Actually, "variety" is a bit misleading... I currently have 3 9mm KelTek Sub2000's and recently acquired a Hi-Point 9MM (what I call the "Planet of the Apes" carbine) I am "in the market" for a Ruger and a Beretta.
Looking back at my previous post about me trying to be unbiased in this thread, I recently purchased an S&W SD9VE. I know I stated that I liked the .40 better, but came across a deal I couldn't pass up. Double action trigger pull (no safety on this gun) that is about 8 lbs & 16 round mags (got 4 with the gun; retail is about 40 bucks a piece). Less recoil than the .40 & ammo costs less. Maybe a .40 somewhere down the road, but not anytime soon. I'm back to my original project of rebuilding my 10-22 Ruger to shoot 60 grain subs.
ghrit, I think my wife would use the 9 on me if I went out & bought another gun. I'll have to pass for now just to keep the peace but I suppose anything could happen
Yep, that worked twice for me but flew a little low the third time. It's rough when your wife sees the angle coming.