– You are 6 times more likely to die from hot weather than from a terrorist attack Kinda like one taking one quote out of context to make a sensational headline... are you sure that Cato isn't influnced by CNN...(insert satire here)
it's a statistical regression model of a frequency count.... showing how small a chance you have of being killed by a terrorist.... they compare it to all sorts of off the wall causes of death...
and it only cost the American TaxPayer 3-4 Billion US, to get this GEAT amount of protection from our Friends @TSA/HLS I don't even count ICE/Boarder Protection, Mayor Doomberg's NYPD Idiots, as they aren't protecting anything.....
Much simpler than that...no regression needed. http://reason.com/archives/2006/08/11/dont-be-terrorized