HILLA, Iraq — A five-year-old Iraqi boy was pounced upon and killed by a wolf as he picked dates in a palm grove near the town of Hilla in central Iraq, a witness and a doctor said on Monday. Abbas Mohammed busy picking dates on Sunday with five older boys in the village of Al-Ahamer when the animal attacked them. All except Mohammed managed to flee. "The wolf attacked the boy, lunging at his neck," witness Kadum Mohammed, 20, told AFP, adding that it was the first time such an attack had occurred in the area. Dr Mohammed Jassem, from the hospital in Hilla 100 kilometres (60 miles) south of Baghdad, confirmed receiving the boy's body. Jassem said the child's abdomen had been completely torn open by the wild animal. http://www.france24.com/en/20120924-wolf-kills-iraqi-boy-palm-grove
On my first patrol in Baghdad, I was actually amazed by the number of small children surrounding us as we made our rounds through the neighborhoods. I was even more astounded by the realization that they are just little children --like any other I have seen throughout my life. I must admit, I initially associated the "monster" typified in terrorists with all life in the Middle East. I may have done this by conditioning or through error, I don't know. All I can say for certain, is that I was brought to tears on more than one occasion during visits in the neighborhoods we were responsible for. These children are beautiful, make no mistake about it, I thought to myself --if only I could do something more. They live in mud dwellings, rickety old shacks with stray wiring attached haphazardly to receive some form of electricity. On many occasions, I watched the children dipping into the street water with dirty plastic pails we would see washed up on a barren beach. In some areas, the kids wore little to no clothing, except for perhaps a stained pair of shorts. They would run up to you and smile, holding out a hand. A little girl one time, perhaps the age of five at most, stood in front of me and would avert her eyes as soon as I spoke to her, "hello..." --her dirty face and hands reminded me of normal childhood I could relate with, but I could tell she wouldn't have a warm bubble bath every evening. She broke my heart with her fragile innocence. I received bags of small toys and some of the other guys would also ask for family to send candy or toys to distribute. It was one, tiny bit of pleasure we looked forward to in the long, hot days in Baghdad. I hope those smiles and cries of happiness lead them to being better than some of their forebears; and I know this is only wishful thinking on my part. It will do. ( I saw a lot of dogs in that area, never a wolf. Strange, and sad.)
When Alaskachick was deployed in Africa, last time, she spent $300US on Tootsie Roll Pops, to hand out to the Kids, that would come with their Bushman Families to "See the Doctors from America" ... , Those were a Treat that they only would have, maybe once, or twice, in their whole childhood. It made a BIG impression on her.....
Now that's just unneccessary. My post which I chose to delete totally of my own free will was much better and had a different slant. However, in quick hindsight I decided my dark humor would not be appreciated since this story was about the death of a 5 year old ...... so I pulled it. Interestingly someone else almost instantly suggested it might not have been a wolf, but instead a dog. What dog is big enough and size shape and all might be mistaken for a wolf? They are even often cross bred with wolves here in the USA ..... Unfortunate that a 5 year old is dead, regardless of what killed him.
It doesn't really seem like wolf behavior, acting alone, charging a group, in the open; but if a wolf were isolated and hungry, who knows?
Never heard the term Lone Wolf ? I live in an area with Wolves,there are some alone. They sport kill plenty of evidence of that, goggle is your friend.
Well, I'm not a wolf voyeur. Just going on what I hear off Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. Oh wait! That was "Islam" I was thinking about.
Really sad deal. I hate to see children suffer. Wolves and yotes do attack singly if the need or notion overtakes them. Children have been attacked here in thr US. Loss of fear I guess Jim
Okay Achmed Tulianr, You have driven me to this. Intelligence experts agree; The Wolf Attack in Iraq was not the result of wolf, but instead an attack by an abandoned USA military service dog thought to have been killed or seriously injured in an IED attack that killed his GI handler. The dog, a large german shepherd has been on his own since before the pullout from Iraq. It is unfortunate that a child died in this situation. We would have hoped the victim would rather have been a Radical Muslim, or an Al Kieda adult member.
What is reported, is certainly NOT WOLF like behavior, for North American wolves. There are just TWO Reported cases of Wolf/Human interactions, where a North American Wolf, stocked, attacked, and Munched, a Human. The first was decades ago, in Michigan, somewhere, and I can't recall any more details. the second was in Chignik, Alaska two years ago. A Newbie female School Teacher, fresh from the flatlands, was out Jogging, alone between the village and the airstrip. (about 2 miles) The local wolves had been nosing around the outskirts of the village for weeks, mostly into garbage and such, at night. She was attacked about 1.5 miles from the village, just after Civil Twilight, in the morning. Once brought down, the wolf apparently got a Throat Grip, and killed her, then drug her off the road, maybe 200 Ft, and then basically ate her guts. This was a single wolf, (from the tracks around the site) apparently NOT part of the local Pack. ADF&G Hunters were brought in, and Killed the entire local Pack, the following week. I have walked that road, many times, and there is little if anything higher than scrub brush, along the whole route. I suspect that because she had Earbuds in, and was Jogging to Music, that she didn't hear the animal, at all, before the original charge, and didn't know how to react, once jumped. This is a very RARE situation..... ..... YMMV....
Too bad about that Shepard getting left behind. Shouldn't have happened...... In a SHTF plague-type scenario (or whatever where there's a quick die off), I figure there will be a lot of roaming bands of dogs that might be able to overcome a human out by himself. Just in this past year, I've read two accounts like this actually happening.
That was a totally made up parody post. It was pretty much what my first deleted post said except the part about a"radical Muslim or Al Kieda member". It popped into my mind as a sort of Karma thing for those who kill our people with IEDs. I am however familiar with dogs packing up and being aggressive to humans and killing smaller dogs and cats as well as attacking livestock. I have lost count of the number I have put down. I deleted it before because of the child being the victim.
I saw a lot of dog packs in Beirut, following their societal collapse. It's a certainty in this country, with as many pets as we have. We already have far too many irresponsible pet owners who allow their animals to roam free and breed with no thought of the consequences. I feel sorry for the animals.
Maybe feral dog packs are responsible for Chelloveck's absence. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/na...land-urban-areas/story-fndo45r1-1226474467866