So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    WOOT! Lower cleared and post office had my LPK.

    A new black rifle has been born on this day.
    gunbunny, tacmotusn and CATO like this.
  2. hedger

    hedger Monkey+

    got some .45 JHP
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    2 boxes of steel shot and my repurchased shotgun.
  4. scrapman21009

    scrapman21009 Chupacabra Hunter

    all canned veggies at Shop Rite $.33 this week woohoo!! got 100 cans of corn Sunday
  5. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    Cooked up a pot of soup base for ham & bean soup;

    8 quarts water in a large stock pot
    4 softball sized yellow onions, diced
    1 large bunch celery, diced
    2lbs carrots, chopped into "pennies"
    2 oz dried garlic bits
    4 tbs ground black pepper
    3Tbs dried savory
    4 smoked ham hocks (mostly for flavor)

    Bring to a boil, then reduce heat & simmer until veggies are soft, remove hocks, set aside drain out most of the liquid.
    If you have a food processor puree the veggies, I don't but I do have a handheld mixer so I used that and it made short work of everything except the bigger carrot pieces,

    Everything goes back into the pot, add one package pork gravy mix simmer for 30 min while prepping the canner.

    Ladle soup base into seven quart jars alternating from the bottom and the top of the stock pot. Fill to shoulder of jar (1/2 in headspace). Process for 90 minutes.

    Every one went "TING!" and now reside in the pantry of doom.

    Yes, eight quarts in and seven out. Lost about 1.5 cups from evaporation, the leftovers were lunch for me & MrsSneaky with diced ham and about a cup and a half of yellow eye beans mixed in.

    ...and it was goooood. [coo]
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    OpSec, I put away OpSec. Seriously, I did.
    Between Christmas and New years, I repaved all my computers.
    Overwrote my entire hard drive in all of my computers.
    installed Linux
    rubbed it out again
    and then installed winders. Yeah i know MS sucks but dude, that's how I payz the bills. MS Rulez in this house.

    And you know what the best thing about heating your house with wood is?
    Paper is made out of wood, and so are packing slips, receipts, and card board shipping containers with attached labels. Oh and so are Christmas cards, IRS notices, Newspapers, FRNs.
    LOL, I'm not actually burning FRN's yet but I afeers it's a comin'

    Peace (and OpSec) Out!
    STANGF150 and BTPost like this.
  7. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Dude I know there not legal but burn barrels rock
  8. STANGF150

    STANGF150 Knowledge Seeker

    New Updated Topo maps. Had to get a bunch for the various places I Keep them stashed
  9. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Case of .308, a bit of .38, case of glue traps for vermin, and waiting for the weather station to be delivered. Picked up a couple new batteries for a secondary battery bank for solar.
  10. AKPrepper

    AKPrepper Monkey

    Well this past week I received 2 months for 2 adults of Wise Food for long term stores as well as a #10 full of seeds. And ordered another 6 months of Wise foods. Ordered my first BOB and another back pack. I am going to put together my own BOB in it. I also have been filling Rubbermaid containers with "Bug In" survival gear to store n case. Reading up on doing some dehydrating and canning. Been a busy week.

    Side note guys...

    Been getting somewhat overwhelmed. Need to cut down on "Doomsday Preppers"!! I fortunately live in Alaska and for the most part quiet. But in the event of a collapse who knows what will happen, right! I don't have property to build a bunker of sorts or ability to get any additional property at this time so staying in home will have to do right now. Live in a suburban environment, good neighborhood, single level home with no basement. Any recommendations on protecting my home and family on a limited budget.
  11. alaskachick

    alaskachick A normally quiet snow monkey

    In Alaska your "neighbors" are your best prep. IMHO We take care of each other. :)
    IndieMama likes this.
  12. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    just one step at a time Ak that's all anyone can ask of you....... Little things do add up in the long run. For me I prioritized between what I need and what I want. It can be overwhelming at times. I have personally been working on my ammo and weapon preps more than food preps just because of the current climate. Now that it may be awhile for weapon preps to be at reasonable prices i have started working on my food and first aid preps more. As far as protecting your family shotguns ar probably the least expensive way to protect your family in a short range environment.If you cannot afford an ak or ar i would highly recommend any bolt action rifle that can reach out and touch someone. what you lose in capacity ca be made up for in size of round. I personally love my Mosin Nagant. These can be picked up for 100-150 at any gun show and at some dealers.
  13. AKPrepper

    AKPrepper Monkey

    Great advice Alaskachick and Mechwolf. Thanks for the input
  14. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Was at wally world today to pick up some cheap daily wear shoes, a pair ot hawaiian sunday go to meeting foot wear, and a couple king sized pillow cases for my oversized bed pillows. After obtaining everything on my list, I wandered over to sporting goods to see what the ammo and gun situation was. Thing is I found 2 Remington 870 Express pump shotguns at suggested list of $299. One was the youth model 20 ga and the other was a standard 12 ga model. I have one of each already. The 20 I now owned was bought for my Mother who is now deceased, so obviously I purchased the 12. You know what they say, 1 is good, 2 is better, and 3 is ideal. I am now looking to swap or trade a lightly used, like new 20 for the 3rd Remington express 12. Wish me luck and I will be set.
  15. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    putt a few speckled belly gease and a mess load of ducks....

    gotta love oilfield hunting tripps
  16. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    This panic feeling is quite common I think. You feel like you're not ready and you end up just buying "stuff."

    I would suggest buying a little bit extra everytime you go out: a few cans of this and that at the store, a brick of .22lr everytime you go to the sporting goods store, if you see serious deals on stuff you do already use, buy them--it's like cost averaging down.

    I think for the most part, most of us are un-prepared in some ways, but prepared in others. Slow and steady....

    But, for Pete's sake, don't read Rawles' Patriots . . . . you'll feel very inadequate.
    KAS and VisuTrac like this.
  17. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    I picked up......wait for "An Evil 30 round HIGH CAPACITY PMAG" and i only had to pay $14.99 for it at Academy sports. LOL
    VisuTrac likes this.
  18. KAS

    KAS Monkey+++

    scored 4 5 gallon buckets of tire wieghts for free from a tire shop in Lousiana ....

    They were happy to give them to me !!!!
    tacmotusn likes this.
  19. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    No ammo anywhere, much worse than the last time around so I converted useless FRN's into 18 pints of pork loin and 18 pints beef.
  20. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Been loading like crazy. '06s, 308s, 45s, 380s, and have 38s on the bench cleaned, deprimed, and sized. Doing some 303s and more 223s next week. Ran out of rifle powder and had to dip into my reserve Varget supply. Replenished it and picked up a bit more preferred powders-3031, 98. Got my primer reserve back in order--whew--prices doubled in two weeks. Still will add a couple more K of LP/SP. Added a 200 gn SWC 45 mold double cavity so am set pretty well for casting most anything needed. Added a bit more lead to the pile last week-@40 lbs. Picked up a few dozen more quart jars and a few pints. Blue berry plants go in next week and robbing a wild bee hive soon as it gets chilly again. Moving the raised beds around and adding two(six total). Winter wood under wraps so pretty set till warm weather. Enjoying lots of black berry cobblers from the 35 quarts canned. Lost a freezer last year so vowed not to let it happen again. Getting moma's new bath refloored, plumbed,wired, and cabinets raised.
    tacmotusn and Gator 45/70 like this.
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