53.12% (3,083 votes) As I have more than one browser, I opened another and voted again and 53.12% (3,083 votes) YMMV, but that was my results.
Not sure how I feel about armed teachers given that most of the public school teachers I've met are flaming liberals who wouln't be caught dead with a gun. All that aside, I'm more in favor of homeschooling my grandkids. At least I know the teacher is a lifelong shooter and would laydown his (my) life for those kids.
Most gun forums offer a quick course in copy url, vote, the clean cache and repeat often. As conservatives are honest, yes, we did learn from the left.
I always copy the link then go to something like Oprah's website, and then go from there, so when they look at the referring sites it comes up as something they wouldn't expect rather than an obvious pro gun site.
Clear your cache and run CCleaner a free program. Vote often to cancel the liberal votes who because they know they are outnumbered vote often.