I think creating challenge coins (like the ones on the wiki) is a waste of money. The odds of using a worthless thing is quite small. Having an accepted challenge coin (e.g., wheat penny) is another thing. Having a couple of sleeves of SM sliver rounds would be quite the story for the grandkids (if you make it that far).
Thanks, what we'd be looking at are generic silver rounds, valued in weight instead of any $ amount. There are about 5 million different generic rounds that can be purchased: http://www.apmex.com/Category/1196/Silver_Rounds_All_Sizes__Manufacturers.aspx
so, I like this idea, not so sure about the silver rounds specific to the monkey tree. doesn't sound like a good ROI with the cost of dies. I am not sure about the dot com aspect of a logo on shirts, I much prefer a muted logo with "inside" meaning like a outline of a monkey paw on the left chest so, if you are out somewhere and see it you can recognize it and ask the person about it and introduce yourself rather than have everyone come up and ask..." what a survival monkey"" but yes, I am definitely in for one or four how about a monkey hanging in/from the branches of the tree of liberty
In..For the coin and Dawg tag... Wonder who could ''sport'' a dawg tag and not get noticed...Hmmm ???
You have to look at it from a certain perspective. This is a prepper website, not a secret club. Advertisement for the website is one thing. Founding a secret organization is another. Secret organizations are almost always painted in a bad light. Clubs are open about their membership and fly their colors proud. What is your end result to be? So members know each other or so others can know you are a member? Anything posted on the net will find it's way into camps that you don't want it to go if you are being secret. Enemies lurk in the wings and who may be in good stead today, may be insane tomorrow and blab the secrets. I like the idea of having some monkey stuff. I'd go for the challenge coin and the dogtag. As for anything else, if you open a line of merchandise, might I recommend it being useful items? The prepared part is what we are after. Some mementos are acceptable, just don't go too far off the deep end with it. SM troll dolls, staplers, shoestrings, etc. just scream goofball. SM BOBs, knives, travel mugs, etc. are cool stuff. They aren't just novelties, they are useful. And Melbo as far as worrying about messing with a military tradition, don't worry about it. I, as a member, say you are the embodiment of someone that we would welcome in our ranks. I'm sure any of the others here would agree. So if it's challenge coins, then don't think you are bringing a disgrace upon the military. Just my two cents.
Shirts wouldn't be too bad. It would be great with just a logo. I could wear one more places if it didn't have Mag's old sig line on it
I can see Tailormade's point. It is, IMHO, getting time to determine exactly what we are. Are we proud to be monkeys (of course) willing to advertise to everyone and anyone, or are we more of a personal liberty/freedom/protect the consitution group who might be benefitted more by flying below the radar. Maybe we can pull off being both. I can see both sides, opening it up for discussion (not trying to overstep, I'm nobody here, just wanting to hear viewpoints in the spirit of being a Republic)...If we do decide we are the latter, or a combo of the two, might I humbly recommend moving this to Team Clubhouse? Those that are truly committed can follow us there..Don't mean to offend, please don't take it that way, am eternally grateful to our founding members and moderators etc.. Just some thoughts.