Make up your mind now

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by fedorthedog, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Rune

    Rune Monkey

    Personally I don't like the idea of stickers. I'll try to keep as low a profile as possible.
    Sapper John, BTPost and tulianr like this.
  2. Quadfather

    Quadfather Monkey

    I feel that those who show up to protest will be arrested and sent to prison forever as a domestic terrorist.
  3. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Good question: would the Founders be shooting by now? Me thinks they would've been shooting in 1913, or 1934--definitely by the late '30s.

    Where is YOUR Line in the Sand?
    Posted by phil on January 7th, 2013 | Categorized as Where is Your Line?


    The Founding Fathers knew where their Line in the Sand was - and King George crossed it. Like many citizens today, they had sought redress; they petitioned the king repeatedly - only to be refused and injured further. Finally, enough was enough and they drew up The Declaration of Independence. In doing so, they literally called out the largest and most dangerous military in the world. They branded themselves traitors, criminals - their actions, would today be called "terrorism".

    Nonetheless, they had had enough. They knew where their Line in the Sand was - and it had been crossed and the offender had set up camp on their side in defiance. Each of them had a different line, or rather lines that were tolerable and those which were absolutely intolerable. It was not until enough people had had their lines of intolerability crossed that they reached a group large enough to make a difference. So, what types of lines did they draw? Let's make a short list from our instructive on the Declaration of Independence:
    • He continuously vetoed laws that the colonies attempted to put in place that they believed were needed.
    • Certain kinds of laws passed by the Colonial assemblies were required to be submitted to the king for approval
    • As populations grew larger and new, large, communities formed; the king refused to allow them equal representation in government
    • If a Colonial Assembly did or issued something the king did not like (such as charges against him), he ordered the body dissolved and refused to acquiesce to charges or demands.
    • After dissolving their governments, he refused to allow new ones to be elected
    • The king refused Assent to Laws regarding immigration. He hindered immigration from England and refused to cooperate in furthering the growth of the Colonies
    • The king created several new government officials including: customs officials, new offices to collect tax and tax collectors and courts of admiralty that were not approved by colonial legislatures and were therefore illegitimate.
    • Throughout England and America, standing armies had long been regarded a danger which required close supervision. Without the consent of the Colonists, the king sent armies to keep order in the colonies, even though there was no war.
    • Soldiers were not subject to civil laws. The military could make up and try their own laws.
    • Closing the Boston Port - Controlling Imports/Exports
    • Taxing in many Acts and methods that were implemented without representation of the colonist
    • In many cases there were no trials at all; the king decided they were guilty and punished them
    • People accused of crimes could be taken far way to be "tried" even when the case was very weak.
    • The king abolished laws, suspended legislatures and declared himself to legislate for them
    • The king had essentially declared war on the colonists by burning towns. The British considered the colonists in open rebellion against their lawful rulers.
    • The king had hired foreign troops to come in and fight against the colonists
    • The king provoked the indians to attack the colonists
    Does it seem like you could quickly find a lot of parallels there? You weren't imagining it.


    The Founding Fathers would be Shooting by Now.

    The Declaration of Independence secures our Right and Duty to change out a government that is no longer protection Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. But it also instructs us to be prudent and long suffering under Tyranny. How long is long enough? How much abuse must we suffer under a government that becomes continuously oppressive?

    Now, I'm not suggesting we're there - perhaps not by a long shot. What I'm suggesting is that you put some thought into this. Where is YOUR Line? At what point, for you, is there enough evidence of "a long train of abuses and usurpations evinces a design to reduce you under absolute Despotism"?

    Do you know? Have you seriously thought about it? If not, when will you decide to consider it and decide where your line is? If you don't know where your line is now, it just might be long crossed by the time you decide to figure it out. We can tell a lot about where your line is NOT.

    It's NOT at the 4th Amendment - The TSA, NDAA and The Patriot Act would have got you up if that was so.

    It's NOT at the 6th Amendment - NDAA, Civilian Kill lists and Domestic Predator Drones would have gotten you up.

    It's NOT at the 8th Amendment - NDAA would have gotten you up there too

    It's NOT at the 5th - we haven't been able to actually own property for a long time

    It's not balancing the budget, keeping the deficit controlled, spending tax money wisely and carefully, enforcing immigration laws, honesty with the public, responsible welfare programs....

    Is it the 2nd? We all know that right now the 2nd is in peril. Right now they want to register your guns. Will you? What Feinstein wants to put in place would potentially lead to confiscations. What will you do when they come for you? Do we wait until that point?

    Where is the Line? Over what issue, what violation of rights, are we willing to band together and stand up for each other and tell them: "You will NOT Cross this Line" "You will not hold this man in jail, release him now". How much suffering are you willing to undergo while your rights are whittled away from beneath you?

    The Founding Fathers knew where their Line was. The Egyptians, Grecians, Libyans - they all seem to have known where there Line was to some extent.

    We don't have a whole lot left - at this rate, when we go to draw the Line it will be with us on the wrong side of it.

    What is a Patriot to do? They've already positioned the public to consider us stupid idiot red-necks for even saying the word Liberty. The liberal masses will mock us and verbally stone us for standing up.
    They've so successfully uneducated the general public that they don't even know The Constitution, their basic rights - they don't know much anymore beyond what the media tells them - and the media will tell them we're "right wing nut jobs". We won't have the support of the general public at all - it'll just be us. So it would be beneficial to do it all together.

    Where is that Line?
    patriotslinelogo-300x197. founding_fathers_shooting_posters1.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  5. Quadfather

    Quadfather Monkey

    On the 19th people are gathering at state capitols in support of the 2nd amendment. They state to comply with your local firearms laws. I don't have a good feeling about it.
  6. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight? | The D.C. Clothesline

    If They Come for Your Guns, Do You Have a Responsibility to Fight?

    Posted on January 3, 2013 by Dean Garrison

    I feel a tremendous responsibility to write this article though I am a little apprehensive. Thinking about the possibility of rising up against our own government is a frightening thing for many of us. I am not Johnny Rambo and I will be the first to admit that I do not want to die. The reason I feel compelled to write this, however, is simply because I don’t think the average American is equipped with the facts. I feel that a lot of American citizens feel like they have no choice but to surrender their guns if the government comes for them. I blame traditional media sources for this mass brainwash and I carry the responsibility of all small independent bloggers to tell the truth. So my focus today is to lay out your constitutional rights as an American, and let you decide what to do with those rights.
    About a month ago I let the “democracy” word slip in a discussion with a fellow blogger. I know better. Americans have been conditioned to use this term. It’s not an accurate term and it never has been a correct term to describe our form of government. The truth is that the United States of America is a constitutional republic. This is similar to a democracy because our representatives are selected by democratic elections, but ultimately our representatives are required to work within the framework of our constitution. In other words, even if 90% of Americans want something that goes against our founding principles, they have no right to call for a violation of constitutional rights.
    If you are religious you might choose to think of it this way… Say that members of your congregation decide that mass fornication is a good thing. Do they have the right to change the teachings of your God? The truth is the truth. It doesn’t matter how many people try to stray from it. Did I just compare our founders to God? In a way I did, but please note that I am not trying to insult anyone. For the purpose of the American Government our constitution and founders who wrote it are much like God is to believers. It is the law. It is indisputable.
    Our founders did not want a “democracy” for they feared a true democracy was just as dangerous as a monarchy. The founders were highly educated people who were experienced in defending themselves against tyranny. They understood that the constitution could protect the people by limiting the power of anyone to work outside of it much better than a pure system of popularity. A system of checks and balances was set up to help limit corruption of government and also the potential for an “immoral majority” developing within the American People. We have forgotten in this country that we are ultimately ruled by a constitution.
    Why is a democracy potentially just as dangerous as a monarchy? Let’s look at something that Benjamin Franklin said because it answers that question more fully and succinctly than I can.
    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. -Benjamin Franklin​
    Even 230+ years ago our founders were perceptive enough to realize that democracy was a dangerous form of government. How so? Because the citizens of a country can become just as corrupt as any government. We have seen evidence of this throughout history. Ask Native Americans and African-Americans if this population can become corrupt.
    I think in 2012 we are seeing evidence of what Franklin was trying to tell us. Just because a majority of people may support certain ideas it does not mean that those ideas are just. In simple terms, just because most Americans love our president and voted for him, it does not mean that he has the power to go against our constitutional rights.
    Next I’d like to review the text of the second amendment. It is very clear. This is the law of this land. So when Senator Feinstein or President Obama talk about taking your guns, you need to think about something. Are they honoring their sworn oath to uphold the constitution?
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.​
    This is a pretty clear statement. The fact is that it took 232 years for the Supreme Court to even rule on this amendment because it has never been successfully challenged. In 2008 a case of Columbia v. Heller the Supreme Court ruled that a handgun ban in Washington D.C. was unconstitutional. One also has to take this into consideration. The Supreme Court supports your right to own guns. If you want to research this decision further you can start here.
    For those who try to debate the spirit of the 2nd amendment, they are truly no different from people who will try to take Biblical quotes out of context to try to support their immoral decisions. The founders were very clear on the intent of the 2nd amendment. Let me share a few quick quotes here:
    The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -Thomas Jefferson

    Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference – they deserve a place of honor with all that is good. -George Washington

    The Constitution shall never be construed….to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms. -Samuel Adams​
    I could find hundreds of quotes like these. This country was built on the right to bear arms. It was built on the rights of an individual to bear arms, regardless of what his government or neighbor happened to think. This is crystal clear. Ironically the people who voice their opinions against this right have their free speech protected by your guns. Without guns in this country, all other amendments become null and void, simply because “We the People” will lose our power of enforcement.
    We need to keep this in mind as our “representatives” try to push gun bans. I don’t care if 99% of people are in support of gun bans (which is far from the case), it is a violation of our constitutional rights, plain and simple.
    A constitutional republic protects the rights of the individual even when their ideas are very much in the minority. If I were the only person in America who believed in the 2nd amendment, I would still be within my rights to call upon it. You would all think I was insane and possibly celebrate if I was gunned down, but in the end I would be the only true American among us.
    Our framers were very clear on this. If my government comes to take my guns, they are violating one of my constitutional rights that is covered by the 2nd amendment.
    It is not my right, at that point, but my responsibility to respond in the name of liberty. What I am telling you is something that many are trying to soft sell, and many others have tried to avoid putting into print, but I am going to say it. The time for speaking in code is over.
    If they come for our guns then it is our constitutional right to put them six feet under. You have the right to kill any representative of this government who tries to tread on your liberty. I am thinking about self-defense and not talking about inciting a revolution. Re-read Jefferson’s quote. He talks about a “last resort.” I am not trying to start a Revolt, I am talking about self-defense. If the day for Revolution comes, when no peaceful options exist, we may have to talk about that as well. None of us wants to think about that, but please understand that a majority can not take away your rights as an American citizen. Only you can choose to give up your rights.
    Congress could pass gun ban legislation by a 90%+ margin and it just would not matter. I think some people are very unclear on this. This is the reason we have a Supreme Court, and though I do not doubt that the Supreme Court can also become corrupt, in 2008 they got it right. They supported the constitution. It does not matter what the majority supports because America is not a democracy. A constitutional republic protects the rights of every single citizen, no matter what their “elected servants” say. A majority in America only matters when the constitution is not in play.
    I just wrote what every believer in the constitution wants to say, and what every constitutional blogger needs to write. The truth of the matter is that this type of speech is viewed as dangerous and radical or subversive, and it could gain me a world of trouble that I do not want. It is also the truth. To make myself clear I will tell you again. If they come for your guns it is your right to use those guns against them and to kill them. You are protected by our constitution.
    Most of the articles I am reading on the subject are trying to give you clues without just coming out and saying it. I understand that because certain things in this country will get you on a list that you don’t want to be on. I may well be on that list. This blog is small and growing so I may not be there yet, but I have dreams. I also have my own list of subversives and anyone who attempts to deny my constitutional rights is on that list.
    I am not the “subversive” here, it is the political representatives who are threatening to take away my inalienable rights. If they come to take my guns and I leave a few of them wounded or dead, and I somehow survive, I have zero doubt that I will spend a long time in prison and may face an execution. But I would much rather be a political prisoner than a slave.
    If I go down fighting then I was not fighting to harm these human beings. I was simply defending my liberty and yours. It is self-defense and it is what our country was built on. We won our freedom in self-defense. We would not be ruled by a tyrannical government in the 1770′s and we will not be ruled in 2012 by a tyrannical government. There is no difference.
    This is a case of right and wrong. As of now the 2nd amendment stands. It has never been repealed. If Feinstein or Barack have a problem with the constitution then they should be removed from office. They are not defending the constitution which they have sworn an oath to protect. It is treasonous to say the least. They would likely say the same about me, but I have the constitution, the founders, and the supreme court on my side. They only have their inflated egos.
    I am not writing this to incite people. I am writing this in hopes that somehow I can make a tiny difference. I have no idea how many of my neighbors have the will to defend their constitutional rights. 2%? 20%? I am afraid that 20% is a high number, unfortunately. When push comes to shove many people may give up and submit to being ruled. I believe that our government is banking on this.
    What I do know is that this country was founded by people who had balls the size of Texas and Patriotic Americans take shit off of no one, especially our own government. For evidence of that, you might research the Revolutionary War. My question is how many Patriots are left?
    I would hope that our officials come to realize that, regardless of our numbers, we still exist because they are calling Patriotic Americans to action. They are making us decide if we want to die free or submit to their rule. I can not tell you where you should stand on that. I do know that it may make the difference between living a life of freedom or slavery.
    thinking. You must start thinking about this because I believe that the day is coming soon and I personally believe it has already been planned. Not all conspiracy theories are hogwash. They may throw down the gauntlet soon and my suggestion is that you prepare yourself to react.
    I mean no disrespect to our elected officials but they need to understand that “We the People” will not be disarmed. If they proceed then it is they that are provoking us and we will act accordingly. We are within our rights to do so.
    For those who are in support of taking the guns, you need to ask yourself a very important question, and I am not just talking about the politicians, because if you support them, you have chosen your side.
    Are you willing to die to take my guns?

    IMPORTANT UPDATE From Dean Garrison!!! When this post originally went viral I was trying to answer every single comment and that lasted for almost 48 hours Then I came to grips with the fact that I am human and I can’t do it. If for no other reason I value my family and I can’t steal time from them to constantly be on the site. I want you all to know that I appreciate your support and good debate whether you agree or disagree. I also want to thank each and every American Patriot who has made the honorable choice to serve their country. Anyone who wants to repost this on their blog or website is also given permission to do so, so long as nothing is changed in the text of the article, and a link is provided back to this site. Again, thank you so much. I am humbled. This free wordpress blog has just gone from averaging 300 visitors per day 40,000-50,000 hits per day and I have no idea when things may return to normal. That was caused by the people that cared and not the author. I am just an average American that cares. Every Facebook share, retweet, and email is helping and please continue to support what you believe in. We make no money from this blog. We may someday, but for now it is our choice to offer the truth as we see it for the good of our country and not for anything material. Keep on sharing and let’s make them pay attention to us! No sane American really wants a Civil War. We want peace but we will not back down from a government that chooses to ignore our founding principles. I am forever in your debt and service. -Dean Garrison

    founderspic. soulonfire. thinking.
  7. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    Just remember the guardian angel concept. Every time there is a gathering, there should be several in overwatch positions. I still try to be optimistic and think that no law enforcement or military would be involved in suppression, but imagine the impact if there were Constitutional gatherings, law enforcement showed up to quash them, and law enforcement could not succeed due to guardian angels. I suspect that would be significant.
    fedorthedog likes this.
  8. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    "Any single man must judge for himself whether circumstances warrant obedience or resistance to the commands of the civil magistrate; we are all qualified, entitled, and morally obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers. This political judgment, moreover, is not simply or primarily a right, but like self-preservation, a duty to God. As such it is a judgment that men cannot part with according to the God of Nature. It is the first and foremost of our inalienable rights without which we can preserve no other." - John Locke
    tulianr likes this.
  9. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    People need to remember that there is about 1 cop for every 750 people nation wide. We arrest people in riots by identifying the leaders and cutting them off from the sheep. This works with people who will run off and not confront the cops. Simply moving the person they target into a determined crowd with a single mind to not allow this, prevents it. We look at disorganized events like the Rodney King riots and think that is how it works. Those are each man for himself events. Organization prevents their tactics from working. They cannot arrest thousands at one time. The media helps convey the idea of the overwhelming force of government but we have them vastly outnumbered.
    VisuTrac, oldawg and CATO like this.
  10. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”
    – Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
    tulianr likes this.
  11. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    tulianr likes this.
  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Law uses overwatch to as well as spotters above the crowd when they can.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    how about overwatching the overwatchers and then negate their effectiveness.
  14. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Similar post: "How will it happen?"

    How Will it Happen?

    That is a question millions of people across America are not just asking each other, but preparing themselves against the worst right now.
    Will there be an order to confiscate our guns accompanied with some kind of martial law suspending our constitutional protections? While I will not be surprised if the government abuses its powers to pass legislation to attack our basic rights, I will be shocked if anyone in charge is mentally retarded enough to issue such an order. Not only would our oathkeepers in law enforcement and military turn the guns around, but this country would so violently reject such an action that it would undo the last sixty plus years of communism fundamentally transforming our nation.
    No, my fear for what will be is more of what we have seen. That individuals will be singled out, isolated, and that the propaganda machine will spin what is happening into a justified government action, much the way it did with David Koresh and attempted with Ruby Ridge. Which for the most part the government evaded justice and the people responsible for the loss of life are still roaming at large with impunity. Of course as far as the knowledge of the general public goes, I seriously doubt that even half of the people out there who heard of Ruby Ridge know it for the atrocity and miscarriage of justice which lead to the heinous and absolutely inexcusable murder of the wife of Randy Weaver and his child. That was harder to cover up than what happened at Waco under the excuse of trying to bring a "madman with an illegal weapons stockpile and pedophile to justice," yet would not have been possible were it not for the complacency of the public and the silence of the media. Pathetic how easy it was to excuse the actions of murdering 82 civilians at the cost of 4 agents with just a little propaganda spin. Yet all we know for certain is that the worst David Koresh may have been guilty of was an allegation of statutory rape.
    So the question we must face is not what would happen if orders were given to go door to door confiscating guns. That is an easy answer. Instead, what would happen if we witnessed another "Ruby Ridge" or "Siege at Waco?" What would our soldiers and LEO's do when faced with orders to apprehend a suspect or a group of people who bear the stigma of being "right wing extremists?" I see no reason to believe that Americans have learned our lessons yet and I honestly believe that the public would sleep through such events, as it has before. The reason we must face this question is to then ask, "What will you do if you are the one singled out?"
    We were asked this question prior to the elections a while back, "What will you do if they come for you?" The answer I gave to that question, stirred up a firestorm with many brainless, hyperventilating people crying that we would surrender and we needed to change our name from Cold Dead Hands. As if you expect me to tell people the best thing they could do in such a situation is to get themselves and their loved ones killed? I would have thought the obvious would have been so evident that an explanation would not be needed. Big Brother wants you dead. Dead you can't alert your neighbors to the violation of human rights that occurred and is marching towards them, if they are even listening. To be honest most of them may tell themselves "the government would never do something like that...again. Really? The same people who murdered Vicky Weaver and her son were the ones who murdered the Branch Davidians as well. For some people that is not enough to sink in because "That was a long time ago." I guess what happened during hurricane katrina was different?
    What if there is an option C for confiscations? You know if the left can come up with a way where we will willingly surrender, they would use it in a heartbeat. It would appear we may be doing this and not even know it. Ask your fellow supporters of the second amendment who may not have heard of us yet, and did not read one of my recent articles about Defending the Right to Defend Yourself, and ask them if they think people who have a history of mental illness should have a gun? That is a scary question for all the obvious reasons that don't need pointing out. However, I will say this much about the idea of restricting on that basis; it implies that we are trying to keep dangerous tools away from people who have proven they are a danger to themselves and others.
    However, that is an assumption, and one that is too easy to turn against us.
    What needs pointing out is how easy it is to have a history of "mental illness." Particularly if someone has been diagnosed with PTSD. Indulge me for a moment with a little hypothetical scenario. Lets say PTSD becomes a "red flag" for keeping someone from purchasing a firearm. The next logical step will then be to take away the guns they may already have right? After all what good does just stopping you from buying do when you may already have an arsenal? Now I use PTSD because it is something recognized by the general public as a mental illness, yet it is something nearly everyone who survives a traumatic life threatening event can suffer with. Nearly every Vet returning home from combat, every victim of violence, from mugging to rape, or just people who had a car wreck. Not to mention some timid people who just have a hard time coping with life and give it to themselves so they can collect disability. Now imagine how much of our population would be disarmed if such legislation were to pass?
    What would happen if our LEO's and or military were ordered to confiscate weapons from someone who was declared mentally ill, and more importantly how would the rest of the population react? With such a huge portion of Americans disarmed, how long would the rest of us "sane" people be able to rebel against any form of government tyranny that may come after the rest of us?
  15. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    kellory and Mountainman like this.
  16. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    NY Mayor Warns Of "Waco-Style Standoff" Over Gun Control Laws | RealClearPolitics

    future bullesye says:
    Right . . . it's not going to end well when the jackboots kick in doors and get put down by citizens with clubs, knives, stones, and guns. Then, the citizens go after the ones who sent the jackboots . . . yeah, it's not going to go well. Be ready to run pol.
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