As you can see there are no door handles on that door. Someone let him in. Im Calling bull squat on this being some lunatic shooting spree. This is NWO to the max.
supposedly after the movies started he exited, blocking the door open, and returned thru that door and started firing. no NWO or help neccessary. jus sayin
Plain and simple. Guns don't kill people. Defective people kill innocent people. Alas we will probably experiencing groups foisting the issue of gun control and other legislative measures. Unfortunately, most of those idiots don't remember how well gun control worked out for Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Strange days my monkey friends, strange days indeed.
"It's not like the government doesn't have a history of picking nuts to persuade to attack then supplying them with the equipment to go through with that attack. Previously they did it for criminal investigations. Who's to say they didn't choose an investigative technique and then use it to push, their agenda, they did exactly that with fast and furious. With fast and furious they expanded a legitimate investigative technique and used it to supply guns to the cartels just so they could use the deaths they caused to push gun control." The first thing I thought of. They got caught with their hand in the trap on fast and furious and I thought this with that bar shooting down south and now with this.
Why would he boobytrap his apt. Then tell LE that he did? It doesn't make sense. Heck none of this does, but it just doesn't fit. Full body armor, and surrenders, then tells the people he set a booby trap for about it. Did he have a conscience after shooting babys? Or is there more.... It's just strange. .....
Previous Batman movies the Joker allowed himself to be captured and then told the authorities about a series of bombs that were set to go off. The fact that he's claiming to be "the joker" by dying his hair and even telling that to the authorities. Doenst seem overly far fetched given the situation.
Hooray for Netflix, Hulu and HBO2Go. Boo for Pistol Free Zones. One legal carry individual could have stopped the carnage.
Looks like Lautenberg already has a bill writen out to ban hi cap mags again. Wonder what made the shooter snap.....
I also wonder what would have happened if someone had ignored the gub free zone signs and been packing that night, and had actually stopped the nutjob?
James Holmes Cops Investigating Sex Site Profile A man claiming to be James Holmes created a profile on a popular sex website just days before "The Dark Knight Rises" massacre ... in which he described his penis as "short/average" ... and law enforcement sources tell TMZ investigators are now looking at the site to determine its authenticity. "Holmes" created the profile on July 5 –– and included a picture of himself with reddish, orange hair ... just as officials in Aurora, CO said he looked when he was apprehended Friday morning. "Holmes" –– who used the screen name classicjimbo –– included a cryptic message on the top of the profile which reads, "Will you visit me in prison?" <Continued in link>
I've thought that as well; it's just too 'pat'. After 25 years of teaching high school, I've seen so many kids ape whatever is in vogue. Of course, at 24, the shooter isn't really a "kid" but each year I teach, it seems more and more kids are less and less grounded in reality: homework, sports, an after school job. Their cell phones are all but attached to their heads and an increasingly large number of them can't function if they can't text every 5 minutes. And every year, I have a student who is quiet but angry and one or two who are very vocal drama queens. I looked at the photo of the shooter here and got chills. I've seen his like at 14 and 15. There are armies of them and many one of them be easy enough to push toward such a theatrical and violent act. I don't know if BO would dare try an end around of the 2A with an Exec Order, (surely not).
Just a NOTE, here: The latest count is: 71 Injured, 12 Killed, Not ALL 71 were shot. A few were injured, trying to leave the theater, in the panic.... The Police Chief corrected the count 60 minutes ago, and also stated that his earlier Report, that all the injured were shot, was NOT Correct.....
Things that make you go hummm.. Worth a read peeps!
Makes sense although in my experience as a teacher, the 'shy' ones can be ticking bombs. Note Mike Adams says the shooter did do some role playing games. Sounds to me like this guy may have been one of those very malleable types.
If there had been someone who had carried their gun and did stop the attack the person probally would have been charged with having a firearm and then told the PD could have taken care of the problem. Hate to say that but seen it happen before where a citizen helps out and even save lives get turned into the bad guy. I also find it odd that this happen at this time with all the anti-gun B/S going around and then the UN deal of selling American rights and souls by the goverment. It wouldn't surprise me to see this guy connected with one of the ant-gun groups but if so we will never know, it will be covered up and made look like some kind of rumors spread by gun owners.
Came across this just a few moments ago:
Like I said, he surrendered and told the police his apartment was boobytrapped when his mental conditioning aka brainwashing wore off. Classic Hegelian "Create the problem, then give them the solution"
Will these idiots never stop? Another reason for gun grabbers to try and take them from honest citizens. This does not add up, I don't care what spin they put on it. Too many things wrong with the big picture. Don't you just love this society more and more everyday?