You confuse your children with your pets? I have no such confusion. Id feed a stranger to a bear to save my family. do I know you?/ start sarcasm.
Hey Sapper just make sure you are one of the ones who weigh the least, I surround myself with expendable fat people that way if I have to I can out run them to get to the safe area, If you trip them large people are slower getting up and most of the time break bones plus if they go down if a fire fight they go from concealment to cover. (LOL)
I am going back to the original question. I use 30.06 on pig. I carry a Rem. 742 with 4 rd mag in it an a spare 4 rder in my pocket. I carry a spare 9 rds on the sleeve. 180 grain bullets put a hurt on most everything.
Honestly if I was actually being chased by some huge animal? Check the avatar, stops just about everything, also clears your sinuses. I love multi-use tools. Probably overkill, but at least I live to tell the story. Pistol wise, at the least I'd want .44 mag if not the S&W 500, rifle wise at least a 300 win mag or 30.06
We keep a 870 cylinder bore 12ga and a Mossberg also cylinder bore near the doors. Most of our company is squirrels and deer.