I've already accepted that none of us are getting out of this world alive. First guy ( or maybe guys ) that shows up to take mine goes along with me. What the 'ell good are guns you give up or have to hide for "later" ? You might as well sell them back in one of these "guy buybacks" and use the money for a new spine.
When I said I would turn them over if they came to my door I meant it. If you are faced with 5, 10, or more men you have almost no chance of exacting any damage against them. I think this is the point the author is trying to make. He is saying that when they come for your firearms out of the blue and you have no time to prepare what are you going to do? The smart thing to do, if you are one of the first to have this done and have no time to prepare, is turn them over. Then a new course of action starts: Get the word out to everyone you know about what is going on Pack up your things and meet with those you trust Go to your local sportsman clubs with any means of resistance you can and hold meetings about what to do Form a resistance to fight against the unconstitutional actions being taken REMEMBER, once you are dead, you are out of the fight... This means you have to fight smart. The firearms that you have in your home are not the only means of resistance you have against a tyrannical government. Your mind is the greatest weapon. MAKE THEM REALIZE THAT THEIR BIGGEST MISTAKE WAS LETTING YOU HAND OVER YOUR FIREARMS AND NOT TAKING YOU WITH THEM! Remember, suicide bombers don't use guns. Anders Behring Brevik didn't kill with only a gun. Guy Fawkes....well if you don't see the pattern yet, God help you.
I will tell them they have 5 minute's to surrender...or... Face a citizen's arrest for treason... I'm sure that will float....ccc
If they come for your guns with a swat team you can bet they will haul you off too. If you are one of the early targets you can die or rot in prison. If you go to prison it will be a quiet disappearance. If you die then it may make more news. Either way you lose and have little chance. Only after many of these happen will the remainder of gun owners realize the confiscations are for real and start responding proactively.
I'm thinking more along the lines of this. Trucks roll down your street with troops and space for your firearms to be hauled away. Troops pair off 2 by 2 and go door to door to get everyone's firearms. Mass confiscation in urban and suburban neighborhoods. They wouldn't be looking to detain so long as people were compliant.
Viet Minh Sergeant: "Do we take prisoners?"Lt. Col. Nguyen Huu An: "No. Kill all they send... and they will stop coming."-- The Opening Scene of "We Were Soldiers"
Never happen that way. Never has happened that way anywhere or anytime. Ever go door to door for anything? Half are not home. A few don't answer. Not very efficient. If confiscation happens they will be outlawed. You will be allowed to take them to drop off points for a time. After grace period they will either come to specific houses based on tips or dynamic entry sweeps. Anyone caught with illegal guns will be hauled off. So, will you take yours to the drop off collection site like a good citizen? Wait for the no-knock and arrest? Or, after your hear six of your friends have been raided do you run? Hide your guns (which they will find unless you move them off your property)? Fight back, perhaps coordinating with a few remaining gun owners?
In that case I turn them in and renounce my citizenship...as soon as I find an acceptable alternative. Side Note: Costa Rica is pretty nice! In all honesty, I do not think there will be enough willing to fight.
Pretty much the plan proposed by former ambassador Daniel H. Simpson about 5 years ago http://www.toledoblade.com/Op-Ed-Columns/2007/04/25/The-disarming-of-America.html A response http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2012/08/kill-all-they-send.html An attempt to disarm the people is an act of war and thus treason. The first three words of the Constitution are "We the People", we are the ultimate authority and they govern only by our consent. They either do not know or do not want to accept that the Bill of Rights does not grant rights but tells them not to touch our rights. The Constitution can be considered a contract between the people and those we select to run the country while the rest of us go about our lives. A contract once broken no longer applies to either party.
Do you really believe you will be free in Costa Rica ? For how long ? Do you really believe you will be "safe" there ? You will be in a Hispanic country where you have no familia, and no long term relationships with anyone you can rely on. "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin
I don't really know. I know that they are socialist, no military, and are protected under the Monroe Doctrine. I just like the climate and the countries strong Roman Catholic ties/traditions and I do know a few people there. On the bright side my wife is Hispanic and would fit in. But, I am pure white guy. With the Monroe Doctrine basically proclaiming America as the hegemone of the western hemisphere I do not doubt the time would come for US intervention should they see the need. I am just in a tough spot right now being young and getting ready to start a family. I know that everything I believe in is in our constitution. However, we fail to honor it as a nation. I want to have faith that our founders did write our constitution under the guidance of divine providence and that everything will work out and America will wake up...but I just don't know. Hate to be a downer.
What you do have in Costa Rica is a very pleasant, inexpensive enclave of expats living a carefree, unarmed, easily overun life. Good place to retire, if not make it thru the upheavals. Costa Ricans are welcoming people, more than willing and able to help the retirees as long as the banks don't fail and the retirees are able to sustain the lifestyle that they and the 'Ricans are accustomed to. I've often wondered at the effects that would follow an economic upheaval. It is an appealing place today. Tomorrow, well qui'en sabe?
How long until Costa Rica becomes part of the North American Union ? They are already socialist, and have no military so they will roll over as soon as their masters snap their fingers. Flee the US and gain enough time to have infants or small children when the trouble comes to you. Abandon your preps and weapons here, and go to a weaker place in hope of an illusion of safety.
If that statement is true, then abandoning our nation is the wrong move. You say you want to start a family, do you want them to live under tyranny ? If you will not risk your life for them before they are born, why would you after ? All it takes for evil to prosper is for good to do nothing.
I will not risk my life or my wife's life over guns. It would have to be more than just guns being taken. However I realize that once they have those it would be easier to take way other rights. 1st and 5th are the most important to me. But I know they all work together to make each other work.
...and once they have the guns, there is nothing to stop them from taking everything else, as history has shown totalitarian govts to do. And, I should point out that it IS more than guns being taken...it is the dismantling of the Constitution. There are brave people who think there are things...principles, ideas worth dying for--the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, Arlington natl cemetery is filled with these people..... I could go on. And, then, there is everyone else......
I'm with you both and I understand what you are saying. I am just not going to go down as a 1 man army if they come for my weapons. The 56 men had each other, the men in Arlington did too. If I was with others, organized and ready to go, I would be in.
Unless you are one of the first in line for confiscation, you should not need to stand alone. If they are already in your house, I see you doing what needs to be done to save your wife. Be wary of the current larger militias, most have been infiltrated.
Never yield to force. Listen closely to the words in this video. It is better to die in pursuit of freedom than to live as a slave (for some). Your argument makes sense, and I am certain many Jews thought they could muster their defenses and gather friends, protest and demand the tyrant Hitler to not confiscate their guns. "No! .... STOP!" doesn't work with the tyrant. Listen well, and remember.