Lawyer : Jim Tresmond, Attorney in Buffalo, New York. Attorney phone is 716.202.4301 Successfully represented clients in the past on Second Amendment issues in NYS Supreme Court. This case is pro-bono for all the gun owners of New York. According to Mr. Tresmond the new ban is illegal as it is an ex-facto law taking away previously owned property and he intends to file this action in Federal Court. We are looking for as many as possible to add to CLASS ACTION CASE: SEND Your Name and EMAIL ADDRESS and phone number to: WE ARE COLLECTING AS MANY AS POSSIBLE AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE!!!
Hmmm I wonder how many owners of illegal or unregistered firearms who don't own legally registered fire arms will add their names to the class action....the BATF would be interested in knowing!
@chelloveck It will NOT be BATFE coming to get their weapons, as this is a NY Statute, and NOT a Federal Statute.... BATFE only enforces Federal Statutes...... Also if BATFE should decide to make a "LIST" they would be violating a current Federal Statute, that says No Federal Gun Registry, can be kept, or maintained, by ANY Federal Agency. They have already been sued in Federal Court, for keeping NICS Records longer than 30 Days, as the maximum time allowed, under this Federal Statute.