So what did you put away this week?

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

  2. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I put away a couple of Baofeng UV-3R Mark II dual band radios.
    While they aren't fixed to 2M and 70cm they do cover it VHF 136-174 UHF 400-470MHz

    I didn't pick them up for the TX capability but more of the ability to hear the Ham Band, Local Govt, Marine Band, the 2M and 70cm HAM, FRS, GMRS and licensed business and municipal bands.

    and They were freaking cheap!

    Will i push the TX button, Nope not while the FCC is still in business. but for listening, I just couldn't beat it with a stick. BTPost has a much better comm setup, but I'm just branching out. RX for now, TX later.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    I have a pair of these. And you can't find a better deal onComm Gear on this planet....These are what AlaskaChick and I use for Backup Comms when we use up the batteries in our 5 Watt handheld VHF Radios. We each have our i560 encrypted Phones as the ultimate Backup......... YMMV......
    Brokor likes this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I have a UV-5R on the way with a programming cable. For $50 shipped it's a good deal.
    VisuTrac likes this.
  5. Georgia_Boy

    Georgia_Boy Monkey+++

    Sorry for the delay, recovering from surgery. I originally found Dakin's in 2010:

    Dakin's Solution/Supplies Needed/Print it Out !!
    Thanks for the reminder !

    Those that are preparing for short term and long term disasters more than likely have begun stocking up on certain supplies, such as bleach, water and baking soda. As versatile as these prep items are, it’s no wonder that preppers have a good supply of them. But did you know that when these three items are combined together, they create a powerful antiseptic that can save a life? This antiseptic, otherwise known as Dakin’s Solution (diluted sodium hydrochlorite solution 0.5%) can be used to kill most bacterias and viruses.

    This antiseptic was first discovered during World War I, when doctors on the battlefield were trying to find ways to kill germs and prevent infections, such as gangrene and putrefacation from setting in. Doctors used Dakin’s solution before and after surgical procedures and for wound irrigation. It was most beneficial after the wound had been adequately cleaned and foreign material and dead tissue had been removed.

    All Supplies Needed:
    •Sodium hydrochlorite solution at 5.25% (Bleach-unscented)
    •Baking soda
    •Clean tap water
    •Clean pan with lid
    •Sterile measuring cups and spoons
    •Sterile jar with a sterile lid
    •Label for jar to label antiseptic,date, time and discard date
    1. Wash your hands well with soap and water.

    2. Measure out 32 ounces (4 cups) of clean water. Pour into a clean pan and allow water to boil for 15 minutes.

    3. Remove pan from heat.

    4. Using a sterile measuring spoon, add 1/2 tsp. of of baking soda to the water.

    5. Measure bleach according to the strength that is desired:

    •For full stregnth – add 3 oz. bleach or 95 ml.
    •For 1/2 strength – add 3 tbls. + 1/2 tsp. or 48 ml
    •For 1/4 strength – add 1 tbls. +2 tsp. or 24 ml.
    •For 1/8 stregnth – add 2 1/2 tsp. or 12-14 ml.
    6. Place the solution in a jar and close it tightly with a sterile lid. Cover the closed jar with tin foil to protect it from sunlight.

    7. Throw away any unused portion of the antiseptic within 48 hours of use. This solution can be made up to a month prior to using and stored away

    Uses For Dakin’s Solution
    •Minor scrapes
    •Skin and tissue infections
    •Can be used before and after surgical procedures to prevent infection
    •Can be used as a mouth wash (should not be swallowed)
    •Used as a wound irrigator solution to clean wounds
    •Can be applied as a wet-to-moist dressing for wounds
    According to WebMD, “The body’s own wound-healing tissues and fluids can decrease the antibacterial effect of Dakin’s solution. Therefore, this solution is often used only once daily for minor wounds and twice daily for heavily draining or contaminated wounds… Additionally, protect the surrounding healthy skin with a moisture barrier ointment (i.e. petroleum jelly) or skin sealant as needed to prevent irritation.”

    Additional Information on Dakins Solution

    Published by Tess Pennington on June 17th, 2010
    tacmotusn likes this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I went with
    2x BAOFENG UV-3R FM Two-Way Radio Body
    2x 3.7V/1500mAh Battery
    2x Antenna
    2x Power Adapter
    2x Belt Clip
    2x Battery Charger
    2x Earpiece PTT
    2x Neck Strap

    77 bucks delivered. It seemed that my 79 dollars in my paypal account was telling me something.
    Brokor likes this.
  7. munchy

    munchy Monkey+++

    Nothing, that pint of whiskey is gone. Got a lot of burnin done tho!!
    Brokor likes this.
  8. -06

    -06 Monkey+++

    Nothing "new" lately but cleaned the man cave and found lots of goodies that I had not categorized(that is fancy for lost in the jumble-lol). Lots of ammo, supplies, 4 cases of quart jars, two pints, ammo can of .50 cases, but still looking for the six lbs. of Varget--danged gremlins must have gotten to it. Can even get to the powder magazine now without moving everything in the room. On radios, have my old set + some CB stuff in a metal box and insulated.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Working on body detoxification supplies.
    • Helichrysum
    • Carrot Seed oil
    • Lemon Oil

    Jojoba Oil is used as the carrier. I mixed about 1 oz. with 12 drops of each helichrysum and carrot seed essential oil, then about 8 drops lemon oil. I apply to the bottoms of my feet before bed, using a cotton ball and I wear dark socks to keep from staining the sheets. The detox should help take care of heavy metals in the blood and perhaps keep the good old liver running clean.
  10. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Got 3 apple trees from Lowes, 50% off each and they still come with the 1 yr guarantee. Will be getting new canvas for our pop-up camper this week, putting that on should be FUN! Since getting my property (22 acres) I've worked on sighting in a different rifle each weekend. I've shot more in the past month than I have in the past few years!
    Smitty and STANGF150 like this.
  11. Tracy

    Tracy Insatiably Curious Moderator Founding Member

  12. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    Got the last part for my new ar build (front sight post) Its now functional just needs a sling
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Dehydrated fresh basil, green and red peppers, carrots and celery. Sealed in vacuum bags with Foodsaver.

    Picked up some new TruGlow sights for the XD9mm. Looking forward to acquiring the XDS very shortly.
  14. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Just bottled a case of homemade blackberry wine. First time that we've tried making wine. We'll see how it turns out. Next year, we're hoping to learn from our mistakes this year and do better. I want to try some Elderberries and Muscadines next year as well.
    Brokor likes this.
  15. Turtle

    Turtle Monkey+

    A tiny bit of cash,some jugs of water,some cans of corn ( i eat a lot of corn ) some knowledge and i also talked myself out of buying something i can most likely make myself...that counts too right ?
    IndieMama and tulianr like this.
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    If you eat a lot of corn, you might want to only eat organic. The GMO corn is perhaps the single most harmful product on earth (if it has its own antibodies and is genetically altered to kill pests, it passes this on to you).
  17. Turtle

    Turtle Monkey+

    Thanks for the info...eventually i would like to grow my own corn ...and other veggies organically.
    Brokor likes this.
  18. VHestin

    VHestin Farm Chick

    We stocked up on 2 orphaned kittens this week. Wild critters around here made short work of the rest of their family. I named them Munchkin and Kentucky. And got some light bulbs.
    Spayneuter Yourpets likes this.
  19. Evil

    Evil A rock n roll girl loving life!

    Everyone started at some point and mine has been in the last 6 months (other than gardening). I started putting away knowledge first. I have been doing a lot of reading and recon before I start gathering. Learning what I need in my BOB, making choices of where to go and how to get there if I have to split. How to can, and store food for long term. How to make my garden better. Prices on rifles, and ammo. Planed a hunting trip with friends in OK this Thanksgiving. Where I can purchase medications (US scripts that are OTC in other countries since I travel a lot) Things I have already implemented such as making sure my gas tanks are full, making sure guns and ammo are together. I have now started the gathering process. I have been a gardener for years for fun, but now I see how important it really is. I found a killer deal on 550,000 Heirloom GMO free seeds 38 different veggies. I have added 7 kinds of fruit trees this year, and expanded the garden from 25x25 to 75x75. purchased 72 qt canning jars. bought 6 cd's on canning, hunting, trapping, homesteading, gardening, greenhouse, etc. I canned my first batch of tomato sauce. Sealed 500 codeine (OTC canada) and 500 antibiotic (OTC UK) ...... I have a lot of work to do in organizing my home so I can really get down to what I envision doing...but it's a start. I look forward to updating and getting to know you all on this forum.
    Jeff Brackett and tulianr like this.
  20. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Good start indeed. Have you prioritized, as in 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months? Picked a "go to" bug out location? (And so, back to the basics --)
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