Banana Peels

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dr Charbonneau, Sep 20, 2012.

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  1. And of course, GfN, you just COULDN'T be wrong could you? It couldn't be that i simply want others to be able to see how I get treated and fight back where you have no means to take back the truth of a very stupid event. It couldn't be that I'm also a fair fellow who has some forgiveness left while existing within a society dominated by those who claim to be Christians but just can't seem to pony up on really following Jesus' teachings.

    I thank you, though, for reinforcing my reason to leve it all up. If it's of any comfort, yoou aren't alone.
  2. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    I'm wrong all the time. If you're such a great guy and want to prove me wrong, become a SurvivalMonkey vendor. As it is, you're getting free advertising for your ship of fools and taking advantage of the vendors who actually pay.

  3. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    Stand fast on the whole "poor me, the Christian" meme. Your theology is weak at best, heretical at worst, so it's not really going to fly (at least with me) for you to sit back and complain about those "who claim to be Christians". A Christian is known by his fruit, and yours doesn't look like the right kind.
    Sapper John and Guit_fishN like this.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Here you go ghrit: some plans for a pod you can build yourself that would seem to go well with the theme of this thread:

    meditator_2. meditator_2.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

  6. We all have our opinions. If I'm wrong, nothing is hurt, if the others are wrong, they fail miserably.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Pretty superior attitude, dude. You're OK, but no one else is?
  8. Well... you do have something of a... mundane opinion. I can fail every theory you have. From there forward it's a matter of testing each. My concept covers all the bases you claim to have covered, plus a whole spectrum of ones you haven't.

    Sure. Tell your sheep not to worry. That guy waving his arms is just the local amusement.
  9. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I've pretty much refrained from commenting on this thread but it has arrived at a point where I need to point out that this is no longer a debate but a schoolyard insult fest and it needs to stop. It is no longer amusing. If there is any interest in your theories, I am sure you will be contacted PM (AKA private conversation.) We are, for the most part, a group of intelligent and tolerant individuals who are willing to look at alternative solutions with an open mind but when someone enters our midst and, in essence, calls us idiots for not following their path, we bristle. You have created a porcupine response at Survival Monkey. I hope you consider finding a group that is more easily led because you have not found it here. For the moment, feel free to stay in our midst but I must insist that you refrain from promoting your single concept!
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    With apologies to RightHand for prolonging the agony, this post is edited to remove further perceived insults related to preps and lack thereof.
  11. I haven't called anyone an idiot who hasn't earned it. Fact is, in here, I haven't labeled anyone save for calling out someone's lies. Yes, it is quite enough. Why couldn't someone have gone to one of my other threads? The fact is I even asked about becoming a site supporter. Why would I care now?

    I never go anywhere looking for a fight or for an example of cyber-bulling. I certainly can and will save the proof, though, when such events do occur. I've already pointed out this GIGO to some other on sites where I've been in long standing and they aren't seeing me as the bad guy.

    I don't GARA if people here don't want to try my plan. If Jesus is really up there writing names in that Book of Life, I doubt if ANY of the names of the mockers seen here are in it. But who am I to say?

    Read more:
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Indeed, who are you to say. Kindly refrain from spitting on the floor of your host. It is in quite bad form
    Sapper John likes this.
  13. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    It's pretty easy to become a site supporter. Go ahead and pull the trigger.
    ghrit and Sapper John like this.
  14. It's bad form just as much to see other "pets" spit on the floor and blame it on me. If telling the truth is spitting, then I'm sure Mother Nature has one helluva hocker she's working at expulsing. That quake list doesn't end. I have about 4 more to post as soon as I get around to it...
  15. At this point, would you?
  16. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    At this point, I already have. Then again, when I joined, I did it a little bit differently and I was met with different results. Tell me, why the preoccupation with cyber bullying (a concept I personally don't believe exists).

    With respect to the topic of this thread, if you desire to debate the merits of something instead of simply averring that you are correct, you might take out the plea for cash. And maybe allow for a little back and forth.
  17. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Argumentative individuals are unwelcome on survivalmonkey. Share, learn, debate (see thread Mannerly Art of Agreement if you are in doubt) but argumentativeness just for the sake of having the last word is intolerable.
  18. You might have noticed my signature takes the "clicker" to a page about the magnetic poles inclination. Sure. Take out the beg notice at a time when this planet needs all the good ideas it can get.

    I did as I was told I could. It drew out the "poo poo" just as Melbo said it might.

    As for cyber-bullying, or any kind of bullying, it gets people hurt. Here in Indiana we have several cases of kids who took their lives after they were bullyragged online. There are agencies now that are beginning to go after these creeps. I'm of the opinion that James Holmes went through some of this GIGO. He wasn't as strong of mind as I am. He needs to be punished for what he did, but the real story of why he went nuts all of a sudden needs to be investigated. Brilliant people seldom go over that edge.
  19. But we know that's just for me.
  20. Pyrrhus

    Pyrrhus Monkey+++

    A good idea does not require belittling others. In fact, I personally doubt how good an idea is if you need to belittle others to elevate the idea. If you can meet criticisms with real answers, you might win some to your way of thinking. I'm not an engineer, so I can't really debate on that level. Maybe you could dumb down your idea for those of us without any kind of engineering degree, "c" or otherwise. If not, it just seems like bluster.
    ghrit likes this.
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