We now have Hinderer Investigator pens for sale in both Aluminum and Titanium. I've been carrying one of these pens for almost a year. It's small enough to fit in a front pocket and has a removable pocket clip. The pen is CNC made and has grooves for a secure grip if you ever needed to use it in self defense. Hint: it's not a knife so can be taken to work and possible other places where they don't allow you to board go with a blade. It takes Fisher Space Pen refills which allows it to write on wet paper and in any orientation. Aluminum Investigator Pen Aluminum pens: $60 Titanium pens: $200 Message me through the forum here or email to purchase. See more images here: Hinderer Pens - Investigator and Extreme Duty
"Officer.....he asked me for an Autograph....he wasn't specific where....... so I autographed his skull ......in braille!"