I may have misunderstood the intent of other posts on this thread. Taking the posts as saying that they would accept whatever happens because as parents they felt they could not afford to fight for their and their families freedom and rights. Hiding their weapons in the hope that in some miraculous way freedom would return on its own.
Platitudes aside, You never answered the Question, I posed..... Just what .gooberment Agency do you suggest is going to come all the way out here, and try and take my neighbors, and my weapons? ATF has one Resident agent in the whole State of Alaska. FBI has three Resident Agents. The closest one is in Anchorage, 700 miles away. ..... SHTF just doesn't have a lot of meaning when you have multiple years of Preps, plus local "meat on the hoof" and plant life to extend that indefinitely. Basically the whole State of Alaska is going to be "Under the Radar" as the population is less than 750K for the whole State, spread out over almost three times the Square Miles of Texas. 80% of that population is in the Railbelt, between Seward and Fairbanks. That leaves a lot of Square Miles to be searching with Drones, looking for the last 20% of us Bush Folks. Certainly NOT cost effective, at $4.00US for JetA50... even for a Drone.... .....
Pick any Fed Outlaw force you like. Most likely one that wants to make a name for its-self. Homeland security comes to mind. The way? Well all it takes ""is one person" that doesn't like you and then a suggestion you are a gun owner (remember this is after the election) that is a bit touched. Then a sat. survey with the full spectrum of inputs. A made up, if need be, that you have a large signature of some type (magnetometer comes to mind) and a closer inspection is needed. A Drone flyby of say some 24 hours sees the survivalist PV cells and it is determined you are up to no good since you refuse to be part of the "system". It won't take much and you won't be the only one. What's $$$ for fuel for Drone? It is after all paid with Fiat Tax Monies. And it could be listed as a training mission. Later a large spread is in the News Media (remember Ruby Ridge and Waco)and with your distance from the world's view they make up a real killer of a story. Killer because you are not alive to confuse the issue. YMMC Remember you ask.
I'm going to hazard a guess here. Most monkeys are not likely to be targets. Not enough bang for the buck (no pun intended). Where do most of the people live, in high density, well in cities of course. 50 (insert your favorite agency/group here) would gain more ground and remove more weapons in the big cities with fewer casualties than they would say taking those same 50 trying to take a small group of maybe 10 people in a 50K sq. ft compound with house, barns, sheds and open fields in the middle of 100 acre retreat. Think about it. control the vast majority of the population first and then pick up the stragglers. That will be their MO. Just my humble opinion.
City fighting is the most costly in manpower and lives. Knock off some of the Rurals, make sure the news gets out that the rurals were over run with a massive force with great loss of life. This doesn't have to be true. Then do a City Search, going all out and most will fold.
I guess I should have put on a couple of clarifiers. If i were going to take over a city, I'd passify it first. On or about the middle of January, Being an evil minded NWO type, I'd cut the power, the gas and the water all across the nation. The only places that had municipal services would be 'Refuse' centers where people would gladly come to get 1.5 hots and a cot. These centers would be Stadiums, large college campus', hospitals, etc. Anywhere I could gather the sheeple. Of course they'd have to give up anything that could be used as a weapon and we'd catalog and store their belongings that they brought with them. We'd dispose of all the pets. We'd separate and segregate all the disparate groups behind tall razor wired fences for their protection from the roving bands that are looting the city at large. Once the city was mostly depopulated , house to house time baby, It's like a garage sale but the prices are awesomeer! Free as in beer! Sure there will probably be a few vets, and some gang bangers causing problems but we just burn the houses with them inside. Remember, this is Amerika, Land of the sheeple. It's not like Afganistan or Iraq where the people have been fighting us and other colonial powers for years. Most of these sheeple shart their pant when we have a few of our jackboots kick their doors open. Anyway, we've already rounded up the vast majority in the refuse centers it's going to take way fewer people to control them with mini guns, dogs and our ultimate weapon, the Fuel Air Firecracker in the rafters of the main building. Anyway, those hicks in the hinterland, won't be getting any deliveries of food, fuel, etc. as we will close the freeways, block exists to their hamlets. so they can't easily make forays for supplies, we'll have our drone looking for them when they venture out. But you needn't worry that we forgot about them or you. We have all the time in the world. Yep, winter would be their best option.
Yep, and the farther out you live, the less likely they will send out any Boys looking for you, as they will be very busy with just dealing with the Resettlement Centers.
Past examples have been Ruby Ridge and Waco, those were both rural and at least somewhat isolated. This would lend credence to the "Pick off some of isolated/rural as an example to the rest" idea
I'm kind of the mind that THEY (who ever they may be) really don't want to alert the population in general, or make a small group an example. That will just heighten the senses and cause those with means to harden their positions and resolve. Depopulate, large urban centers, stop transportation, communication, essential services. Drive the masses under their 'Protection'. before their plans become known. You wouldn't want to telegraph your intentions to a large city like Detroit, Cleveland, LA, Miami, NYC, Philly, Hotlanta .. because if they got wind of what was going to happen to them, even if they have only baseball bats, you are going to run out of ammo before you can gain control of the city. I just hope that there isn't a evil NWO nor a final plan.
With 450 million rounds of .40 S&W and 175 million rounds of .223 versus a population of 318 million running out of ammo is unlikely. As to running out of shooters ?
Ruby Ridge and Waco were both basically On the Road System.... .gov drove Tanks to Waco, and had vehicle access to Randy's Cabin.... Where I live, the nearest Road, that connects to anywhere, is 250 miles away.... This isn't rural, out here... This is Wilderness......
BT, they won't care about you. You are right that you live in the wilderness. Either you will live out your life to it's natural end, perish at the hand of bandits or bring yourself in for an emergency you can't handle such as a life-threatening problem with a loved one, then they have you. Your piece of terrain is not worth the manpower to resources to take you down. The other option is we just give Alaska to China to settle our debt, then you can learn Mandarin. EDIT: I just reread this and it sounds harsh, but there is no disrespect intended. Your position there is enviable.
No disrespect taken SS... It is what I have been say'en all along.... Alaska is just not worth messing around with, except for the Oil & Gas... Not enough people, and way to much territory.... some folks just can't get their minds, around those FACTS. Heck, I only got less that 20 years left, on the outside.... But this is the perfect place for a MonkeyNet Comms Station.... just to far out to be worth messing with, if they even would go looking.....
I'll be out in the back, running the rototiller and pretending to be a dumb clod farmer at work! Actually I'll be safe and secure and loving it...only catching the news via ham radio...No more, no less.... Just have to get me some BIB overalls and wash them until they start to fall apart! Then, I'm good.....No worries!
In most cases I would agree with you. The flip side opinion is; what is the ratio of sheeple to sheepdogs or wolves in the cities. My guess 80%/10%/10% . Of course, I could be wrong, but I believe the cities will submit fairly easily. Rural ratios in my opinion will be closer to 40%/50%/10%. Those educated and informed constitutional sheepdogs are going to be a bitch to roll over.
To a large extent that is dependent on where the city is, the Northeast and West coasts far more than in other parts of the US. The West and Midwest ?