US Ambassador to Libya Killed in Consulate Attack by peace loving Muslims

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tacmotusn, Sep 12, 2012.

  1. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    God knows all of our perpetrators find justice.
  2. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Well I guess God had a reason for these men to die. I feel better now.
  3. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    Ron Paul brings up the same point:
    tacmotusn likes this.
  4. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    "This is about a movie" my arse.

    The Kenyan, still clueless and in the dark:,0,2291982.story
    Alpha Dog likes this.
  5. Alpha Dog

    Alpha Dog survival of the breed

    These people only understand one thing and that is Violence .I have always felt that the only way to make this type of people understand is by force and violence in return. Send the jets in leave the sandbox in a black ball of smoke and the sounds of the screams of their friends and families. Acts like this cannot be worked out that is the problem now these other Countries are looking at us as being week and Im not to sure they are not right. The US has become a week nation alot of people take our a acts of kindness as weekness and we do nothing to show them different. I look at it like this I find a guy standing out side a restraunt at the dumpster waiting to search for food. If I had it I would buy him a meal, Same guy I come home and find him in my house hungry or not Im going to hurt him. I agree with Tac Blood For Blood if we started to stand by this type of justice alot of this would not happen but once. I also find it to disrepect to any Soldier, Fallen Soldier or the family of, for the US to help rebuild and protect a country where we lost American lives fighting to destroy. If we rebuild it put it under a US flag and send contractors in to settle it and pump the oil. Not us we blow up their straw huts and mud houses then go back and build them new brick home while Americans sleep on the streets.If we dont react to this with force it will never stop and only get worse.
    STANGF150 and tacmotusn like this.
  6. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    We can't win this fight. If we do what should be done, the rest of the world will act as though we just smacked some retard for acting retarded.
  7. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    We lost all chance of being "respected" when Hanoi Jane and then others were not charged with treason and allowed return to US soil as free members of our society.

    Nothing new here just the downward spiral that shows the weakness we have allowed to enter our government as puppets to those who want to overthrow the US.
    tulianr likes this.
  8. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Okay, I got your sarcasm, and you missed mine. I neglected to insert a comma. Apologies. It should have read:
    "God knows, all of our perpetrators find justice."
    It was a response to an earlier post. English is such a sneaky little thing. :)

    I'm the last person to be beating the annoying drum of "it's God's will." Not unless "God" is a sick, twisted, sadistic type.
  9. tulianr

    tulianr Don Quixote de la Monkey

    Cast, Crew of Anti-Islam Film Were Misled

    The cast and crew of the anti-Islam movie that sparked violence in Egypt and Libya say they were "grossly misled" about the nature of the film and are horrified by its consequences, reports CNN. Cast members say they were recruited to star in a movie called Desert Warriors, described in casting ads as a "historical Arabian Desert adventure film."

    Crew members, including one with a copy of the original script, say there were no references to Mohammed or Islam in the script that was filmed, but the lines were crudely dubbed in post-production. "It wasn't based on anything to do with religion, it was just on how things were run in Egypt.

    There wasn't anything about Mohammed or Muslims or anything," a woman with a small role in the film tells Gawker. "Now we have people dead because of a movie I was in. It makes me sick."
  10. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    This is the movie
  11. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Innocence of Muslims’: The film that may have sparked U.S. Embassy protests

    By Liz Goodwin, Yahoo! News | The Lookout – Wed, Sep 12, 2012
    consulate. A man walks inside the U.S. Consulate, which was attacked and set on fire by gunmen yesterday. (Esam Al-Fetori …
    A low-quality film mocking the Muslim Prophet Muhammad reportedly sparked a protest that ended with Libyan Islamist extremists attacking the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, killing U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other foreign service workers. Earlier on Tuesday, a group of Egyptians scaled the walls of the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and tore down the American flag, angry over the same movie.
    So what is this film, and who made it?
    A 14-minute clip of the extremely amateur "Innocence of Muslims" film shows the Prophet Muhammad as a homosexual who endorses extramarital sex and pedophilia. (Many Muslims consider physical or visual representations of Muhammad to be blasphemous.)
    Clips of the English-language film, some of which have been online since July, attracted attention in Egypt only over the past few days when someone posted a clip that had been dubbed into Arabic,according to the New York Times. Some Egyptian TV hosts began airing the clips over and over, portraying it as a Coptic Christian and American plot to denigrate the prophet. Morris Sadek, a Coptic Christian from Egypt and critic of Islam who now lives in the United States, told AP he recently began promoting the film clips, which might also explain their rise out of obscurity. Florida pastor Terry Jones, best known for burning a copy of Islam's holy book in 2011, has also been publicizing the film.
    Though much remains murky about the movie and its origins, the Wall Street Journal tracked down and interviewed a person who claimed to have written and directed the movie, a real estate developer named Sam Bacile. Bacile told the Journal that he made the film to portray Islam as a hateful religion:
    "Islam is a cancer," he said in a telephone interview from his home. "The movie is a political movie. It's not a religious movie."
    Mr. Bacile said he raised $5 million from about 100 Jewish donors, whom he declined to identify. Working with about 60 actors and 45 crew members, he said he made the two-hour movie in three months last year in California.
    Bacile told the AP that he is now in hiding, and that his full movie has only been shown once, to a nearly empty theater in Hollywood. But the AP added that anonymous "Israeli officials" said there was no record of a Sam Bacile being a citizen of Israel. Another person involved in the film, Steve Klein, told The Atlantic that he believes Bacile is a pseudonym, and that he doubts his claims that he is Israeli. (Klein said he met the person who made the film, but didn't know his real name.) And others have raised questions about Bacile's claim that the movie had a $5 million budget, based on the nearly unwatchable trailer's low quality. The New York Times could not verify whether a full two-hour version of the movie even exists, as Bacile claimed, since only portions of the film have been posted online. The Times also noted that Bacile identified himself as 52 years old in one interview and 56 in another.
    In an even stranger twist, NPR's Sarah Abdurrahman noticed that every specific reference to Muhammad or Islam in the movie's trailer appears to be dubbed over what the actors actually said. Without the lines that insult Islam, the trailer "reads like some cheesy Arabian Nights story," Abdurrahman writes. In a statement given to CNN, the cast and crew of the film said they were "grossly misled" about the movie's purpose and said they feel "taken advantage of." One of the film's actors told Gawker that the cast was told they were acting in a movie called "Dessert Warriors," and had no idea it would be altered to have an anti-Islam message. She said the film's director, whom she now plans to sue, said he was Egyptian.
    President Barack Obama condemned the attacks in a statement Wednesday, but also made an oblique reference to the "Innocence of Muslims" film. "While the United States rejects efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, we must all unequivocally oppose the kind of senseless violence that took the lives of these public servants," Obama said. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also referenced the movie. "Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior, along with the protest that took place at our embassy in Cairo yesterday, as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet," Clinton said. "America's commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear. There is no justification for this. None."
    consulate. consulate.
  12. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

    If the attack was in fact coordinated (in Libya), this movie as the source of all protests is a false flag. These people are waiting for ANY event to riot. Like someone said earlier..."I had never heard about this movie before yesterday." The logical stream of thought then, is how something unknown and without purpose, came to be associated with the entire country and was the spark that lit the flame?

    Remember back in the late 80s or early 90s when Salman Rushdie wrote The Satanic Verses and some Ayatollah Aureola put a bounty on his head and he had to live in hiding for over a decade?? No protest to embassies/consulates then (I believe he was a Brit).

    All of this smells fishy.
    oldawg and Quigley_Sharps like this.
  13. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    I agree.
    jim2 likes this.
  14. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  15. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Tulinar, it wasn't directed at you, I was merely stating what I have heard from many people. The first part of it anyways. God has a plan. God had a reason. It's all simplistic BS to try and explain away the deaths of fine people while animals live to attack innocents another day. I was thoroughly riled up at some of the BS comments I've been reading on other sites. I'm just running with an open invite, let some muslim buck come and terrorize my friends or family and he won't survive till the court date. I am so tired of the excuses. "They aren't with us." "They don't speak for Islam." "They're not real muslims."

    It's excuse after excuse. And to those that bow down before this ilk, I would rather watch the vultures pick over your carcass.

    Here is a little scenario...

    Habib and Jafar are sitting around their dinner table discussing the world events. Habib is raising children and is a business owner in downtown Baghdad. Habib loves the idea of one day being prosperous and making a good life for his children. Habib likes the movies and music that comes from America. He believes that Islam should be shared with all the world because it is a good religion and everyone should want to be good. Jafar is not a family man. No wife, no kids. Jafar has always done what's good for Jafar. He recently started listening to the local cleric who is against the Great Satan. Jafar has always been a bit of an arse and dumb as a rock. Jafar sits in Habib's nice home and swears up and down that he's going to kill any devil he can find. Jafar starts explaining how Habib should join him in the upcoming attack. Habib is a muslim, and he knows that Jafar is a radical. Many times he's tried to convince Jafar of the wrong thoughts though it hasn't worked. Habib listens and asks questions of Jafar. He uncovers a lot of intel about the upcoming attack. Jafar's eyes light up with the fire of hatred and then a gunshot rings out through the small dwelling. Habib being not able to withstand anymore perversion to the religion he loves, took matters into his own hands. Jafar's body slumps to the carpet and doesn't move. Habib knows he has saved many future innocents and now has a way of saving more. He takes the intel to the ones he can trust and in the end, the cleric, bombmakers and other radicals from that group are all executed on live tv as a show of soladarity that no terrorism will be tolerated. Habib becomes a local hero and goes on to provide a stable and loving life for his children just like he had always wanted. The End.

    Fiction, pure fiction.
    ditch witch, Quigley_Sharps and jim2 like this.
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    That is the Stupidest Movie, I think I have ever watched..... and the Arabs Killed over that??? Morons...... My Opinion.... YMMV....
  17. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    I don't mean this as personal to anyone, but in quotes below is a major problem of people in the Free World in dealing with these Muslim fanatics.

    "We don't necessarily have to understand the reaction of other cultures to to certain perceived insults, but we should try to be aware of those flash points, and be sensitive toward them. We don't have to understand the reaction of the bull to our dashing across his pasture wearing red bloomers, but we need to have our running shoes on, just the same. "

    This is defeatism in it's purest form, and only a Surrender Monkey would adhere to it. I honestly believe that the so-called Moderate Muslims do not for the most part exist. Maybe a couple of thousand over the total of 1 billion plus that exists today. If only 1% of that billion is a fanatic (and far more than that are), that leaves enough of them to completely change the world once they obtain the technology to make this happen. This is a Stone Age religion even though it originated in the 700'sAD. It is extremely dangerous and is a clear and present danger to anyone that does not want to be a slave to whatever bigotted room temp IQ villian that may be appointed over them.

    We must recognize this threat! We must not run from it, but we must deal with it. We have no choice in the matter, but to be Free Men or dogs licking the hands of their masters.

    Documented information on this murderous cult may be found at;

  18. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    How about this
    Sept 11 protest planned well in advance cue to Starte Dept and business leaders being area - the protest was to free Blind Cleric -- nailed for the first WTC bombing. SO this being a fuss about a mivie, i the beginning is BS.

    US response, apologies.

    Now, a protest whipped up 'by the movie' suddenly happens in Benghazi that night. And a squad of about 20 fighter 'just happens to attack the Consulate, setting it on fire

    US response - crickets

    Then the news release (from a local source) was that one US worker killed

    US response - crickets

    Then the news is released that the Ambassador is dead.

    US response - crickets

    Next news release, the Ambassador is dead was was dragged thru the streets naked

    US response - crickets, followed by tepid announcement

    Next news release, FAST team is ambushed as they go to secure the Consolidate (crypo equipment) they "find" 37 US workers and get chewed up by the same team of attackers that hit the Consulate. 2 Marines? die (could be workers). Not enough transport for all workers, Marines get hit again - the Marines Get Some.

    2 US Navy Destroyers now headed to AO at best speed.

    Now news is released that the Ambassador was raped, then murdered, before being dragged thru the streets.

    US response - hand wringing - which is OK for now.


    This reads like a Tom Clancy novel, with a mad Russian KGB Colonel running a PSYOPS mission to provoke a violent US response in the middle east.


    1) Russians are pissed their boyo moh- mamr got whacked
    2) To try and provoke a massive US strike - so Arabs cut off oil exports - Russia sticks both US and China in the eye over oil
    3) Oil shortage means Russian oil is now worth a ton more $$$
    4) Soaring oil prices slam the US in the gut, Obama tossed in landslide. Russia gets even for Arab Spring, and you lose.
    5) This could go on, with a spin blaming the Kurds, a spin blaming Egypt, a spin blaming Turkey and a spin blaming Syria.

    In the end, I doubt the real truth will ever come out.

    Like I said - it just struck me last night - that this whole thing is right out of a spy novel or movie - except that real people died. And, no, we don't need a glass parking lot.
    tacmotusn likes this.
  19. CATO

    CATO Monkey+++

  20. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    That is all it is.
    Kinda sounds like everyone is itchin' for a fight.
    and the Military Industrial complex is soooo ready to supply anyone and everyone with what ever they want to buy.

    Someone needs to start targeting the MIC corporations if we ever stand a chance of ending large scale conflicts between groups.
    tulianr and Cruisin Sloth like this.
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