Any stores emptied near you?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Harbin, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    What little .223 i saw yesterday was almost as high as a giraffe's sac'...Very little 9mm, Plenty of big bore round's...Glad i roll my
  2. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    i never got into reloading. My wife would lose her mind if I had GUN POWDER in the house.:(
  3. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Mine thought that as well, That's why i built a ,man cave/shed in da back...I have NO problem running her out of da man cave if she get's a bit sassy,However to her credit she is starting to take intrest in that part of my ''man business'' stuff...ccc
  4. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Back when I had some money to work with, we went at it hammer and tongs. I want a garage, and she want grass. (sigh) can't make that woman see sense sometimes. If I have a bit left over after the bills are paid, she takes the kids out for ice cream! I can't get it through her head to leave it in the bank! To her it's EXTRA! What can I say....she voted for Obummer.o_O
  5. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Oh Man , I feel for ya brother !!!
  6. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Your link above was what I was looking for. It is BS. Below printed between "marks, is verbatum the first part of that article. NOTICE THE UPDATE PARAGRAPH.
    "UPDATE 12/28/2012: As of 6 pm EDT today, it appears that many of the accounts have been reestablished. However, it is impossible to be sure because of name similarities, and duplications. We have checked all names on the article and find that, when searched, most of them are active.
    Today, Dec. 27, 2012, it has come to our attention that Facebook is purging accounts that show a leaning toward pro-gun rights, meaning the Second Amendment of the U. S. Constitution; as well as anything to do with pro-liberty information.
    According to, Facebook is in the midst of a censorship purging that has been accelerating. According to the website, the purging of the pro-gun accounts is continuing with a great deal of fervor."
    I posted a similiar link in the shoutbox and got slammed because the pro facebooks folks here at monkey with several valid ties to the gun community who have facebook accounts, .... flat out say it ain't so. My best guess, IT AIN'T SO, ITS BS ...... and thats from someone, me, who ain't no fan of facebook.
  7. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Melbo did some checking on this, and found that it was a BS Story and the "Patriot Update" Website has basically NO CREDITABILITY in the real world.
    Melbo said he was "suckered" into believing this as well, until be dug into the issue....
    ALSO NOTE: The SurvivalMonkey Facebook Page is still there, and loads just fine...
  8. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    Prison Planet and Alex Jones was also touting this story as true if that tells you anything.
  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Those are the LAST Guys I would believe.... [tinfoil101]
  10. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    t.l. (200x162). I did score this yesterday...Bring it Zombie's...!!!...ccc
    oldawg likes this.
  11. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Went to BigBoxes, Dunhams sports, and a local gun store:
    BB and Dunhams out of .223,.22lr, 9mm, .40s&w big gaping holes. some 7.62x39,.308, .38spl, .45acp. Plenty of 30-06, 44mag, 7mm, 22-250.
    dunhams: No firearms in EBR configuration not even a HiPoint carbine. nothing in .223 or 7.62. They had an overpriced 8mm mauser.

    LGS whole nother story. Lots of people, lots of guns, typically bolt guns coming in, SA going out. And SA's are over priced. 1550 for a 600ish used Delton? WTF? Their stock is way down from a few months ago. AUGs, Sig55Xs, LMTs, PS2000s,SL8s, PS90s, SCARs, all gone. Stuff on the expensive tactical wall, gone. I saw the barrett in the back room. Look like it was sold pending NICS. Very few SA centerfire 'Hunting guns'. No brownings, no remingtons except a couple of beat up 742s.

    Did i mention bolt guns a plenty? Saw 4 bolts coming in as partial trade towards the remaining AR's (carbines). They maybe had a dozen ARs where they used to have scores and scores of them.

    Magazines, they were winging the prices on the mags. Guy passed on 50 bucks / mag for the XD he just bought. WTF? Not even new.
    Didn't see any mags where they usually had them, didn't want to ask busy employees if they put them in back but I didn't see any hicap mags for anything, anywhere with the exception of some stick mags in plastic on the counter. Looked like 30ish round glocks but i could see the price. 125. methinks they are either their last or are jumping on the greed banwagon.

    Standard qty of milsurp firearms, Garand, Enfields, even had an old springfield in 45-70. M1 carbines.

    Black, white, male, female, 21 - 80ish. It looked like a cross section of humanity in there. all waiting their turn to handle and purchase a new weapon and mill around for the NICS check.

    No reloading brass, primers, powder or projectiles.
    few hundred pounds of shot
    no black powder nor pyrodex
    but there were Shot wads and sabot BP projectiles

    plenty of ammo in most calibers with the exception of 7.62x39, 223 and 7.62x51 in case qty were gone. Which was helpful as it gave those waiting for NICS someplace to wait.

    All large qty boxes of ammo are gone.
    20-50 rd boxes seem to be plentiful. no holes in their behind the counter stock.
    23.00 for 9mm WWB ? 40S&W and 45ACP were a few bucks more.
    Only thing they had in .380acp and .38/.357 were those 25rd defense rounds at about 25.00 per box. I'm not sure if any of the pistol ammo is a deal or not as I don't shoot those.

    same with .223 and 7.62x39 looks like it was going at .50/round for milpackaged cardboard sleeves. Again, I don't know if thats a deal anymore. last time I shot those rounds they were around .20 each but that was when the dollar was worth more than it is today.

    .22lr still reasonable 2.49 - 6.49 for 50rd packs from standard velocity to those gamegetter hollowpoints with the frangible petals. Those prices seem to be the same as last month.

    Now shotgun ammo. Erm, well if you have a 28 or a 16 you are good to go with birdshot.
    everything else, gone. very few 20ga rounds (Ok, they are down 2boxes of #2 steel when i hit the register). and no 12ga larger than #6

    Now Pistol Case.
    Holy Crap.
    a couple of months ago, the were standing on mag, barrel resting on a rail. side by side.
    Today, laying flat on shelf. Definitely an 80% reduction on display. Milled around for a little over half an hour.
    Saw about a dozen pistols, 4 shotguns and 5 SA AR/AK platforms go out the door.

    Bolt guns, pump shotguns, singleshots were basically same price as before.
    SA's even in .22lr have gone up (10-22s @ 300.00 or about 20-25% higher than in early fall)
    EBRs -- If you wanted one before and want one now, you'll be paying a premium and it's going to be a big premium IMHO.
    Really evil black or other color polymer rifles (SL8,PS90, SCAR, ..etc.) forget about it when a used AR15 clone is 1500+ I think there are better things to spend prep money on.

    Anyway, that's what it looks like in this AO SE Mitten. Your AO will differ, but then again, maybe not.

    Everyone was so polite too, just waiting their turn in line, and it was a long line with people still coming in when i left. I was parked in a neighboring businesses lot as the LGS' was full.

    My youngest asked "Dad can we go back and get that cool pink rifle and pink case and pink shooting glasses for my birthday?" Y'all know what i said.
    Gator 45/70 and marlas1too like this.
  12. marlas1too

    marlas1too Monkey+++

    you said sure sweet heart daddy will get you what you want
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Something like that, Although, it may be within a paycheck or two and not summer ;)
    marlas1too likes this.
  14. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    There will be some sweat deals coming !!!!

    The selling spree is over . the store needs to sell stuff, the courts will be busy for days/weeks/months/ snakes-lawers will be keeping this alive for revenue , stores need to sell stuff, money is tight because over-paid, & deals set in.

    marlas1too likes this.
  15. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    The Mr took me to Academy this evening, just to window shop, because he's cruel like that. Saw a 10/22 I badly wanted, as well as a Mossberg 12 gauge already set up with the dual pistol grips the way I like. $400 on the shotgun, did not see the price on the 10/22. He was going to get the salesman to let me look at it, but I don't have the money anyway and the counter was shoulder to shoulder, no sense in wasting their time on me when they have plenty of paying customers. I woulda bought both tho, if I'd had the money. :(

    They were doing a booming business on semi-auto pistols. Three guys on the counter frantically filling out paperwork as fast as they could.

    The .22 ammo was nearly gone from the shelves, NO 22 LR and only a few boxes of shorts. I shoulda taken a photo. Not much .45 auto. Tons of birdshot, limited buckshot. I saw no .223 anywhere. Lack of funds depressed me so I left without seeing what else was gone but two whole ammo shelves were bone empty.

    The thing that struck me was the look on people's faces. Usually shoppers look happy. New Guns Yay! Not this crowd. They were serious, and their faces were grim. No one is amused now.
    marlas1too likes this.
  16. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++


    I have a FB account and ALL I have are "Likes" to gun culture pages--no "friends." So far, I agree, it's BS because I haven't seen any taken down or reports of such. It's actually a small community and as soon as one page has it, it spreads like Michael Martin Murphy.

    But, when I first posted read about it this morning, a few of those pages were worried that they may be taken down and linked to that story. So, you can either post a story you read about and find out later that it is wrong, or wait a week to see if it pans-out.

    I think we're all aware that much of the crap we read is just that. My intention was never to mis-inform, but merely to make others aware of an issue and to keep an eye on it.

    Here is another story that seems to have no factual proof behind it, which should make people question EVERY story that print.

    Facebook bans Gandhi quote as part of revisionist history purge
    ditch witch likes this.
  17. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Hmmmm....I don't know about THE LAST, but they are at the bottom. Check this out (I'm uploading for posterity's sake).

    U.S. - Image -

    marlas1too likes this.
  18. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Gotta Love A Free Press.
  19. franks71vw

    franks71vw Monkey+++

    You'd think they could have used google to verify the image![gone]
  20. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Will they sell me one for what a glock costs?
    BTPost and ditch witch like this.
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