credits as well as ciggies then traded for drugs, which means we are "bidding" against our own taxes for food that DOES not go to the babies. In doubt? Again just watch the "state/fed credit cards" used at the check out counter for other than basic needs of food and health needs. Then go to the local back door slum "out let" and you'll find credits traded for Booze etc. Having worked on the docks I saw this every "pay day". Want a new suit, just fell off the truck. Booze, no prob, right here in my trunk of this fine caddy. I see you continue to stir the pot, careful you don't get any on your fine self. Have fun, time is short and you either educate your buds are be in line with them.
The amount varies with dependents, among other things. And once the EBT card is in hand, whatever goes thru the scanner is fair game for the buying. T-bones are not excepted. (I think booze is excepted, but not sure that is nationally true.)
You guys are killing me with the Mindgrinder issue -I am in stitches, really. If you think he's a troll...take a few minutes to get to know the guy first. If you think he's rubbing you to get a rise...he's just looking for interesting conversation. Please STOP complaining and jumping all over him just because he doesn't think like you and act like you. Typing a thought isn't the same as saying it --there's translation to consider. Please ask for more clarification instead of thinking he's a damn lizard man alien fed informant. Try to actually consider intelligent debate. This also goes for you, Mindmuffin. "Leet speak" is one step away from retarded. Now, I'm DONE bringing this up. We should be adults. Take a few minutes and private message another member, type to them. It's not hard to do. Freaking hysterical.
POOF.. In Entitlement America, The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year | Zero Hedge now, let's move on.
Grinder, when the state or the fed sends you money designed for use for the kids, the amount is per child. But the cost is not the same per child. clothes get handed down, the cost per meal is not double, but maybe 1&1/2, and the same school supplies get used by all. Every extra kid adds another full paycheck to the total, so the more kids, the better. When they work the system like this, with subsidized housing, and free medical care, free glasses if needed, and cheese, bread, soup kitchens, and food pantries, added to the credit card ease of spending my money, his money, your money (if you were american) and everyone else's money, before spending their own money. They can not use it for cigs, or booze, or lottery tickets, so those they pay cash for. Since they have my money to play with, they get wide tires, low profiles, spinner caps. body piercings, Tats, and brands, with their money. Why pay for the essentials, when others will pay for them for you? i have no choice, but to pay into this system, that prop up these wastrels, I work within their homes, and see flat screen TVs, and kicking stereos, better cars than I can afford, and better food on their tables, than mine. And I'm paying for it. You state it is only a few hundred bucks? What can that hurt? Let me put it in perspective for you. You are walking with your paycheck, cashed, in your wallet, and someone steps out of the shadows and says "Give me your wallet" and you do. he left you your watch, and your keys to your car, but have you been any less robbed because it didn't take it all? The value doesn't matter, the theft, and the threat are the same. the results are the same. You have been robbed. Being forced to support a system of failure, with my paycheck, by force of threat is no different. We have been one and all, robbed. And the robbers make a pretty good lining at it.
Little doubt that he is a type of troll. If this was the case "he's just looking for interesting conversation." then he would learn how to present his case. The term "white bread" is a racist phrase as are others he has used. Baiting = Troll So send him a private email and see f you can help him! And on and on.